Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest In the dark I hunt - Printable Version

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In the dark I hunt - Rodyn - June 08, 2024

Mid Afternoon. Clear sky. tags for reference.

After putting the items that @Ariadne had given him for trading. He found himself slipping down towards the Neverwinter forest. He thought fondly of his friends @Astraios and @Melaneus. He hoped they were both well.

He was hit by a lingering scent of Ariadne and a wolf he faintly knew. But he couldn't place a face to the small scent that met him. He gave a shrug of blocky shoulders and continued forward.

His hope was for some weasels here. OR squirrels. They would be easy to transport and their furs were nice for little ones. Some weasels even grew fat and sleek and fed pups well. If he could catch 6 of them it would be enough. But every litte bit helped.

Head down he went in search of the prey that lingered in the shadows. Yellow eyes gleaming. A small smile as he did what he enjoyed most.

RE: In the dark I hunt - RIP Kannoyak - June 15, 2024

Since she had taken such a liking to the forest, Kannoyak had spent a great deal of time there. He had scouted the territory, noting places that would make good den-sites, good caches, and abundant water resources. It would make a good village for the wolves of the moon.

The prey was abundant. This would likely change when the wolves began to settle in the territory. Still, Kannoyak did not wish to waste the opportunity. He trekked through the forest with a hunter’s gaze, searching and scouring for the marks that would signal prey. As he adjusted his course to follow the scent of weasel, another hunter’s smell filled his nose.

Chuffing softly, Kannoyak watched the underbrush so that he might see where the other hunter lurked.

RE: In the dark I hunt - Rodyn - June 15, 2024

Rodyn was not alone. He lifted dark head and slatted yellow eyes searching. He didn't believe this territory was claimed anymore, but perhaps he was wrong.

Rodyn lifted his gaze to the hulking white beast nearby. A small smile on his face as he realized.

Kannoyak. Hello. I am on trade journey for moontide and moon villages. And wanted to hunt some weasels.

He had met this wolf a couple times now. He was a good hunter and trader both like Rodyn himself. He hoped he was well

RE: In the dark I hunt - RIP Kannoyak - June 15, 2024

A familiar face.

Rodyn, the white hunter’s voice was heavy with surprise. He had not anticipated that he would see this man in the forest. Last he had known, Rodyn had left for the seaside with his wife to raise a family and expand the moon wolves’ claim. It was curious to know that he had ventured so far from the ocean.

A trade journey sounded like something Kannoyak would be good with. The cotton grass man regarded the other hunter with a studying stare.

Let us hunt together. A small smile found his dark lips.

RE: In the dark I hunt - Rodyn - June 17, 2024

Had Rodyn known another didn't know of the loss of his wife. He truly may have quelled inside at the prospect of having to speak on it again.

Rodyn nodded. Today I'm hunting Weasel if you're agreeable. And if you're so inclined I know you are pathmaker. If you would like to come along. Moonwoman says I can invite you.

He smiled and then bent his head to the task of finding new scent trail. But keeping an ear bent towards the man for his answer. He could converse and hunt.

RE: In the dark I hunt - RIP Kannoyak - June 24, 2024

Weasels were small prey, tricky to track through the underbrush with their slender bodies and sharp eyes. It would be a challenge for the large white wolf. He was not opposed to the other man’s prey of choice. If they managed to collect a few, he would have meat to feed to his family and share with the other moon villages.

This man agrees, he confirmed with a nod.

Plum eyes followed Rodyn. He could lead their way while Kannoyak searched the undergrowth for signs of their intended targets.

RE: In the dark I hunt - Rodyn - June 26, 2024

Okay I rolled a one with a wound. So I will have him catch one weasel and another cut his face. You can roll for what you like. <3

Rodyn had hunted weasels before. They could be nasty little things if you weren't careful and they weren't in the most ideal setting. This was the weasel's territory and it was dark even for a wolf. Perhaps too dark and it was fool hardy to hunt another. But one was still more than nothing if that was what he got.

Rodyn smiled at the agreement and he stepped into the shadows. Following a scent trail through the dense underbrush.