Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera Qaluaqpak - Printable Version

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Qaluaqpak - Kigipigak - May 26, 2024

Kigipigak ventured around the village with care. He did not wish to disturb anyone after his welcome, and got to work immediately as he mapped sections of the claim.

When he neared the central lake, he trawled the shore and sought a place that might be viable for many long hours of fishing. The immensity of the waterway surprised him.

Eventually he came to a stony overhang above packed sediment, with roots of a nearby tree solidifying the ledge. The water flowed beneath him some distance; in a few hundred years the erosion might cause the slab of rock to come free, but until then the man could watch for fish, and ready himself to plunge his teeth after them.