Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest you must have had yourself a change of heart like halfway through the drive - Printable Version

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you must have had yourself a change of heart like halfway through the drive - Ashkova - June 06, 2024

he runs. and runs. and runs.

only when his limbs are too sore, and the pain of his marred face become too much, does he stop. 

he's far within the forest, but he doesn't seem to care one bit as his body collapses against the earth. anyone could see him here. but he doesn't give a damn. 

let them watch.

let them mock. 

they can all go to hell!

he'd thought he was finding his family. to save himself from the life he'd been left to live. but he's alone again. so fucking alone.

most men don't cry. but nothing can stop the tears that flow free, stinging the open wounds that continue to bleed upon his cheek.

most men don't whine. but he does. they aren't soft. these are loud, pained. 

he yearns. 

but no one can fill the emptiness he must endure yet again.