Wolf RPG
Dragoncrest Cliffs i might as well take a minute or two to put you on some game; - Printable Version

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i might as well take a minute or two to put you on some game; - Sobeille - June 07, 2024

single reply observers welcome <3

a pair of eyes observed the old crone drag herself from bluepeace. kheviel limped at a pace so slow, sobeille almost called out in irritation.

the old thing finally made it to the cliff. sobeille assumed she was there to pay her respects. with a gargoyle’s slouch to her spine, sobeille inched behind a screen of thick mountain laurel.

her eyes widened as kheviel did the unthinkable — and then sobeille was rushing to the cliff’s edge after her, peering down into the thundering sea below. several pebbles clattered as her toes gripped the precipice and she fought for her balance.

kheviel’s body fell for a long time before she was swallowed by the sea. unlike judith, kheviel did not reappear; the waves stroked hungrily over where her body had splashed, lapping themselves in the manner of a content cat.

once or twice in the black waters a frothy gurgle broke the surface — but the sea was unwilling to give back the life of its newest supplicant.

a shudder spasmed through sobeille — a flower of excitement so carnal it bloomed carnelian petals in the corners of her vision.