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Ocean's Breath Plateau i live on saturn - Printable Version

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i live on saturn - Sirmiq - May 26, 2024

sirmiq was not as adventurous as some of his other siblings, and when encouraged to go off and explore, the boy often walked a few paces only to flop and sunbathe in the warm rays. he'd been stretched wide today, belly-up with limbs limp to the sun. he roused only when playful commotion passed him in kicked-up dirt and bumps to his side. 

he rolled over, gave a paw to tired eyes, and rubbed away his blissful nap. whichever of the children had awoken him were no longer within sight. he lowered his snout to the ground while tail stuck upwards like an antenna. he set after tracking down whoever it was that disturbed his nap, his little sniffer working wildly as he pressed towards the sea.

RE: i live on saturn - Rodyn - May 26, 2024

Rodyn was in the waves today. Ocean fishing was not as easy as fishing in rivers and streams. More room for the fish to dart. And frankly it could be terrifying. He had seen some of the predators in the sea when lowering his head to fish. And he had quickly tore himself from that particular area.

But today it seemed the predators were not near the shoreline and he could fish the waters in peace. Though he already had quite a small pile of fish and star fish and some other small aquatic things a lobster that had been close to death already. A few crabs. Laying there along the shore.

RE: i live on saturn - Sirmiq - May 27, 2024

he kept his nose pressed flat against the earth as he tracked down what he believed to be his siblings. tail wiggled freely as he continued to sniff his way through dirt that eventually morphed to sand. he never bothered to look up in order to see where he'd been heading, and it was only at the introduction of a far more appealing scent that the boy lifted his head. 


he pressed his nose back to the sandy shore to abandon his search for siblings and instead turned to focus on his new prize. he sniffed wildly until he came upon the collection of treats just waiting to be taken. he'd not bothered to notice the man fishing, for he was far too invested in the meal before him. he batted away the crabs, aware through past experience that they were far too much work for what little meat they held. instead he grasped a new creature between his jaws, a starfish, and began to gnaw on it contently.

RE: i live on saturn - Rodyn - May 28, 2024

The waves had begun to work againdt Rodyn so he pulled himself from the depths. And shook the water from his fur. Though sand and salt peppered his pelt.

It was with surprise, but a small laugh that he found one of Chakliux's children helping themselves to his bounty.

Hungry were ya? he asked not unkindly.

RE: i live on saturn - Sirmiq - May 28, 2024

the footsteps of someone approaching ushered out low growls for who the boy suspected was one of his littermates attempting to steal his snack. it was only when the man spoke that sirmiq raised his head to properly look at the adult. 

he recognized this one through general passing, but had never met the man officially. unconcerned with if the pile he'd taken the starfish from was the man's or not, sirmiq pulled his snack close and tucked it beneath him protectively. 

his eyes said what his mouth did not; you'll have to fight me for it!

RE: i live on saturn - Rodyn - May 28, 2024

Rodyn stopped moving forward as he was met with soft growls. He titled an ear firward and waited. A bemused expression on his face.

Rodyn shifted. thats a starfish.

He didn't want it. Instead he began chasing diwn the crabs the boy had scattered putting them bsck in his pile and scooting them closer.

Its polite to ask you know before you take someone elses snacks.

He smiled and slowly began to pack away his goodies into a fur to deposit in a nearby cache. Leaving the starfish to the youth.

RE: i live on saturn - Sirmiq - May 28, 2024

with the idea that the man wanted to reclaim his starfish suppressed, sirmiq quickly went back to gnawing on his treat. he gave a few interested blinks when told what the creature was, and then a long, silent stare when told it was polite to ask before taking. 

he did not ask when he took food from his parents. he did not ask when he took food from his siblings. why should he have to ask this man?

he did not dwell long on the thought, watchful as he gnawed and the man rounded up the scattered crabs. he paused his chewing to observe the process of packing the food in fur, a paw placed neatly upon his snack as he leaned in to sniff at the man and his work.

RE: i live on saturn - Rodyn - May 28, 2024

It seemed the youth liked his starfish. Rodyn imagined it was probably nice on nee teeth too. And it would have the taste of the sea which he found wasn't terrible. Unless a huge gulp was taken. Then well. And you never drink it of course.

Rodyn imagined the young man didn't have to ask at home. And he understood. His boys didn't have to either. But they did ask others. But it was also not his place to forrect in this aspect only remind. Once the boy got older and began to contribute to moontide. Then rodyn would correct if he must.

I'm Rodyn. I was fishing. What were you doin?

RE: i live on saturn - Sirmiq - May 28, 2024

he continued to watch carefully, up until the man spoke and asked him what he'd been up to. he glanced around, hoping to catch sight of the siblings he'd been tracking down. however none were within eyesight of the pair, and so sirmiq turned to face the man with a hesitancy he had not displayed before. 

he gave a few nervous blink as he bit down on his lips in preparation of sharing his voice. looking for siblings. looking for siblings. looking for siblings! he practiced the sentence in his head over and over and over again. it sounded perfect, he knew how to say it! and yet when he opened his mouth to speak, the words sounded just as he knew they would. 

"l-l-l-lo-loo-lookin'," he sucked in a deep breath, "f-fo-for," his eyes darted around in desperate hope that his littermates might appear so that he could point to them. but they did not. "s-s-s-si-si-sib," he tried again, "s-si-si," but he could not get the last word out and threw down his head in disappointment and embarrassment.

RE: i live on saturn - Rodyn - May 28, 2024

There was a careful watchfulness to the boy now. A wariness that up until now had not been present. He was curious.

His little brow furrowed amd he made a face. Grappling with something unseen. Rodyn didn't know what to expect. But he soon found out and his heart went out to the boy.

Rodyn went to his belly so he could look the youth in the face.

Looking for your siblings. Want some help?

He made no comment on the boys words. And he had been clear wnough the hunter could piece it together this time.

aww my guy rhonen stutters. He's is another territory. they should meet sometime

RE: i live on saturn - Sirmiq - May 29, 2024

they'll def have to meet one day!

he kept his eyes averted to the sand while they slowly rolled to land back upon the starfish he had pinned with a paw. an ear gave a twitch at the man's understanding of his words. he lifted his jaw to look half expectantly at rodyn before ushering up a nod in acceptance.

he bent down to grasp his stolen prize between his jaws before glancing around. his gaze eventually landed upon the man where the boy gave a snort in hopes of rodyn leading the way.

RE: i live on saturn - Rodyn - May 29, 2024

Rodyn stood slowly to hia feet. Stretching as his legs popped. He gave a small yawn and bent to retireve his pack. He had been busy and the ocean tired him out. It was a strong one.

Dis way

He spoke through a mouthful of fur. He'd take the youth sround the loop where the kids usually played and if not there hed safely deppsit him home.

Is the starfffish taty? I've never tried it?

His words muffled and hard to understand.

RE: i live on saturn - Sirmiq - June 03, 2024

he trailed after the man as they set off, ears prickling to the question asked. he'd not gotten the chance to actually chew the creature clasped between his jaws, so he answered rodyn with a simple shrug of his shoulders. from the gnawing he'd done he could tell it was certainly of the sea like most other meat he'd had the chance to try, so there was that. 

he kept quiet as the continued on, the distant sound of play catching his attention. he sped up his steps as they rounded to where a collection of his siblings had gathered. tail quickly found an eager sway as he scampered off to join his littermates. he paused midway to turn and offer a toothy grin to the leader for his help before joining his siblings to show them what he'd stolen.