Wolf RPG
Tormented Tarns Living like life's going out of style - Printable Version

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Living like life's going out of style - Foxglove - May 27, 2024

No matter how hard she tried, everyone seemed to like Dahlia better. It was no secret that she was Mama's favorite — and now Dusty Rose's, too, and just who did that leave for Foxglove?

It's just you 'n me, she'd told @Petal. Her sister was the only one she'd told before she left. Not forever, not like Blossom. Fox just wanted to find something — for herself. And maybe for Petal, too, if she decided to follow.

But most of all she wanted to get away. She was sick of hearing everyone praise Dahlia, sick of spending her days in fear and always planning how to avoid being caught alone by her sister, sick of feeling like there was something wrong with her because everyone loved Dahlia. And Fox could never be sure if they just didn't notice how cruel Dahlia could be, or if they just didn't care, or if it was normal because it was what she deserved for — for being her. Wrong. Less.

It was all confusing. Most of all she wanted a safe place to cry. Somewhere Dahlia couldn't find her.

She thought maybe she would visit home. Fox didn't realize just how far home was until she found herself in a strange place, a myriad of lakes all reflecting the sunlight and tall trees with intricate webs spun between their branches. She'd thought she would have reached home by now, or somewhere close. But she didn't recognize this place at all.

Eventually she found a place to tuck herself away between the broad roots of a tree. Foxglove turned several times before she curled up and prepared to cry. A sharp sting in her hind paw interrupted her plans. She yelped and snatched her paw away, holding it close to her body. Fox whipped around to see what had bitten her, but it had fled — and already the pain was flaring to a wildfire in her paw.

RE: Living like life's going out of style - Dhalia - May 27, 2024

The girl's scent had led away from the Valley of Gold, and Dhalia had followed. None of the children were old enough to be on their own yet - and truthfully, the woman was not surprised to find no other scent line trailing after her. Reverie and Dusty Rose were often consumed with each other, and though she knew they loved their children... well, it wasn't uncommon for young lovers to get so wrapped up in one another that they forgot about their kids from time to time.

Dhalia had taken it upon herself to lend a paw in babysitting, or at least, child watching. While she didn't hover, she paid keen attention to their paths and whereabouts on her daily rounds, giving them space but being available to catch them should they wander off without supervision.

Much like today. 

Foxglove? she called out through the tarns. She'd lost the littlest Medeiros to the twisting of the roots, and her tall ears had caught a single punch of a yelp - but not enough for her to pinpoint where the child hid. It was enough to raise the fur along her spine, and for her to call out again, Foxglove? Where are you?

RE: Living like life's going out of style - Foxglove - May 27, 2024

Ow... ow, ow, OW! Fox complained with mounting intensity, shaking her paw as if to snuff the growing flame beneath her skin. Belatedly she registered the sound of her own name. Huh. Someone was calling for her.

What - Her voice broke into a growling yelp as the pain turned sharp. Foxglove found the presence of mind to stumble away from the tree, further out into the open, but each time she opened her mouth to speak she failed. Her paw — it hurt so much. She shook it again, desperate whines spilling from her throat, and forgot all about whoever had called her name.

RE: Living like life's going out of style - Dhalia - May 27, 2024

A whimper rose to a wail; Dhalia pinned the girl's location and struck out for the thicket she nestled in. The grass shook around the roots of an ancient tree. Blonde fur stumbled out.

Foxglove, her name caught on a sharp exhale. If the child's cries hadn't warned her something was wrong, her mannerisms did.

Dhalia swept towards her through the brush until she could pull the child near. Come, tell me what's hurting, all the while, her bright eyes scoured the ground for anything sharp that might have pricked her, or a root she may have tripped on. She reached out a paw to guide the girl away from the tree onto open ground.

RE: Living like life's going out of style - Foxglove - June 05, 2024

Oops I'm sorry

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Depiction of a seizure
Foxglove scarcely heard Dhalia. While the healer tried to calm her, to bring her closer and see what had happened, the adolescent rapidly spiraled into hysteria as the fire in her foot intensified. She fell to the ground growling and whining, biting wildly at her paw, yelping and —

and going stiff, then; stiff and very, very still, just for a moment. A loud, ragged breath, and the tremors gripped her harshly, pressing all the air from her lungs in a guttural shriek as she fell back and into a violent seizure.