Wolf RPG
Deepwood Weald only for a moment, and the moment's gone - Printable Version

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only for a moment, and the moment's gone - Aditya - May 21, 2024

for @Minnow and babes!

arrey, niece, aditya called softly, approaching the den site with tentative pawsteps. he was newly come again and wasn't sure how she'd receive him, though was reasonably confident the woman wouldn't turn him away completely.

still, he'd keep his distance. i've brought you something, he murmured, dropping a fresh-killed squirrel near the pathway to the whelping den. not much, but would help keep her fed, at least.

how are you feeling? he asked, straightening and smiling gently.

RE: only for a moment, and the moment's gone - Minnow - June 01, 2024

She was a new mother and all this was so new to her but she was happy to be around family. She definitely enjoyed the little visit from her brother though she often wondered where tuft had disappeared to. She was starting to forget him as of late; all of her time being devoted to her babies.

Today a new visitor came; her uncle. She offered a smile and gestured him inside. She was wary of the others but her family she trusted. “You can come see them if you’d like.” She wanted them to know their family. “I am well now that my anxieties have subsided.” She was confident that she could do this whole motherhood thing.

RE: only for a moment, and the moment's gone - Aditya - June 01, 2024

she put on a strong front, even if she wasn't quite feeling that way inside. he gave her much credit for it. smiling, he gingerly stuck his head into the whelping den, taking in the three babies at her belly.

they're beautiful, aditya murmured, smiling. three healthy children. you're blessed.

he didn't bring up her missing mate. it felt wrong; he probably wouldn't have left her mind, anyway—and he was guilty of the same sin. it would be hypocrisy on his part.

he was trying to cleanse himself of that.

we're here for you, you know, he promised minnow. you and them. they'll grow up strong and healthy.