Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley hareta sōgen - Printable Version

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hareta sōgen - Keiko - May 24, 2024

omg @Drust I FINALLY got some bandwidth for Keiko if you are still around!

Winter became Spring, and soon Spring would become Summer.

Cicaeda's began to buzz as the temperature rose. The valley grew lush and Keiko found herself busy! Weeds and vines attempted to gain purchase on her shrine, but the white waif was a deft gardener and kept the holy space for Hokkyokusei-sama prestine.

RE: hareta sōgen - Drust - May 24, 2024

Drust slowly rose from his place of rest. His mouth agape as he stretched out into a downward dog and yawned. A faint whistle escaped his jaws before they closed and a large tongue passed over his muzzle capturing the dew drops that rested on his snout from this morning's sprinkle. A light misting of moisture clung to the surface of his coat as though they were blades of grass.

The bear lumbered over towards the shrine knowing his priestess would be there performing her daily rituals. But there was a new activity being performed today, one that made the bear tilt his head to the side. He watched as the priestess methodically clawed at and bit strands of foliage.

RE: hareta sōgen - Keiko - May 29, 2024

Keiko was particular in her plant-culling. She pulled old stalks of fescus grass and bitterroot from the rocks and trees but left the lush green moss and native violet. Every remaining flora was artfully placed to balance the shrine’s design.

The pale fur on her forehead became hot and damp with effort, yet it was satisfying work.

She heard Hokkyokusei-sama venture over to inspect his priestess’ craft.

Keiko greeted the Ookami with a bow. “Ohayō Gozaimasu,” she said politely… but an undertone of excitement permeated her voice. She had a surprise to show him!

The Miko excused herself momentarily and returned with a small sapling of Mountain Laurel, root-ball and all, she had propagated herself. Its evergreen leaves were like the Akai Ki tree of the shrine – a sign of the Gods. A single bunch of pale white, geometric-shaped flowers had started to bloom.

=“I grew this for you, great deity,”= she explained. Keiko gestured with a paw, first, upon her breast. =“As a symbol of my devotion as your eternal servant and your everlasting greatness.”=

She took a step back and regarded the shrine. =“Where would you like it to grow?"= she asked with a smile.

RE: hareta sōgen - Drust - June 06, 2024

'Ohayō Gozaimasu' A phrase he'd come accustomed to hearing when he first saw her in the morning.

It brought a faint smile to the corners of his large jowls. He could hear her melody and how it rang a pinch chipper this morning than usual. When she stepped away to fetch her surprise the bear found himself taking a step in her direction, but restrained himself and waited patiently.

The Miko returned with a branch which she held gently with care. A string of notes were sung, their meaning intangible to the bear. Her paw lifted and gestured to herself. The bear stepped forward closer to her and his nostrils huffed as he inspected the branch more closely. Only under closer inspection, it was no ordinary branch. Little white flowers bloomed at the end with light pink patterns inside the petals. No strong fragrance emanated from the flowers, but they were pleasant on the eyes. Especially mixed in against the background of the Miko's pale coat.

As she stepped back and regarded the shrine her tone was curious, questioning. 

He pondered a moment. Then slowly began to walk backward away from the shrine, until eventually, he stopped, getting a more holistic view of the shrine and its surroundings.