Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera sweetpine - Printable Version

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sweetpine - Chickadee - June 17, 2024

kivaluk had said nothing about introducing @Kigipigak to their children, or even letting him visit. the babies were bouncing about more and more; she felt it would be a good time for that, but wasn't about to speak on how her husband should handle this new relationship with his estranged father.
maybe she was seeking him out herself this muggy afternoon; her tail swatted at biting insects and she slipped into the lake as she did often now, cooling herself for a bit before she climbed out and continued her journey along the pebbled shore.

RE: sweetpine - Kigipigak - June 20, 2024

He had done a morning patrol and was considering a hunt next, having found signs of wild boar in the lowlands, but had not yet decided. Kigipigak's trail led to the heart of his new home, to the lake for a drink.

As he finished with this, the sound of steps upon stones caught in his ears. As he lifted his head up, he saw Chickadee drawing along the lake's edge and gave her a small nod of greeting.

It was still pretty early. Kigipigak had gotten so used to his routine of patrols before anyone else woke, and had yet to use his voice today.