Wolf RPG
Deepwood Weald dog friendly bars near me - Printable Version

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dog friendly bars near me - Billie - May 27, 2024

@Dutch @Simbelmyne for leader vis
tentative tag join, only if they're full-dog friendly? :)

Step, ouch.

Step, ouch.

It continued this way until it could no longer. Her hips cried for relief and she had found nothing. It was bad enough that she had briefly considered returning to the saltwater.

Enough, her body spoke to her. The fern floor of borders unknown became a bed to her as she sunk down before she knew it. Many scents tickled her but she found she was too tired, too achy, to give them much thought.

Just a quick nap and she could figure them out, right?

It wasn't as if she had much of a choice here, hind legs splayed out behind her like a frog while she dropped her head to the ground.

RE: dog friendly bars near me - Dutch - May 27, 2024

Their borders were well-patrolled, but this didn't mean they weren't open to boarders. Still, he was surprised to come across a prone figure, and for a moment, he felt an uncomfortable thrill of fear.

"Ma'am?" he called out, hurrying toward her.

RE: dog friendly bars near me - Billie - May 27, 2024

Someone talked to her?

Her head lazily rose even if her body did not. She could not immediately pick him apart, either due to distance or weather it hardly made a difference. She figured she would see him soon if he was on his way.

No need for ma'am, She called back. Her tail thumped for a moment until she — Whoa.

He was...she could not decide. He looked like he should be on some bag of food.

The way she looked at him made it seem like she had deeply experienced some kind of canine starstruck moment.

RE: dog friendly bars near me - Dutch - May 29, 2024

Dutch didn't mind being stared at as if he was a supermodel. Vain as he was, the panther fancied he understood the rare, rare urge. But, even if he hadn't, he likely wouldn't have noticed this woman's odd gaze. He was too busy gaping at her, having never before encountered a full-blooded dog.

"Then I must say, hey, you," he barked, still a little taken aback but apparently himself enough to make a joke of things already; "Are you alright?"

She looked decidedly not alright, but he would not insult her by saying so right off the bat. He thought she might, perhaps, be his elder by a number of years, but of course, he would not be saying that either.

RE: dog friendly bars near me - Billie - May 29, 2024

Hey, you,

Her tail thumped behind her and a goofy kind of grin draped across her features. There was not one part of her that hid how she felt at his carefree sort of way.

He may have looked wild, but he seemed exactly her speed.

Oh, this happens. She was desperate to play it cool. I've been a bit lost, though. Maybe you could help little ol' me out? I'm not sure if I'm cut for the wild stuff.

RE: dog friendly bars near me - Dutch - May 29, 2024

He was, predictably, charmed by the woman's accent and her obvious otherness. He saw an opportunity to learn more about another way of life — but of course, that would first mean preserving the life of this strange creature. A dog, he realized, like some of the half-breeds he'd met in the desert.

"I can offer you a meal," he replied, his own tail whisking. "And a place to lay your head. If it is a path out of these wilds you seek, I am afraid I will be a little less helpful." He thought he might remember a path back to civilization, but it was not one he was keen to tread.

"Do you have any skills to trade?" he asked her. It didn't matter, truly; she was special, and he could spare what little food it would take to keep her alive. But it did a soul good to contribute to something, and he hoped to bond the creature to their pack. Simbelmyne, too, he remembered, had dog in her bloodline. "My name is Dutch, by the way. Dutch Morningside."

RE: dog friendly bars near me - Billie - May 29, 2024

oops sorry she is All Talk

Good, Her grin was a bit lopsided and her tail had not stopped its thumping rhythm ever since they had started talking. I don't know if I could make it outta here anyway. There was no grimness in her voice despite the lurking shadows in the words.

Well, Dutch, I could serenade you and yours. Tell you tales that'll take you to a whole other place! I'm real good entertainment — and I don't mean just my funny looks.

She was glad he was close enough for her to admire. She wished she looked like he did, all wild and strong. Yet that wouldn't make her nearly as special!

Billie, by the way.

RE: dog friendly bars near me - Dutch - June 06, 2024

Her friendliness was unexpected, somehow, and Dutch could not help but wonder if it wasn't just a little salacious — but he decided to give them both the benefit of the doubt in this matter as he offered her his most charming smile.

"We could always use another singer," he assured her. "My wife — " he was happily married! Totally not flirting! — "Is due any day, now. We will need watchful eyes and creative minds to keep the children busy."

His excitement was palpable, but he maintained his decorum only just.

"Is this something you'd be willing to help us with?" he asked.

RE: dog friendly bars near me - Billie - June 11, 2024

His wife!


Billie was not sure that she expected such a wild looking man to say those homely words! It made her feel terrible, to sit here and ogle at him for his exotic ways. Yet she made sure to not let her features fall one bit. He was still terribly kind and captivating. Just the kind of motivation she needed.

O' course. I can teach them all the best songs to keep you two up all night. Her words were meant to be humorous but she wondered —

First time parent or you already got others running around?

RE: dog friendly bars near me - Dutch - June 13, 2024

The panther laughed, loud and hearty.

"Then I can see we will get along," he declared. "Welcome to Morningside."

The question was not unexpected, of course, but he hadn't yet thought of his answer when she asked. He was quiet for one telling moment before replying, "No — this is our first litter."

He thought achingly of four lost to him and glowingly of five under the trusted care of another. Mixed warmth and sadness shone in his lamplike eyes.

"Can you stand?" he asked her. "I would show you to our common place; there is something to eat and a creek to drink from. Perhaps I can find something soft for you to lie on."

She certainly seemed sore.

RE: dog friendly bars near me - Billie - June 14, 2024

Morningside was a real pretty name.

Enough that she forgot about every other pretty place she had ever seen or been. None of that mattered when she was here where she'd be safe and singing all day.

She thought nothing of the quiet before his answer. She only ever saw warmth and happiness in others. Her tail thumped behind her lazily. Congratulations. It felt like it was in order! Maybe she could find some trinkets for the little ones when they grew bored of songs.

Already her mind churned into how she could be a babysitter best.

If you help me, I can waddle my way anywhere. Already she attempted it. A few jumpstart kicks of her legs beneath her and she was attempting to lurch upward.