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Redtail Rise new moon - Printable Version

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new moon - Moon Runner - May 24, 2024

Somehow, following the frightening seizure, Moon Runner had dragged herself to a shallow dirt-floor den beneath a plinth of stone. There, she began to whither as infection ravaged her body. Quickly, she dropped weight despite any offerings of food… the girl couldn’t keep a meal down.

You musn’t give up! her spirit begged its vessel. We are stronger than this!

But Moon Runner’s body was tired, and the place where she lay was so dark and cool.

RE: new moon - New Snow - May 24, 2024

Someone watched the cubs. New Snow had found her daughter. She chewed food and provided it to her daughter, who refused most of it. New Snow soaked herself in water and rest next to her to cool her further.

New Snow whined lowly. You are strong, came her noises, and then, I am here.

RE: new moon - Redd - May 25, 2024

Instinct still told her that, healer or not, Moon Runner could not remain here.  So it was with the authority of Wealda she now approached, rumbling a discontented note and nosing the other wolf’s side.  If she could not rise then Wealda would move her.  No living thing could last without water.

made a couple assumptions, lmk if I need to update, I just didn’t want to do another thread since I’ve been so slow of late!  She would have visited, but feel free to assume whatever answer and go from there

Edit: cut most of this post since it no longer fit!

RE: new moon - Moon Runner - May 28, 2024

Feel free to PP Moon Runner at will!

Moon Runner was so very thankful for Mother’s presence. She was deliriously feverish, but most of all scared. Encouragement was the best medicine she could receive, but it would not stop Moon Runner from whimpering help me.

Wealda was there, too. Moon Runner weakly shifted one leg under herself, but it was clear she could not move herself.

RE: new moon - New Snow - May 30, 2024

New Snow said in whimper-wines, I will. And then came their leader. New Snow watched her, and when her daughter could not move either New Snow rose to assist in bringing her daughter to a stand. 

She would follow Wealdas lead. Gratitude shone in her gaze; New Snow did not know what to do here otherwise, sensing the closeness that was the merciless knifepoint of nature, directed toward one she loved so fiercely. She wanted to stand in the way of it—let it take her, not the daughter who had lived too little of life to be taken from her now.

RE: new moon - Redd - June 01, 2024

The she-wolf could not stand.  Wealda grasped her scruff and, with New Snow’s help, carried her to the stream’s edge.  There was a place with shade and cool earth still, but also in reach of the water.  Moon Runner had lost weight already; Wealda found it easier to move her, yet took no comfort in this.

Redd whined low and nudged Moon Runner’s muzzle encouragingly, wetting the tip of her muzzle and willing her to drink.  The blood of hunt lead was strong.  The pack needed her strength as well.

If Caru was here, then Berserker or her sister was likely watching the den.  Wealda noted this silently, but her focus was mainly held to her ailing hunt sister.  There was little else she could do.

RE: new moon - New Snow - June 18, 2024

Her sickly daughter occupied her mind. She wondered how she might best take care of her, and knew it was with Wealda. Following her lead, they brought her daughter to the destination slow step by slow step. But New Snow had endless patience for her cubs, grown or otherwise. 

She observed her daughter, prepared to do whatever else she must.

RE: new moon - Moon Runner - June 21, 2024

The next thing she knew, Moon Runner felt the pinch of Wealda’s strong teeth at her nape. Then, her paws raked against the earth as her alpha and Mother dragged her from the den, which would have certainly become a death place.

Delirious, Moon Runner didn’t even realize she was beside water until Wealda put a drip upon her nose. Her weight shifted upon one elbow as her tongue pulled in small mouthfuls.

It was only because of her clan that Moon Runner would survive.

RE: new moon - Redd - July 01, 2024

Eventually Wealda would leave this to New Snow, return to check on the pups in the den before taking to the borders with defensive ire setting her pelt on edge.  This nervous energy drove her towards any action needed.

But for now she would remain and watch protectively as Moon Shadow drank, a silent and approving presence.  She was strong.  There was hope in that clear desire to live.

With a low, encouraging whine, Redd gave both a fond nudge to the cheek before she departed.  She would return later to see how things progressed.