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Moonspear it's a hunch; it's a hope - Printable Version

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it's a hunch; it's a hope - Killdeer - June 16, 2024

no pressure Alyssa; I know you've got IRL stuff happening <3

To his surprise—and lucky for him—@Moonshadow was here, too, and presumably with her (their?) children. He looked for the woman now, sending a brief call up before meandering in the general area of the rendezvous site.

Having both mothers here was good. He wouldn't have to go back and forth anywhere; he could concentrate all his efforts here, at least when his children were too young to leave. And even when they did. . .

Killdeer chuckled to himself, shoulders lifting in a hapless shrug. He would be naive to think they'd stick around. He hadn't, after all. And yet, he'd still maintained the connection with his father, though time and miles had separated them here and there.

This was the place to be, at least for the meantime. He would make the most of it.

RE: it's a hunch; it's a hope - Moonshadow - June 17, 2024

She had been wrangling up children all morning and now they were off playing. She wasn’t concerned as long as their scents remained close. As she sniffed the air a new scent one she hadn’t smelled on a while came forth and she departed from her resting place to answer the call that was sent.

To her surprise it was one of the pups fathers; now which one ? She had no idea but that didn’t matter especially now that one of them were deceased. “It’s been a while.” She chuckled as he came into view.

RE: it's a hunch; it's a hope - Killdeer - June 19, 2024

I suppose it has, yeah, Killdeer replied with an answering smile of his own. Her scent was layered with children; how many did she have? She looked well, and he was glad to see her again. How are you?

And how did you come to be here? he thought. She would share it now or later; it didn't matter. What was important that she was here now.

RE: it's a hunch; it's a hope - Moonshadow - June 20, 2024

Right as the woman was about to speak Nayati came barreling into her leg. He looked as though he was getting chased by a bug he didn’t like. She smiled as she looked down at him. “It’s just a butterfly love.” 

She licked the top of his head before looking at the male. “As you can see I’ve had the babies. The other three are here somewhere.” She smiled thinking back on it. “Since this one is here his names Nayati.”

RE: it's a hunch; it's a hope - Killdeer - June 22, 2024

He looked down at the grayscale child and smiled broadly. Hi, Nayati, he said. I'm Killdeer.

He didn't know whether it was his or some other man's. It didn't matter, really. He was here. If the other man was, then he'd back off. But if not—

Do you have what you need? Killdeer asked, casting a solemn glance upon Moonshadow. I'm happy to help you with whatever, whenever.

She asked him to watch over his children, which he was more than happy to do. Some of them were definitely his, after all.