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Swiftcurrent Creek someone new - Printable Version

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someone new - Bazi - December 05, 2014

Maybe @Kaede and my favourite Starr will join? :D

Even though Bazi technically occupied the pack's lowest rank, it didn't feel that way. She was a stranger to many in the pack, perhaps even an unwelcome returnee to some, though she had yet to meet anyone that would actively tell her so to her face. Kaskara, Paarthurnax, and Kieran treated her as though nothing had changed.. and Scimitar was coming round to considering forgiving her. Or so it seemed.

Today, Bazi made it her mission to seek out someone new - someone that had no idea where she had been, or why, and didn't care. She put her nose to the ground and soon found an unfamiliar scent trail that she followed to the eastern of the two Guardians that watched over the Creek, white tail waving gently behind her.

RE: someone new - Kaede IA - December 05, 2014

always! <3 :D

Kaede had been lurking near the borders of the Creek today, set on hunting but really wanting to check out some of the surrounding area. He had joined the pack without really exploring much around it, possibly a folly but time had been short.

His dirt-hued pelt had taken on its winter thickness so he hardly noticed the cold. It was pretty harsh where he came from. Today seemed particularly balmy though and he was taking the opportunity to track down some prey. He did not wish to shirk on his part and it seemed hunting was the most useful way he could use his time. Relations meant little when hunger struck as badly as it seemed to be hitting. No matter how close, sharing wasn't something packs normally participated in.

Hearing a noise behind him, Kaede's ears immediately twisted to focus, and he turned quietly. His size didn't lend him much advantage so he normally relied on stealth and precision when it came to the hunt. He soon noted that it was not prey that approached, but another wolf, and he sighed. So much for hoping. "Hey," he greeted the stranger, noting immediately that she was pack and therefore not a threat.

RE: someone new - Bazi - December 06, 2014

The wolf she eventually found greeted her casually and without suspicion. Bazi rewarded him with a closedlipped smile and an enthusiastic wag of her tail. It felt good to be in the presence of someone that didn't know her at all - the opposite of what she would have thought a year ago.

"Hi," she replied, surveying the wolf in front of her. He was of middling size, pelted in warm hues, and looked to be of a sleek build beneath the weight of his winter coat. "Bazi. Returning Swiftcurrent veteran and... hungry. Fancy helping me stalk something? "

RE: someone new - Kaede IA - December 06, 2014

Returning veteran, eh? Kaede wondered how often that was allowed to happen. In his experience, those who left rarely returned. He had no intentions to go back, though he knew his place would be held as hers had been. His was a family pack, though, and his parents would never turn away a child who wished to reside with them.

"Those were just my thoughts. So far I haven't been having much luck. Perhaps with two that will change." He agreed, tail waving at her friendly manner. He had no idea of her former station or current standing, nor did he much care to at the moment. The thought of a hunt was much more agreeable. "Since you are a veteran here, any ideas on where we should start?"

RE: someone new - Bazi - December 09, 2014

He responded with more than two words, which thrilled her. "Yes!" she responded, a little to enthusiastically, and was forced to cover up her enthusiasm with a cough and a repeated "Yes - sure. This way." The pale girl turned south-east, indicating for the male to follow. "I don't know if I can help you out with anything bigger than a couple of rabbits.. are you quick?"

RE: someone new - Kaede IA - December 21, 2014

Peppy wasn't she? He thought silently, but without any annoyance. It was refreshing to be greeted enthusiastically, so he rather enjoyed it, and the prospect of a hunt was even better. He fell in step next to her, a bit behind, following her lead and listening as she detailed her status.

"That's about my only strong suit when it comes to a hunt, really," he said with a smile, shrugging. He'd accepted long ago that he was neither the strongest nor the best when it came to taking down prey, but rabbits he could certainly manage (he hoped). "Small is good in my opinion. Leave the bigger game to those more... suited." Like Scimitar. Kaede had little doubt their beast of an Alpha had taken down his fair share of large creatures.

As long as they had a few moments, though... he figured he might as well find out something about at least one of these wolves he was going to be sharing a home with. "If you don't mind my asking... your line hails from the north, yes? How did you come to be this far south?" They weren't super south, per say, but he had not met many arctics in his travels. Granted he was also young, so maybe her being here was not as odd as it would seem right now.

RE: someone new - Bazi - December 24, 2014

Archive, since Kaede's going? :D I'll slap an end on this, put it in the archive if it's OK with you!

Bazi grinned at him. "Mine, too. Scimitar and Kaskara could probably bring down a boar by breathing on it, but I reckon they'd struggle a bit with rabbit" she guessed. The Frostfur siblings were enormous, and perfectly adapted to the jobs they occupied.

"Is it weird that I don't know? My family got s-.. split up; I just woke up here. Something moved me.. I'm not really sure what it was. I haven't really left Swiftcurrent since, apart from that visit to the Glacier in the north.. not my greatest move." The Arctic wolf gave a little toss of her head, and picked up the pace - neither thread of conversation was one she wished to pursue. "I think there are still some warrens around here, so we should really keep quiet."

RE: someone new - Kaede IA - December 28, 2014

sounds good!! :( I wanted more with him but sadly need to cut back

He smiled at the image she brought up, completely doubtless as to the truth of the statement. "Too true." At least their pack had a variety of talents. He would never be a warden or a warrior, but that was why he had joined. They could offer what he alone could not.

She faltered a bit, but he thought nothing of it. "A bit strange, yes. Though I am sure there are stranger tales. And you've had no sign of your family since? I am sorry, that must be hard." He couldn't imagine it. He loved his dearly even still.

He shut his mouth then though, following her and keeping a sharp eye out. The instant he caught movement he would be off like a shot, hopefully coming up with something for them rather than empty-pawed.