Wolf RPG
Emberwood satellite - Printable Version

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satellite - Pukei - June 11, 2024

Realised Pukei is 22 months so figured I can squeak out a confused heat post hehe – no conception, though! But your character is welcome to notice her scent

Although she had no idea when Arlette's pups were due, she had to guess they would arrive any day now, judging by the size of the woman's ginormous middle. So Pukei had stayed close to Swiftcurrent's land, keen to meet the newborns and to be of assistance to the Beta pair. She ventured out only to collect herbs to keep the stocks full and to pick up any trinkets along the way for her own den. Lately, she herself had felt a strange urge to nest, though chalked it up to her having finally found a pack in which she could establish a little place to call her own.

The feeling, however, grew in intensity until she found herself one day pacing, unable to focus on anything but the scent of Swiftcurrent's male members. Vaguely, she remembered her mother telling her something that would happen to her as the weather warmed each year, though she had thought nothing of it. Until now.

Swiftly, as if charged by electricity, Pukei escaped Swiftcurrent to clear her head, hoping a change of scenery was all she needed. Was she sick? Or had been lazing around too much and needed to get out? Or maybe she was just hungry. Yeah.

She travelled towards a shaded aspen woodland, immediately picking up on the scent of a squirrel. Her legs spurred into action as if on their own accord, and Pukei began to race, uncaring as to whether she caught the critter or not. She just wanted this weirdness to stop and she would run until it did so.

RE: satellite - Cygnet - June 11, 2024

Cygnet had picked up on the woman's scent- and while she did not understand what it meant, she was intrigued. The nosy girl trailed along the woman's scent, noticing that she'd left their borders not long ago. Suspicious, and wondering morbidly if the woman was sick and simply going off to die alone, she began to track her- eyes glistening at the thought of finding her in her last few moments- just to see what death might look like on a wolf's face. 

She had been using Akavir as a means of practicing her stalking- and he seemed to encourage her endeavors, which was gratifying for the young hunter. She enjoyed stalking other wolves- being mindful of their whereabouts so that she might simultaneously avoid actual physical contact, and uncomfortable conversations. 

She peeped on the woman through a clump of bushes- she looked healthy enough, disappoingly. Cygnet snorted silently, and rolled her eyes. A waste of time.

RE: satellite - Pukei - June 15, 2024

She was oblivious to the audience who had followed her all the way out here, too caught up in her own predicament to notice. It was not until she caught a whiff of Swiftcurrent's scent did she skid to a halt in her aimless run, ears swivelling as she tried to pinpoint where the other was. It was somewhat familiar, though at the same time foreign – a pack member she had yet to meet.

"I know you're there!" Pukei called, uncharacteristically brusque as she spun in a tight circle, attempting to catch sight of her stalker.

RE: satellite - Cygnet - June 21, 2024

The breezed betrayed her. When the woman slid to a halt and stiffened, Cygnet instinctively crouched, finding a spot where the woman was completely barred from view- but when her voice rang out, she knew that it would take no time for her to investigate further and catch Cygnet cowering like a child being chastized. Better own it, she figured. 

She huffed, and pushed through the bush that had hid her, giving the woman a raised eyebrow and a glowering side-eye as if to insinuate that she had been in the area first- and that she didn't appreciate being yelled at. She glanced up at the sky, off into the distance; where invisible prey might have run off, given the sudden exclamation. She huffed, and shook her coat out. 

Any chance she would've had of hunting in the area was now spoiled. 

She looked back to the woman, a quiet but fading complaint in her gaze. Her nose twitched; something was genuinely odd about her scent, but it didn't seem to be hurting her any, whatever malady it was that she had.