Wolf RPG
Two Eyes Cenote they occupy my heart and so-called mind - Printable Version

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they occupy my heart and so-called mind - Racharra - June 11, 2024

ik i said requested for it to be after calling but i couldnt wait im sorry i have too much muse sduhfidfij please take ur time

to be fair to her, it is not @Eset's fault that she and racharra have lost touch.

she had been told to reach out if neccessary, to call if needed. it is an offer that racharra did not take advantage of despite the opportunities she had.

still, racharra couldn't help but taste bitterness as she stares at the palace from afar. the one that guides her halts when she does. the nebet nods to them, and they continue inside.
her arrival is announced, and racharra waits to be greeted.

RE: they occupy my heart and so-called mind - Eset - June 12, 2024

She knew something was wrong as she set aside her work and hurried through the palatial halls. It would not have been like Racharra to have herself formally announced- not to Eset. Has a distance been wedged between their hearts as well as their locales?

It fills the hebsut with immediate concern as she steps beneath the vaulted archway and out into the high desert heat to greet her girl. Her breath stifles to see how the months had molded her into a fine, graceful shewolf, with a royal presence.

“Lady Racharra,” Eset bows, pained by the formality, but nevertheless bestowing all the etiquette and respect owed the regal young noblewoman of Pharaoh’s court.

RE: they occupy my heart and so-called mind - Racharra - June 12, 2024

eset comes to greet her. her body begins to bow, but she stops. racharra straightens herself.

toula and eset have only ever told of their love for the girl behind closed doors. why? would it really be so terrible for others to know.

eset. it is good to see you again! her smile is gingerly and she reels the woman in for a tight embrace, but behind it stirs a mixture of anger, sorrow, and guilt. haven't i grown?

RE: they occupy my heart and so-called mind - Eset - June 16, 2024

In the familiar wrap of Racharra’s arms, the hebsut sighs with barefaced relief and inhales her ruff, noting the scents of the girl’s travels as well as spiced fennel leaf and milk from the red palace. There were discussions to be had, she knew this, but for the moment she resisted falling back into worry.

“Incredibly so!” Eset laughs in response, pulling back to fixing Racharra with a look of plain admiration. “Come inside!” She takes her hand, “there’s so much to show you!” She was eager to show the girl how the palace had improved since the early days of her initial visit.

RE: they occupy my heart and so-called mind - Racharra - June 18, 2024

and there's so much to tell, i'm sure! she followed behind eset, though her own feelings remain muddled as ever. 
they were lightened by the open embrace, but doubt had taken a hold of the nebet for many months now, and it gets harder to fight back.

what has happned? start from the worst first and finish with the best.

RE: they occupy my heart and so-called mind - Eset - June 29, 2024

Eset admires the elegance in her walk, her strong strides. She had grown into her paws and ears and there was a surefire power in her that had only before simmered. The hebsut ushers her forward with pride of her own, leading her first to the cenote gardens which she had carefully cultivated over the last two seasons.

“We have had many visitors of note from all over the world! I believe they have found the palace quite impressive. And we grow! Five cubs were born this year.” She went on, detailing the comings and goings, the routine workings of the blue palace. There were things, dark ones she did not know if she should mention to Racharra, if only because she had just gotten her black and could not imagine staining their time together with worry.

But she did see the bridling in the girl’s face. There amid the trickle of water and sweet blooming jasmine Eset reaches for her hand.

“Tell me, what is on your mind?”