Wolf RPG
Lion Head Mesa night-walker - Printable Version

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night-walker - Tanutamani - June 17, 2024

for the rivers, I dream,
for the River, rich and reaching,
I dream,
I thirst,
I yearn.
arise, o sun, and shine upon the waters
the waters which writhe in light and shadow.

"leave shadow behind you, and walk in the day,"

but I, like blood moon, wash sands in reddened night.
they hang upon my eye;
they see, but dawn is far.

"I am the shadow; I walk by the night,"

when sun awakes and shines upon the waters
the waters which writhe in light and shadow
their yearnings cease.
they thirst no more.
they dream,
for the River, rich and reaching,
for the rivers, they dream.