Wolf RPG
Silverlight Terrace you could rattle the stars - Printable Version

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you could rattle the stars - Iaghe - May 20, 2024

for @Fleurette <3 (a little girl time for these two)

she had kept the pelts from her most recent hunts. now was not a time to ask for tips on how the village wolves made such fine furs but she had seen them do it, once or twice.

before the loss that had shaken them all so deeply.

iaghe had stayed from the ulax out of respect, entering only to leave small offerings amongst the villagers -- meat and hides and herbs. it would not heal their hurts but she hoped it might help somehow, in some way. and only to sing the strange songs in her father's tongue to honor the memory of a woman she would never get to know.

these two, however, she had kept. the soft striped pelt of a raccoon, for herself. and the fine coat of a fox, autumnal and vibrant in color -- for it reminded her of fleur.

once moistened, she pinned the edges of the fox fur beneath unsure paws. setting her teeth to it, she began the painstaking process of scraping its underside with her jaws.

RE: you could rattle the stars - Fleurette - May 22, 2024

Fleurette had isolated herself from the village during the days following the loss of one of their own. The overwhelming sorrow and grief weighed heavily on her, even though she didn't personally know the woman who had passed away. Tears streamed down her face during the hushed moments after the farewell ceremony, seeking solace with Andr and Iaghe.

She ventured to find the latter, her steps a little lighter now. It wasn’t long before she found Iaghe, who was engrossed in working on an unidentified piece of hide, Fleurette's footsteps were gentle as she neared her. Observing Iaghe's focus on the task, Fleurette inquired softly, "Hello, Iaghe. What are you working on there?"