Wolf RPG
Moonspear Dawn's Early Light. - Printable Version

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Dawn's Early Light. - Ajei - June 17, 2024

Mornings were easier for the red wolf. She found solace as the sun rose. She no longer missed her mother in the darkness of night.

The sun brought with it a new hope. A new shade of rose to dance and whisper along rocks and trees.

Bright green eyes watched with wonder as they always did as it rose. The sun looking down on a world half awake.

She stretched out delicate paws and legs. Shaking the morning dew from fire kissed fur. Paws of red and white danced along the Rick's as she pitter pattered towards dens. Fluffing furs, and pulling grass. Sweeping, cleaning. There was solace and belonging to her in the mundane.

RE: Dawn's Early Light. - Hereby - July 25, 2024

a white raven, hefty and grotesque by the standards of his kind, landed on a blooming tree which's roots hid a densite, observing the workings of the seaset wolf.

RE: Dawn's Early Light. - Ajei - July 25, 2024

Ajei so lost in her blissful tasks. She didn't notice the bird that watched her. Nor did she pay any mind to any others if they came and went.

A soft whisper of a hum underneath her breath as she cleaned and fluffed and did what she could to make the wolves of Moonspear more comfortable. She should probably do some fishing soon. 

After all it was not just domestic niceties that must be observed. There was also the need to fill bellies.

RE: Dawn's Early Light. - Hereby - August 02, 2024

he began with an introductory croak.

denkeeper, are ya, russet? he had a bird's grin to him, watching the wolf for any reaction, and a ways to use it.

RE: Dawn's Early Light. - Ajei - August 09, 2024

Ajei lifted green eyes to the croaking bird and offered him a small smile. Hello Brother Raven.

A small tilt of an ear. I am yes.

RE: Dawn's Early Light. - Hereby - August 15, 2024

a cackle.

o, such small job! small job not for wandering wings. speak, russet, he leaned forward on his perch. do you dream of other places?

RE: Dawn's Early Light. - Ajei - August 19, 2024

Ajei smiled good naturedly at the Raven. No I can't say that I do. I like the simple things. Do you dream of other places?

A small tilt of her head. A delicate placing of her paw.

RE: Dawn's Early Light. - Hereby - August 21, 2024

not only dream! with great wings the bird boldly gestured.

i flown every corner of these lands, seen it all... don't you too want to wander, go far and bring stories what none would guess?

RE: Dawn's Early Light. - Ajei - August 22, 2024

Ajei shook her head. No my handsome feathered friend. I am happy right where I am. But if you ever want to tell me a story I do like to listen.

A gwntle dip of her head a delicate sweep of her tail.

RE: Dawn's Early Light. - Hereby - August 22, 2024

the avian smile is still a moment.

...what story does russet wish to hear?

tilt of head.


RE: Dawn's Early Light. - Ajei - August 23, 2024

She settled to her haunches. The ever doting audience. A curl of her tail about delicate paws. Green eyes on his face 

Hmm. A happy one please.