Wolf RPG
Haunted Wood If it was always meant to be yours, then take it - Printable Version

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If it was always meant to be yours, then take it - Kalevi - May 25, 2024

@Cynna had stayed close, and he for that, he was glad. the company she brought was pleasant, as were other things too. 

stay close, he grumbled. these woods are strange. who knows what's lurking. or maybe he just wanted to feel her close and know that she was near enough to touch when he desired it. 

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Cynna - May 25, 2024

Her response was laced with feline grace as she rubbed along the length of him, keeping her good eye to the outer periphery. Lucky for her, thanks to her left-side as her blindspot, her place beside him would be on the right; the perfection of how this all played out did not escape the woman.

“Honey, you don’t have to tell me twice. Any excuse to touch, or be touched, by you is heeded. Immediately.” She purred the last word, her lips reaching to grace his ear. It was highly suggestive, but she also understood the severity in his warning, and did as she was commanded.

These woods felt…dangerous.

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Kalevi - May 25, 2024

he'd bid her stay near, and oh, did she.

a pleased rumble sounded, his tail swatting playfully against her side as his gait propelled him forward. 

I'm not ready to stop, so don't tempt me, little minx. 

or else they may need to take a breif intermission, right here in these woods.

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Cynna - May 26, 2024

She pouted playfully, the inner corners of her brows turning upwards to play into the little minx she enjoyed playing with him. 

“Oh, alright. Fine. You don’t want me anymore. Guess I’ll just be on my way, then.” Theatrics on point, she sniffed back invisible tears and made to saunter off, flicking his nose with the tip of her tail as she passed him. 

More games. In such a scary place. 


But, she couldn’t help but to wonder what were they actually doing here?

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Kalevi - May 26, 2024

slight pp! :3

oh, no you don't... he growls, following after her retreating form and hauling her back against him. i'm far from finished with you. 

releasing her, he turned back into the direction he intended to continue. now, put that pout away and keep moving. we've got too much ground to cover.

and there he was. back in serious mode. no more games, for now.

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Cynna - May 26, 2024

Good answer. 

Oh, he played her games so well. She gave a quiet, but pleased giggle as she thumped against him. 

Back on steady paws, Cynna padded alongside him, craning her head to get a better look at him. “You’re so pressed to travel; what is it you are looking for, Ace?” She couldn’t help the small upturn to her lips as his name passed them. A reminder that she was given a new beginning by the universe in the form of this mountain of a man. Simmer down, Cynna, you cannot climb him right now, she chided herself.

She would be content just to hide away with him wherever, even here, but he was so…determined.

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Kalevi - May 26, 2024

what is it you're looking for?

his name on her lips brought him near to distraction, but he shook away the lingering thoughts. 


a new beginning, for me and my brothers. and now, by default, her as well.

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Cynna - May 26, 2024

Never one to think twice, she asked of his brothers, not knowing how touchy of a subject they would be to him. “And, where are they now?” She looked around and up over his back to emphasize the inquiry.

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Kalevi - May 26, 2024

searching. just as he was. 

but that was all he chose to say on the matter. she could figure out the rest, or make whatever assumptions she desired. 

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Cynna - May 26, 2024

That was it? They are out…searching? Alright, big man, super explanatory. Internal ere-roll abound. He wasn’t much of a talker, that’s for sure.

Hm. I could name a few other things he could do with his mouth that don’t involve talking—again, she had to silently berate herself to be good

She couldn’t resist, this debonair male had her in a chokehold—his pull was magnetic. His touch of ice and fire, leaving intimate skin-to-skin memories along her flesh. His voice like rolling thunder, booming and echoing into the farthest reaches of her. His eyes…oh, his eyes burned into her inner soul, laying waste to all that she ever was before him.

To say she was obsessed was an understatement, but she had decided she liked him, and thus meant he belonged to her. Possibly just as much as she did to him.

Which also meant that she needed to comply with his demands to keep him.

So, she followed dutifully, with a touch of sass. “Okay, cool. Keep your secrets. One day,” she paused and walked around his front to block his path as determined, sultry eyes bore into him, and the voice of soft velvet, “when you have been happily sated ten times over and exhausted in all the right ways, you’ll spill them.” Of course, she wasn’t looking for secrets, necessarily, but she wanted to know what made him tick. What made him—him. 

To know something meant mastery and to have mastery is power. And, isn’t that what we all want? Power to live the lives we want and deserve with the people who matter most? 

The power to survive.

She winked and turned, continuing in the direction in which he wanted to follow, humming to herself with her tail held high. Like she could match his dominant presence. A little outward chuckle rolled from her at the thought.

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Kalevi - May 27, 2024

he huffed at her words, but a grin still split his expression.

there is a difference between having secrets and topics you don't wish to share, little minx, he says, catching up to her side.

you will know what there is I wish to tell you. and the rest... well, I'm sure you'll figure that all out on your own.

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Cynna - May 27, 2024

She blew out an exasperated breath. Boy, he was a hard egg to crack, that’s for damn sure. 

“Well, unlike you, I’m an open book. No secrets, or, ‘topics I don't wish to share’, here.” If she had fingers, she would have emphasized with air quotes—maybe an eye roll to bring it home.

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Kalevi - May 28, 2024

point made. I'm not like you.

and with an angry huff to drive his point home, he shouldered past her and continued along his invisible path at a speed that was with no regard for her ability to keep up.

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Cynna - May 28, 2024

Hey, wait!” He bouldered past her, her lithe legs attempting, and overall failing, to keep with his stride. He was angry…at her? 

What for? Wasn’t her statement true? She was a coyote, he was a wolf. He kept secrets, she didn’t. She couldn’t find the harm in what she said, but it seemed important to apologize for whatever grievance he had against her.

She didn’t like his anger directed at her, it felt wrong—displaced, even.

“Ace, honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it, I swear.” Her words came out breathless as she tried to keep up. “I just wanted to know the man I’m traveling with—among other things.” She put some heat into her words, that was just her way. “But, I get it, you don’t want that, so I’ll just let it go.”

She went silent, lips pressed together, and her eyes forward. She would follow him in silence if that was what he asked. Anything to douse his fire.

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Kalevi - May 28, 2024

end out here, maybe, and get an up-to-date thread going?

she apologized.

but even with her sweet words, he didn't look to where she now walked beside him. 

there were no further words to be shared. he would let her fulfill her promise to remain silent for now.

perhaps later he would indulge her. but not now.

RE: If was always meant to be yours, then take it - Cynna - May 28, 2024

that works for me!

He made no notice of her and walked on. Clearly not wanting her verbal company. So, she stayed at his side, just shy of touching him. 

And, she found herself missing his attention far more than she realized.