Wolf RPG
Emberwood Arriving in a new place - Printable Version

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Arriving in a new place - Rainheart - June 02, 2024

Rainheart looked around this strange new place. She wondered if this might be a good place to live after her long journey from the east. Sniffing the air, she caught the scents of many prey animals in the area. With a growling stomach, she decided that eating something first would be a good idea before deciding her next course of action. 

Scenting the air once more, she caught the tantalizing smell of rabbit. It didn’t take her long to track down the small animal. Moving as silent as can be, she pounced on her prey. With her quarry in her jaws, she settled down to eat underneath a nearby tree.

This doesn’t seem like a bad place to be, she thought as she ate her rabbit.

RE: Arriving in a new place - Muskrat - June 02, 2024

at last the awqalli departed the creekland for a short while. she had made no secret of her foray; she did not want anyone to think she had tried to flee.

her trail was deliberate then, trailing rabbits into the nearby woodland. the aspen-trees towered and for a moment muskrat paused to only appreciate the sight of new things.

her claws clicked on mossy stone. the scent of rabbit was hot in the air, and the creekwolf tracked forward until she found a lone woman with a kill.

a chuff signalled her friendliness. muskrat limped closer but did not truly approach, her sharp yellow eyes filled with question.

RE: Arriving in a new place - Rainheart - June 03, 2024

Rainheart at first was too engrossed in eating to notice the newcomer right away. After hearing the chuff, her head snapped up and made eye contact. She then lowered her head and whined softly, feeling apprehensive.

I thought this place wouldn’t have any other wolves around. I wonder if this one is here to chase me off? She thought as she shuffled her paws nervously.

RE: Arriving in a new place - Muskrat - June 06, 2024

"good hunt." muskrat sat down, lifting a paw to again say she meant nothing else than company. her sharp eyes took in the other, suddenly hungry to know this wolf who was not creek.

a wolf who did not know her as who she was.

"i muskrat."

RE: Arriving in a new place - Rainheart - June 06, 2024

Even though she felt nervous, Rainheart dipped her head but kept her eyes averted. 

“Rainheart is my name”, she replied softly. “Nice to meet you Muskrat,” she added.

RE: Arriving in a new place - Muskrat - June 12, 2024

the swamp panthers were only one name for a numerous people who lived in different encampments through the tangled water. had these two met in muskrat's land, their marks would have identified them as from being up or downriver.

but there was no such organization here. "where from? i not be here before. learning land."