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Cassiopeia's View [M]anipulate the strings to get a better view - Printable Version

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[M]anipulate the strings to get a better view - Kalevi - May 24, 2024

@Cynna Set to take place on 5.25

it had taken much patience to climb the ravine. but even as tired as he was, it was too early to call it quits. there were expectations to meet. and he'd be damned if he let Joker best him again. 

the perfect home would be found, in time. but until then, it was time to get to know this new little world just a bit better. 

RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - Cynna - May 24, 2024

Area description for my reference: A high shelf on The Moonspear's mountain range that boasts a clear view over the tops of the forests and peaks to the ocean in the far distance. Thank you for starting the thread!

A rust-colored coyote female, just shy of her third year, lounged on her back, basking in the sun. Her tongue lolled out from the side of her mouth, quick panting kept her from overheating as the overhead heat beat down on her. The climb to this spot was rough, the mountain range jagged and borderline treacherous, so this respite was highly welcomed.

RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - Kalevi - May 24, 2024

the mountains, similar to those that surrounded the ravine, were a welcome sight. a protective shield, though not such an easy view through to the ledges above. 

water was near. he could hear it running, the sounds echoing. but to get there he would have to climb. 

and so he went to work. 

after a slow effort, he finally reached one of the higher peaks. but this is where he needed to stop. to rest, only for a moment. 

RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - Cynna - May 24, 2024

No sooner had she closed her eyes and felt the pull of sunbathing-induced sleep did she hear the arrival of…something. Not a little something, by the sound of it; her ears twitched and swiveled to the culprit. She craned her neck, her good eye landing on a rather large wolf. One that she swore was at least a billion times larger than herself. 

It was a someone. A male someone, at that!

All this deduction had been done upside-down, and the position she was in was too comfortable, the vulnerability only giving off a sense of poor little me; I am small, do not hurt me, all while distracting him from the truth of it. She wants him to come closer—if nothing but to get him before he gets her.

So, she began the game, sending him a yip in greeting.

Let’s go, pretty boy.

RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - Kalevi - May 24, 2024

first, there is silence.

but then there is something more... a yip!

just as quick as the sound comes, the man's head snaps toward it. 

eyes narrowed, his feet carry him toward the owner of the voice. 

small and no wolf. possibly bait. this is all he can deduct. but until there is more, he will not move any closer, deciding to pause just a few feet in distance.

RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - Cynna - May 24, 2024

Her voice was like smoke; dark and raspy, as if the very fires of Hell lived within her. “Hey…honey, it’s a little rude not to return a simple…hello.” Her words were filled with the very nickname she gave the man. Sweet and sticky. 

She settled deeper, letting loose her limbs, while her eye remained on the mountain of the mountains, like the sun bearing down upon the earth.

RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - Kalevi - May 24, 2024

so. she was a demanding one. 

a vixen, more-like. but he could be called a liar if he said he wasn't intrigued.

canting his head to the side, his teeth grated back and forth slowly before a response was finally granted. you haven't yet earned such a kindness from me.

RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - Cynna - May 24, 2024

Hawk-like as he regarded her, she felt a tinge prey, but she pushed it down as her tail swished languidly, a cat-toy that, maybe, the man would want as his plaything. Or, her whole self, even. She snickered, both at her own thoughts and the words he sent her way.

“Mmm, I was told by a male—much larger than you, no doubt—not too long ago that I deserve all the good in this world. I assumed kindness was involved in that sentiment. Hmm—I did do a fine job at rocking his world.” She feigned the reminiscing of her, quite false and highly dramatized, moment of greatness, humming to herself in a wistful-like manner. It was quite comical, her internal laughter threatening to burst.

RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - Kalevi - May 24, 2024

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Light suggestions

all the kindness in the world, huh?

but how well did he know her before admitting such a thing? or was it perhaps just a man sweet-talking a pretty woman for the benefits? 

he couldn't help the amused, toothy grin that took hold of his expression at the possibilities. 

prowling closer, he unabashedly posed as a predator. though, it wasn't the desire to fill his belly that urged him onward. but maybe only to fill hers.

she had goaded him, he knew. but her sweet words tethered him regardless. for a man kept far from women for so long, the temptation was hard to resist. and she boasted of her talents so easily. would he not be a fool to turn his eye at such an opportunity?

you speak so highly of your ability to please a man. but why should I believe you, if not to have the proof for myself? 

the bait had been cast. but this time, he was the one luring, not her.

RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - Cynna - May 24, 2024

Oh…so, he has decided to play her game? How splendid. She was hooked, the man’s magnetism reeled her in, much as her own want to play. At least she escaped danger…or was she actually toying with it? She really didn’t care, the promise in the man’s words was just too good.

And, all good things were hers, were they not?

She rolled herself onto all fours as he stalked her, her steps careful as she made her way to him in kind, stopping just slightly past his shoulder; she did not drop gaze as she threw his words back at him.“Honey, you haven't yet earned such a kindness from me.”

And, she bolted, her coyote laughter trailing behind her as if to say:

Come get me. 

RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - Kalevi - May 24, 2024

"honey, you haven't yet earned such a kindness from me."

the minx! 

how dare she use his own taunts against him!

and yet, it only makes him that more interested.

with a snarl more playful than he thought himself capable, he tore after the siren, his arms at the ready to capture and take what he now deemed rightfully his.

RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - Cynna - May 25, 2024

The half-hearted snarl and the sound of claws scraping at the stone beneath for traction behind her was like music to her ears. This was fun. The most she had in quite some time. She whooped as she ran from the trailing hunter, forgetting for a moment that she was supposed to be acting like prey.

She decided then, rather quickly but not out of the norm for the coyote, that she liked the danger—and the things she liked tended to become hers. He would be hers to claim; it was her way, after all. Whether he intended to reciprocate was his own business and it bothered her none which way he chose.

She skidded to turn and face him, her back arched and lips pulled in a feral open smile, tail flicking. The intent was to look menacing, challenging, but this was part of the game; she knew that once he came upon her she would become pliable, a little plaything for the giant. Her eye said as much.

It was only right.

RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - Kalevi - May 25, 2024

a slight amount of pp here, if that's alright! if anything needs to be changed, please let me know! ^^

she could only go so far before she would turn to face him.

and that she did; soon with her rump high in an inviting way, and her expression like that of a tiny, feral feline. if he wasn't so distracted by the need to take from her the pleasure he'd been craving, he may have it all rather cute.

he doesn't stop when he comes nearer, but only slows. once within arms length, he turns on her flank, head dipping under her body to push her against her side or back. whichever his strength succeeds first. 

then he's on her, body hovering, teeth around her throat. it is the act of a predator's kill, but he doesn't bite hard. it is only to demand her submission. he will not take from a woman who fights him; but only one who is pliant and willing to recieve the honor of his attentions. for he does not offer it to many.

RE: [M]anipulate the strings to get a better view - Cynna - May 25, 2024

All good! What a joining thread! ;)

She didn’t particularly pay much attention to what happened between her turning and his advancing, but she arrived completely to the present as she found herself on her back and his jaws on her throat. Yet, there was no fear; nothing to be found but liquid heat in the core of her, spreading out into every limb. 

She hummed a throaty moan for his teeth to feel. For his tongue to taste.

Her mind went back to the mere moments before he arrived on that ledge, when her thoughts were on the land she overlooked, and wondered what it would be like to rule the world?

And, this male, the one who ruled her in this very moment, would do well at her side. He played her game, no questions and no hesitation. He took what she gave, and she only thought it kind to accept what he gave, whatever that may be, in return.

Especially, if it meant they would have more stolen moments to themselves in this manner. Oh, who was she kidding? She doesn’t care if there’s an audience; these moments could really happen anywhere!

So, she let him claim her, if that’s what he wanted, by giving in to his need for proof“Take your kindness…Honey.” Her voice just above a whisper as she softened for him.

RE: [M]anipulate the strings to get a better view - Kalevi - May 25, 2024

we can either fade and continue, or fade and end! up to you! ^^

when she grew soft beneath his hold, the tingle coursing through his spine would let him hesitate no longer. 

oh, I will take every ounce, he promises in a throaty, hungry growl. everything you have to give, it is mine. from this moment, until he decided he was finished with her. 

and he readied to do just that, dragging her up by her nape. settling in his place behind her, arms on either side, he drew her in a close embrace. 

but he wasn't finished manhandling her just yet. no! she seemed to enjoy it. and he was more than happy to oblige. 

he took hold of her neck again, ensuring that she couldn't escape his hold when she learned that his love-making was far more rough and demanding than most would expect. but that was how he liked it. and she would enjoy every second of what he had to give.

RE: [M]anipulate the strings to get a better view - Cynna - May 25, 2024

maybe a couple quick rounds to get the pack joining aspect in there haha they have a different sort of joining going on XD

She did enjoy everything he gave her. Thoroughly and immensely, begging for it a million times over. But, her curiosity got the best of her in a moment of stillness, and her words worked from a dry, hoarse, throat.

“What is it that you want most in this world?” She licked her lips, slowly, as she watched him. Though she wanted an answer, she couldn’t help but attempt to distract him. She was never truly done with her games.

RE: [M]anipulate the strings to get a better view - Kalevi - May 25, 2024

when he'd given himself to her, and taken in return, he wound up dragging her to nature's ground below, an arm holding her firmly against him. 

such a silly question. what does anyone want in the world? to survive... to live the best life we know we are capable of. and he knew he was capable of a great many things. 

but only with his brothers at his side. 

the reminder of their absence sent his gaze to the distance, searching, as though he may find them returning to him at any moment. 

RE: [M]anipulate the strings to get a better view - Cynna - May 25, 2024

To survive... to live the best life we know we are capable of.

She was capable of many things, surviving was one of them. Her left eye was a testament of her will to push and persevere; it served as a reminder that she earned this life and should live it in exactly his words. A man had not told her she deserved the world…

She did.

And, with her good eye, set ablaze by what life laid before her now, she found the man’s own, noticing that his gaze had seemed far off. The inferno left in their wake receded as his eyes had gone elsewhere, leaving her feeling cold. She curled into him to slowly, sensually, lick him from the base of his neck to ear, ending with a soft nip to the base of it, desperately yearning for his attention to return to her.

“Then, let’s do just that, honey. Call me Cynna. Or, yours. Whichever you prefer.”

RE: [M]anipulate the strings to get a better view - Kalevi - May 25, 2024

he felt her tongue. her teeth. her nose. all teasing against his flesh. 

nipping lightly at her muzzle, he growled in warning. unless you're ready to go again, you'd better cut that out. 

or maybe she did. in that which case, he wouldn't deny her. 

Ace.. he offered then, a small grunt following. 

and yes, you are mine. he couldn't help but grin wolfishly at that. she understood her place with him now, without him even having to explain it. was it a coincidence that they'd melded together so easily? 

RE: [M]anipulate the strings to get a better view - Cynna - May 25, 2024

All set to fade here. <3 This was a an absolute blast of a thread! Excited to see where these two go!


The name curled around and within her, caressing her mind before pulling a very specific memory from the past. Her family had once believed in the numbers one—or rather, ace— to ten. The Ace was, by nature, the beginning and end of all.

If she ever needed proof that these numbers held truth, she had it. It stood against her now, threatening her with a good time. And, boy, did her toes curl at his utterance of mine. She had absolutely no problem with the position the universe had placed her.

He was her beginning and end. She could feel it.

Just as much as she could feel the heady need return to her again.

“I don’t think I want to cut it out. Come on, sugar, let’s claim another part of the world.”

She dashed off, not before landing a bite on his shoulder, hard enough to leave marks, another coyote whoop sent behind her as she ran. 

Another game.

It was her way to claim what was hers.

And, when it came to Ace and this world?


RE: [M]anipulate the strings to get a better view - Kalevi - May 25, 2024

I agree! I enjoyed it immensely! I'll have another up for us soon, hopefully. ^^

claim another part of the world, huh? 

well that sounded fine and dandy to him. 

with a roar of laughter, he pushed to his feet and bound after her.

it was time to continue his exploration of this new world. and now, he wouldn't be doing it alone.