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Ouroboros Spine piqpakkun - Printable Version

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piqpakkun - RIP Ariadne - June 03, 2024

She managed to finish the beaver pelt for @Kannoyak right before her trading trip with Rodyn. Her work may have been hurried, given the numerous tasks she had to complete while preparing the fur, but she couldn't deny that it was one of her more refined pieces and was proud of her work. 

Despite her excitement about the upcoming adventure, there was a part of her that dreaded it. She would miss many individuals, especially Kannoyak, and although she wished he could join her, she didn't feel it was her place to invite anyone—even if his skills would be useful to them. 

Carrying the fur in her mouth, Ariadne left her den and proceeded down the well-worn path towards Kannoyak's den to see if he was around.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Kannoyak - June 03, 2024

The cotton grass man had been busy making a home of the den Ariadne had shown him. He’d cleaned up the remains of whoever had lived there before. When he had worked himself tired, Kannoyak rested at the mouth of his home and gazed out upon the waters of Moonglow. The view was unlike anything he had experienced.

Pawsteps perked the white hunter’s ears. His plum gaze scoured the immediate area until a familiar face appeared along the path. The man’s tail thumped in a welcoming manner. He rose to stand, walking down the trail to meet Ariadne halfway.

Moongirl. It is good to see your face, he greeted in the customary way he had heard the wolves of the moon use.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Ariadne - June 03, 2024

When they met in the middle, she came to a stop and laid the beaver pelt on the ground. Kannoyak, she greeted warmly and took him in with a smile. It is good to see your face, too. How are you? Are you settling in well? The questions came rapidly, delivered with care and genuine curiosity.

She gestured towards the ground, her eyes shining brightly as she presented the gift to him. "Also, finally, I have something for you," she declared, her tail wagging. Your beaver pelt! I hope you like it! And while she was confident in her work, a part of her was nervous to present it to him. Would he find it suitable? Was it good enough?

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Kannoyak - June 03, 2024

Curious questions fell from the moongirl’s lips. She wished to know how he was, how he had settled into his home. Though she spoke quickly, he could see the interest that had taken root in her gaze. Soft and genuine, Ariadne was a good woman and she would make her village proud.

All is well. This one is pleased to say that the home moongirl selected is a fine fit.

Kannoyak’s broad shoulders straightened. He stood proudly, as though he might profess his gratitude to the world. When he looked to the beaver pelt she had brought with her, his eyes softened and he moved to inspect it with a few sniffs.

This is good work.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Ariadne - June 03, 2024

"All is well. This one is pleased to say that the home moongirl selected is a fine fit," he reported. 

She was delighted to find out that he was adapting nicely and that the den was suitable for him. I am glad to hear that, she said. Have you found any furs to line it with? Or is this the first? It would be a privilege if she had offered him the first one.

He bent down to inspect the fur, praising the quality of the work, and caused her heart to soar. Thank you, Kannoyak, she said, a touch bashful. I hope that it brings you great comfort.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Kannoyak - June 03, 2024

This is the first, Kannoyak confirmed to her. His smile did not waver.

The beaver pelt would make a fine first addition to the hunter’s home. It would warm him when he returned from his border duties. It would remind him of the soft features of the moongirl when he watched the sun set behind the looming mountain.

Ariadne wished for him to find comfort in the pelt she had brought to him. The cotton grass man felt his cheeks warm slightly. His gaze averted, to the earth so that she would not catch the sheepish gawking that had been directed at her beautiful shape.

There is much comfort to be found in the moon village. Come, come, rest your paws.

Kannoyak motioned for her to join him in his den.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Ariadne - June 03, 2024

Being his first fur was a great honor for her, but it also revealed that his den was in need of more furnishings. I will need to prepare more for you, then! she decided with a smile that didn't fade. One beaver fur is hardly enough for a bed. I will make sure you feel extra cozy and warm before the earth turns cold again. 

He glanced away, and while she couldn't catch his expression, she felt her own face grow warm. It wasn't long before he spoke up again and extended an invitation for her to visit his den. With the warmth on her face escalating to a fiery heat, she nodded shyly in acknowledgment, grabbing the fur and joining him by his side, waiting for him to lead the way.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Kannoyak - June 03, 2024

The man nodded his head. The beaver pelt was small but it would provide additional warmth when the evening winds blew in through the den entrance and lifted the hairs along his spine. It smelled faintly of the moongirl and so he would treasure it, would hold it close when he spent his nights alone.

Leading them back to the den, Kannoyak tidied up the meat and bones from his recent hunts. When the place had been reasonably cleaned, he waved his tail and sat down, inviting Ariadne to take a place beside him, if she would.

The view from this place is remarkable.

The plum color of his eyes returned to Moonglow’s water.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Ariadne - June 03, 2024

She stood by as he tidied the den, and when it was done to his satisfaction, she walked over to sit beside him. Sitting side by side, their fur brushing against each other, she felt a pleasant warmth from his proximity. 

Her attention was drawn to the lake when he mentioned it, and she nodded in agreement. I think that it might be one of the best views in the pack, she said, unable to take her eyes off of it. The sun shone brightly in the sky, casting its reflection on the water and making it sparkle. It was truly a spectacle to witness.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Kannoyak - June 03, 2024

The moongirl agreed with him, stating that it was possibly the best view in their village. He was touched to know that he could wake up each morning and have it for himself. Even more pleased to know that she had suggested he take the den for his home. Kannoyak was blessed and he felt it in his spirit, like bells within the chapel of his heart.

It is even more enjoyable when it is shared…

The pale hunter turned his gaze to her, wondering how she might take this small utterance.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Ariadne - June 03, 2024

She felt a jolt in her heart and glanced at him, admiring every detail of his handsome face. She swallowed hard, feeling her heart pound in her ears, and smiled softly. 

Yes, it is best when it is shared with such wonderful company, she said boldly, wondering what he would make of that—it had been so long since she had felt like this! She felt like a young girl and not like a woman! She relished in it, anticipating the forthcoming back and forth between them with girlish delight.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Kannoyak - June 04, 2024

This was good. Kannoyak could feel a burst of joy in his belly that swept through him, warm, soft, unlike anything he’d felt before. She was a lovely girl. The cotton grass man had thought so from the moment he’d met her. Even the circumstances surrounding their meeting - Ariadne being injured - had been less severe merely because of the joy she radiated.

The pale hunter wished to take this a step further. His hesitation frustrated him. Still, the man knew that she had recently experienced a difficult life decision. She had ended her relationship with the father of her children. It did not feel appropriate to swoop in so soon.

Kannoyak would enjoy these moments for what they were.

Thank you. For this company.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Ariadne - June 04, 2024

Ariadne had grown fond of Kannoyak since they first met, and now that she was single, she was eager to strengthen their bond, as long as he was willing. It appeared that things were off to a good start, as he remained still when she joined him, and she felt a fluttering sensation in her stomach as he started talking. 

She gazed at him, her eyes crinkling at the edges as she smiled and said, You are welcome, and thank you for bringing me here and for your company. I like to spend time with you.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Kannoyak - June 04, 2024

Ariadne’s words touched him.

What are the names of moongirl’s children?

Kannoyak tilted his head, curious and soft in the way he asked about her family. He wondered if they were old enough to feel the impact of their lost father. He wondered if they were old enough to place blame on their parents. The cotton grass man could not comprehend how difficult it must be to end a relationship that had once been founded by love.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Ariadne - June 04, 2024

She sat a lighter taller as she said, Akmaaksi, Nutuyikruk, and Tautukpik, with the utmost pride. Two girls and a boy. Her love was apparent in her stare, and right before she could mention that he should meet them, the flapping of wings resonated in her ears. 

"No!" scolded Moon Owl. "It is much too soon for that, and you know it!"

"When?" Araidne shot back, "And why not? He is important to me!"

Moon Owl rolled their eyes and shook their head. "They have just lost their father, and now you want to bring a new man into their life? After leaving them to go on a spirit walk? Be wise, woman!"

While she couldn't deny that they were right, a part of her wanted to pitch a fit—they could be so infuriating sometimes! 

Taking a deep breath, she ignored the totem and turned her attention back to Kannoyak. They are good children who have been through much.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Kannoyak - June 05, 2024

As she named her children, the cotton grass man found it surprising that they all carried northern names. The pale man wondered how the moongirl had come to be named Ariadne and not a name that might have been borrowed from her mother’s tongue. Kannoyak knew that the Moonwoman was married to a sunman and perhaps it was the sunman’s language that had formed Ariadne as a name.

These are good names. And you are a proud mother, he commented with a smile.

Kannoyak hoped that he might meet her pups one day. It would be nice to see the family that she had created for herself, even if that family had been changed. He wondered if her children were more like her or her mate- former mate, rather.

Children must go through hardship sometimes. With your help, they will grow and learn from it. It was the way of life.

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Ariadne - June 05, 2024

I cannot help myself, she sighed wistfully, referring to her pride. They handle life's challenges so gracefully, they are always obedient, and I just cannot get enough of them, she beamed. They are my greatest gift, she wholeheartedly believed this, even if her decisions sometimes seemed to contradict it. 

They will be stronger because of it, she said and nodded in agreement, feeling it was unfair for them to have faced so many challenges at such a young age. She could only hope to provide them with the stability and guidance they needed at that moment

RE: piqpakkun - RIP Kannoyak - June 06, 2024

The cotton grass man had never heard of a graceful child, but he had no intention of spoiling the way she spoke of her young ones. Most pups were bumbling energetic fools, learning the ropes for the first time as they grew and developed. It was nice to see how Ariadne spoke of them. They were her greatest treasure, he could see.

The duo talked some more about her family and her life. She had made an impressive home for herself. Kannoyak believed that Ariadne should feel proud of her accomplishments. Time was bound to test them. She had taken things in stride and her perseverance had granted her a boon. If only they could all be so fortunate.