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The hope for a new family - Printable Version

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The hope for a new family - Scarlett - December 07, 2014

Pack joining @Malachi

A heavy panting filled the air announcing the female's arrival. Her lungs and paws were aching because of the long road she traveled. The two year old left her old pack in a rather rash decision, as it turned out, it was hard to be on your own. Scarlett decided that it was too difficult. It felt worse than being with an unloving pack. Even though she was often ignored back home it didn't compare with the utter silence she had to go through when she was by herself. Her white coat wasn't as pure white as it should be. Especially after she trotted along the edges of some wetlands. Her paws hard not as much grip as she thought she would have. Scarlett's red eyes scanned the grounds where she was now. She felt a bit more comforted by the snow and ice of the glacier. Her coat was thick enough to protect her from the cold.

The female sniffed the air realizing that there was a pack close by. Maybe this would be a good place to settle, if, that pack accepted her. Most packs were so territorial maybe it wasn't a good idea to go at this moment. She was a worn and hungry from her journey. The wolf's brain reminded her that she had to spend another night alone if she wouldn't go now. Scarlett had a surprisingly high want for contact with wolves you would think after being rejected so much that she would be bitter and cold. Scarlett was not. When other wolves had pushed her away she only came back with more strength. A soft flutter went through her. She thought about being cleaned by a pack member or be allowed to curl against someone in a warm den. Back home she had been a bit lucky. Scarlett had a sister that was rather caring and sweet to her when no one was watching. Scarlett scolded herself after that thought. She shouldn't look back to her old life. She was at the beginning of making a new one.

She could smell the strong pack's boundary. The white wolf boldly stepped through it. She felt like she set of an alarm. Maybe the whole pack would go in attack of her intrusion. Her ears fell back unsurely. Maybe she should howl to let them know she was knocking on their door? She decided that was the safest way. The female really didn't want to make any enemies. Scarlett threw her head back and let out a short howl to announce her arrival. Her tail hung down not yet tugged between her legs. She didn't want to come across as weak or scared. Scarlett might be a bit scared of what would be the consequence of her actions.

RE: The hope for a new family - Malachi - December 08, 2014

Shooting this out before going to bed, if anything doesn't make sense it's probably because I am half asleep xD

By nature, Malachi was not a territorial wolf. Whereas many leaders spent countless hours patrolling the boundary of their domain, marking and remarking, he usually preferred to spend his time hunting or gathering or otherwise providing the pack with tangible help. But his encounter with Caiaphas still had him on edge, and as the days wore on he found himself drawn toward the outskirts of the Glacier, intentional patrols far from his mind, and yet at the same time, so very close. The siren's jarring appearance, matched with his renewed commitment to protect those under his care, drew him subconsciously closer to the border's edge.

The wind first alerted him to the presence of a stranger, gently carrying her scent his way. Lifting his head, Malachi scanned the sparse trees until he caught sight of her a moment later, her white fur a camouflage against the birch trunks. He took her as no threat, and took a pace toward her - only to stiffen in place as she took a pace into the land that was not hers to tread.

The gradual bristling of Malachi's nape was the only motion on the sundry-colored boy. But the woman's short howl broke him, and he wasted no time longer in charging her way, fur still bristling as he drew closer. "You trespass on Duskfire land." His voice held a steely edge uncommon to the youth, and he drew himself to full height, coming nearer the woman than his usual approach. Tail and hackles raised, his body spoke the message strong enough, and he wordlessly willed her to back up.

RE: The hope for a new family - Scarlett - December 08, 2014

Scarlett wasn't entirely sure that she had made the smartest decision. With her inexperience she had basically stepped in a pack's home. The female's ears caught the rhythmical thumping of someone's paws. Someone was coming! Her tail gently wagged a bit but it immediately fell when she saw a male charging at her. Her tail tugged between her legs in seconds as she backed up towards the borderline. The male only came closer. Scarlett knew she didn't had the energy to run and if she did then she would make a prey out of herself.

The white wolf instinctively fell down in submission. She never wanted to cause any trouble. Her belly was facing up, she didn't even dare to look at the male. Scarlett realized by scent that this was the alpha, way to make a good first impression. She was never the rebellious member of a pack, not at all. He tail was still stiffly tugged between her legs. A soft whine coming from her throat because she was playing all the worst case scenario's in her head. She took a moment to find her courage to speak. "I-- didn't mean to! I mean I did! But.. I only wanted-- I will go away," the white female spoke.

She didn't even dare to move a limb, scared the male would attack. The small wolf only wanted some refuge. She didn't want to be a lone wolf. She was a pack animal. Scarlett decided that this might not be the pack she wanted to join. It was safer to walk away from this place and avoid the alpha she just angered.

It made sense! Haha. Awww, you scared this poor little girl :P

RE: The hope for a new family - Malachi - December 12, 2014

His body moved too fast for his mind. Though he caught sight of the slight sway of the woman's tail, the motion meant nothing in light of her blatant trespass. Malachi's thoughts rushed with one goal alone: to protect those he led, and the loner did not fall beneath this banner. In the far reaches of his mind lay a fear this woman meant ill-intent, and the irrational worry fuelled Malachi's display of dominance against her.

She backed up swiftly while the youth pressed forward, but the white woman did not move far before she threw herself to the ground before him, belly exposed and eyes entirely averted from his own. It was at this motion Malachi's reason caught up with the advance of his paws and the young leader froze, a tremor of guilt pushing through his veins and mingling with the fear and hostility that leeched through his skin. Still, he did not waver, but stood over her with tail raised and eyes trained steadily on her unmoving form. It was only when she spoke, her voice a soft whine full of fear and uncertainty, that Malachi felt a disconcerting stir in the depths of his heart.

Without thinking he drew away, distancing himself a pace or two from the cowering woman. His hackles refused to lower, but he willed his lip to curl back over his gums until he concealed his fangs again. His face furrowed at the fear reeking from the small woman's fur and he felt his ears fall slack. "Wait." He did not move forward, but flicked his unsettled gaze toward the borderline. "Move into neutral ground and we will talk."

RE: The hope for a new family - Scarlett - December 12, 2014

The white fluffy tail couldn't be further between her legs when the male stepped closer to her. The female got to her feet and practically shot away the border. Scarlett almost wanted to run away from his place. Technically she would do that if the alpha hadn't spoken to her. Her red eyes stared down, just like her whole body was down. She knew very well how to play the submissive role please an alpha. In her family she often upset the alpha for no reason.

Once she was far over the border she laid down, her eyes still looking so scared as she glanced at the male's paws in front of her. She really didn't meant any harm. Her body was worn and hungry. "I'm so sorry. I just didn't want to be alone anymore. I just wanted to have a new home or at least a place to stay the night. I didn't meant any harm to your pack. I would never, Sir. Never. My howl wasn't a threat. It was a call for your help. I am so sorry. Please don't hurt me," she begged in one breath of air. Her stomach decided to make a noise of complained. The grumble filled the air loudly.

Her blood red eyes where casted away even more in shame. Now it looked like she couldn't even hunt for herself. The icy grounds were cold against her belly and tail that was still tugged between her legs. Wrong pack. She had chosen the wrong pack, or made a terribly decision by crossing the boundary the the first place. She had survived this far, it would be a bummer to trip and fall before the finish line.

RE: The hope for a new family - Malachi - December 13, 2014

She bolted like an arrow shot from the quiver, and Malachi's stomach leapt. For a moment he feared she would run from him completely, but she heeded his instruction and stopped just beyond the border. The young woman lowered herself again, and Malachi hesitated to move closer. But if he wanted any sort of conversation with the woman, he knew he could not remain where he was. So he inched toward her, cautious now in his motion, until he stood with her on neutral ground.

Malachi felt his stomach drop with every word the woman spoke. A part of him tried to justify his haste, reasoning she'd asked for his advance when she'd decided to cross into their land. But her words made a shame stir within his heart, and that he'd brought such fear to the woman frightened the youth. He let a pause pass after her pleas for mercy, partly because he did not know the words to speak, and partly due to the guilt that snagged at his throat. Finally his words came, but his voice rose quietly and his heart stirred with shame. "I'm not going to hurt you." This was a wolf who needed his help, and in his panic he'd nearly damaged her further. He could see now her state: weakened, no doubt, and hungry from the toll of living without a pack. Malachi did not take her need as a sign of weakness. Pack meant life, and he understood the difficulties that came with having no one to depend on but yourself. Not long ago, he had been a wanderer, too.

He eyed the woman with pity now, taking in her curled up form with a careful gaze. "What's your name?"

RE: The hope for a new family - Scarlett - December 13, 2014

The deep red eyes were battered up after the pregnant silence of the alpha. Her head lifted from the cold ground. She kept her body against the frozen surface. Scarlett didn't want to anger the male even more. She didn't found any disgrace in submitting like this. At least it got her out of a situation without being injured. If the pale female had been arrogant she must have gotten at least some warning bites. At least she thought so. When she glanced up once more at the male she thought she saw some guilt in them. Oh, maybe this male wasn't that bad?

"Would you be offended if I admit that I might not trust those words entirely?," she questioned quietly. Yet, she did rose to her paws now. She was still smaller which was easy to keep herself lower than the alpha. "Scarlett," she replied. Normally she would add; 'Nice to meet you' but it wasn't a nice meeting at all. Her ears fell back with a light frown when she thought she saw pity in his eyes. She didn't needed pity. She wanted respect for surviving on her own. Scarlett was a small wolf and did have some tricks up her sleeve. "May I ask for yours?"

RE: The hope for a new family - Malachi - December 15, 2014

He wouldn't blame her if she didn't trust his words. He'd come with the intent of rushing her from the territory, and he'd chosen to use aggression as a hand in the game. Of course she didn't trust him. He wouldn't have, if he'd been met the same way.

But to chase her away was his intention no longer. The youth flicked his ear and eased onto his haunches when the woman rose. Perhaps relaxing from his stand would give her ease in his presence. With pricked ears he caught her name, and found his gaze drawn across her face, lingering for a moment upon her eyes. The source of her namesake, he guessed. Their ruddy hue stood in stark contrast against the white of her fur, a curious shade by any wolf's standards.

Scarlett's prompt for his own name lured the youth from the recesses of his mind and Malachi replied with a short nod. "Malachi." He said, with equal brevity. No smile danced upon his face, his emotion still in disarray from the tension that had transpired. "It wasn't very smart crossing the border like that. If you wanted our help, you should have just howled from the other side." He shifted his weight, but spoke no further on the matter. Malachi hoped she'd already learned her lesson enough. Drawing in a breath, he channeled the conversation on a different route, eager to address the reason for her trespass in the first place: to find a home. Though she looked a little worse for wear, surely she had skill enough to survive this far. Their numbers at the Glacier were so thin he imagined any help could be of use. "But I'm not going to chase you away. There is room for you here, if you would still like to join our number."

RE: The hope for a new family - Scarlett - December 17, 2014

You can see this as an end or round it up yourself if you have the time! :3

The white wolf was slowly calming down. She understood while the male attacked. "I do understand, Sir Malachi, I will remember it from now on," she spoke on a polite tone. She didn't want to offend him anymore. He didn't seem like a bad wolf. Scarlett just wanted a place she could call home. She realized that this Glacier might as well be suited for it. Scarlett immediately cheered up when she had gotten a second chance and was accepted as a member. "I would like that very much indeed." Her tail began to wag. She could finally settle.

Her muscles relaxed under her fluffy white coat. Here was no worry for the night that a wolf might attack her. "Thank you. I won't let you down. I can take care of pups and love to babysit. I know a small bit of healing and .. I just won't let you down," she assured.

RE: The hope for a new family - Malachi - December 17, 2014

I'll go ahead and archive this, then (: Thanks for the thread, I really enjoyed it <3

A wry grin twitched at the corners of his lips when Scarlett addressed him as sir, for though nearly eight seasons had passed since his birth, he still thought of himself as a boy. Even now as he entered manhood and left childish ways behind, he doubted that identity would change anytime soon, at least within the young Kalderon's heart.

When Scarlett finally relaxed before him, Malachi released the lingering nerves that tightened the muscles in his neck. "I'm confident you'll find your place here." he reassured her. Though they had no children but Maera, they always had use for a healer. No matter the limit of her knowledge, Malachi had faith Scarlett's experience would prove a blessing to their pack.

The wind cut sharper here where the trees wore bare, and having exposed himself to the glacier's gales long enough, the youth felt eager to return to the protective cover of the woods. He turned when a shiver wracked his spine, but not without giving Scarlett a beckoning wave of his tail. "Come on. I promise I won't charge you this time." He gave her a quirking grin before loping past the border again, certain she would follow him across.