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Nova Peak return - Printable Version

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return - Dagur - May 22, 2024

Dagur had led @Goldeneye to Dragonspine.

The closer they came to the slopes of the land, the more comfortable he became. Not yet fully confident, but clearly proud to be a part of all this. Anything that kept numbers on his side and his stomach full was a thing to take pride in.

His emerald gaze looked towards the man he had brought back.

It would be a good thing to show hunting skills in their return and the man has seemed to know something about injuries. Maybe just scars. Dagur was not certain, truthfully. Only hopeful that this would work for everyone.


RE: return - Goldeneye - May 22, 2024

The mountain was intimidating as it was gorgeous. From here, the summit was barely visible among the clouds - he let his eyes trace the rocky ridges and swathes of pine before coming to rest on the green gaze of the boy. An air of importance surrounded Dagur and Goldeneye supposed he should ready himself to meet the other two residents of Dragonspine.

Puffing out his chest, he drew himself as tall as his lithe frame would allow, slinging the hare he had caught over his shoulders. "Came all this way, didn't I? The least I could do is say hello." He almost laughed at how sure he sounded, given it was not at all how he felt inside.

While his tone remained light, his thoughts raced with anticipation as he gave his pelt a last-minute groom. Did he look smart enough? Would they like him? "I'm ready."

RE: return - Dagur - May 22, 2024

It was a good point, even if Dagur selfishly hoped for more than just a hello from all of this.

Regardless, he knew it wasn't his call in the end.

He tipped his head back and called out for either @Raider or @Riley to come see who he'd brought home. They would have ultimate say here in the matter of Goldeneye becoming Dragonspine.

RE: return - Masquerade - May 22, 2024

Cameo! :)

Mm, Raider mumbled when the sound of a distant howl disturbed her sleep.

She didn’t fully wake. She smacked her lips and rolled her head around on the floor, murmuring a few more incoherent things, Riley’s name among them. Within thirty seconds, she dropped back into exhausted sleep, her sore body curling slightly around the three bundles at her breast.

Hopefully her mate was a little more aware.

RE: return - Riley - May 22, 2024

Riley couldn’t sleep. He kept staring at his mate as she curled around their three children — a perfect crescent moon to three orbiting satellites.

A howl cut through the dugout. Riley gave his mate a gentle kiss as to not wake her, and made for the borders.

He was met with Dagur and a new face; this one was built light, with a dark hood. Riley’s tail waved amicably in Dagur’s direction before addressing the pair. Hello, Dagur. Who is that?

RE: return - Goldeneye - May 22, 2024

pls poke me if it's not my turn

Dagur called and Goldeneye waited, nervous, though not outwardly so. He was expecting the arrival of two wolves - that's what the boy had told him on the glacier. And so, imagine his surprise when only one appeared.

He was thrown a little as the perfect meeting he had concocted in his head crumbled. "Heyyyy, there," he greeted the umber man awkwardly, unsure if he should jump in and introduce himself. Instead, he turned to Dagur, deciding to let the boy take charge. This was his pack, after all.

RE: return - Dagur - May 22, 2024

you are all good!! it'll be dagur -> riley -> goldeneye :)

His tail waved, content and pleased in equal turns to see the face of Riley.

It seemed both his leader and possible to-be packmate were content to let him jumpstart the introductions here.

Goldeneye, hunter and healer. He wants place to be. His focus and words had been directed towards Riley until he had finished speaking. Then he turned his gaze to look towards the dark head of Goldeneye. An encouraging look given.

Dragonspine would not bite, unless given reason.

RE: return - Riley - May 24, 2024

Riley gave a neutral wag of his tail as the spotlight shifted to the hooded male; he assumed Dagur wouldn’t be bringing strangers for handouts, so when Goldeneye was introduced and his skills discussed, the male’s posture somewhat relented.

He wasn’t used to being in a position of power — and once again wished for Masque to be here; but she was understandably preoccupied, and he would do his best to stand in her place.

Hello, Goldeneye. Riley started, noting the man was at unease. I’m Riley, one of the alphas here at Dragonspine. What would Masque say?

We are in need of hunters, so your skills would be useful here. We are friendly with the pack to our west, and our east. We’re a family just looking out for our own. If that’s something that would interest you, you are more than welcome in Dragonspine.

RE: return - Goldeneye - May 24, 2024

There was nothing special about the male other than, perhaps, his dark pelage that reminded Goldeneye vaguely of his father - not that he had much connection to the man. How many times had he pumped and dumbed his mother? He couldn't quite recall.

Dagur's demeanour and Riley's introduction soon set him at ease and he met his companion's gaze with a small smile before turning his full attention to the alpha. "Good to meet you, Riley." He eased himself into gentle small talk as he considered the information carefully. There was a sense of relief knowing Dragonspine seemed like a regular bunch, at least from an outsider's perspective.

"Been looking for somewhere to call home - somewhere to put my skills to use. I set out without much of a plan until I met Dagur," his tail picked up a happy rhythm as he spoke of the boy. "My family hasn't always met the gold standard, but we look out for each other as you do. I'd love to find a place here if you'd have me."

RE: return - Dagur - May 26, 2024

Dagur felt content.

He watched and more importantly listened. He had tried to recall how Raider had sold him on Dragonspine, but now he wanted to know how Riley did it. These were skills he could use again, beyond this time with Goldeneye.

Stay? Yes? Good?

He did not speak them but there was a near boyish and expectant look as he settled a gaze upon Riley. As if he gazed upon the smarter older brother — that he had never had, of course.

RE: return - Riley - May 29, 2024

Been looking for somewhere to call home, Goldeneye explained. That statement resonated with Riley more than he showed — for he and Masque had been looking for just that, also.

Finally, they settled on the Peak.

He shook out the remaining tension in his neck — the body language between them all had relaxed, and Riley was the type to believe someone if they stated their intentions.

Welcome to Dragonspine, then. Riley finalized with a slight smile. Shall we put all our skills to the test with a hunt? It had been some time since he’d been able to bring down big game — with three of them here, their odds were positive.

He glanced to Dagur appreciatively, noticing the way the male glanced between him and Goldeneye.

RE: return - Dagur - June 13, 2024

im gonna fade us out since goldeneye is on NPC now! lmk if you want this reopened at all tho <3

All was settled and everything was right.

Another body for hunting and patrolling. One that could heal too, when the times called for it.

Now they would solidify themselves as one unit! A hunt would further bring them together and bond them under the banner of Dragonspine.