Wolf RPG
Verdigris Ravine This One Explores - Printable Version

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This One Explores - Andanari - June 12, 2024

Andi ran from the den. She ran so fast she tripped over paws and fell rear end over end and fell down with a soft giggle. The sand was soft. She lay there for a moment, moving her paws and limbs about like she was building a snow angel and then quickly got up and ran again.

There was so much to see and do. She yipped in delight. Wondering if one of the other puppies would join her.

RE: This One Explores - Sari - June 22, 2024

S'ari watched but from a distance, not wishing to intrude on her daughter's fun. She winced when Andi fell down, but the sunling got back up again with no harm done, and her mother breathed a sigh of relief. She glanced back at the den, wondering if the others would join their sister, but no one had appeared for now. Not wanting Andi to be lonely by herself, she came toward her.

Greetings, daughter. What is this one doing today, hmm? Playing in the sand, S'ari sees.

RE: This One Explores - Andanari - June 23, 2024

Andanari was not easily deterred by the falling to the ground. Or the sand. Most would be anxious about the sand. But being that she was raised with it. Felt it in her soul, she found it comforting even to fall within it. Though it was rather uncomfortable when it got in your ears and nose.

Andi smiled as her mother came upon her. Hello Mother. This one is playing  yes. This one loves the sand.