Wolf RPG
Deepwood Weald nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky - Printable Version

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nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky - Aditya - June 16, 2024

he'd been allowed by @Dutch and @Simbelmyne to come closer, to interact with his grandchildren. he was honored, though he took it slow, leaving them treats and toys at the periphery a few times before, today, he came fully into their orbit, the weather-bleached length of an old leg bone in his jaws.

flattening himself down upon his belly, forelegs outstretched, aditya let out a gentle whuff while dropping his gift upon the ground, looking for one or more of the quartet. they were happy and healthy, by all accounts.

now, he was keen to get a good look at them.

forward-dated to 6/26 because I suck at puppy ageing

RE: nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky - Sirimiri - June 18, 2024

Sirimiri was the first to emerge. She was easily enticed by both gifts and strangers. Well. Aditya was not a stranger, per se, but he was also not mama or dadda, and though he came by frequently, the young girl still regarded him as strange.

Her player thinks it is probably too early for her eyes to be open, though she refuses to check, for some reason. Sirimiri tilts her head towards the shadow Aditya has cast before mouthing at this new, smelly bone.

RE: nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky - Aditya - June 19, 2024

a sleek, silvery pup emerged, female by scent, curious by nature. his eyes widened and warmed at the sight of her, and even pricked with tears at the corners. he could barely contain a wistful sigh.

a grandchild. his grandchild. aditya had never even met his own father, and now these pups would have two generations to learn from—

but he, undoubtedly, was the lucky one. to have lived this long; to be here at all. . .

hi, bachchi, adi murmured, a smile bursting onto his muzzle. she started to test the unfamiliar object, and he took the other end, slowly moving it back and forth by just an inch or two. what do you think? one day soon, we'll play a game of tug-of-war.

RE: nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky - Sirimiri - June 27, 2024

Thanks to the powers that be, her eyes were open, but she did not see how choked up Aditya was because she was too caught up in the bone to pay attention to much of anything else.

She did not want to let go of the it to utter Babakee, but she knew now what it tasted like and wanted more to mimic her grandpa. War? She grabbed the bone again and gave it a soft tug, uttering a growl with all the menace of a newly born kitten.

RE: nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky - Aditya - June 29, 2024

bachchi, he repeated slowly, really emphasizing the double-chh. but she had moved on already, focusing on the bone and letting slip a tiny growl so adorable, it all but melted his heart into a puddle.

warrrrrrrr, adi agreed, letting the growl sit soft but steady in his throat.

he took the other end and tugged just as softly, taking half a step back with the bone in his mouth. she'd either tug back or be tugged;

either way, as good grandpa, he was prepared to roll over and let her have the victory.