Wolf RPG
Boartusk Heights ≡Bawitaba - Printable Version

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≡Bawitaba - Soleon - June 17, 2024

fennel - 5
Sage - 3
Rosemary - 1

As brought to his attention by Reyna, he had taken it upon himself to explore the heights. It was several hours after his meeting with the Queen, and while initially, he had been less than enamored by her, the tone had rapidly changed. He understood Nivis's assessment of her. She was, indeed, just a good woman trying to raise her children in a blanket of security. Her warmth was to be shared with the world. She had the best of intentions. Soleon could tell.

His paws grew tired. They had been busy scraping, pulling, and tearing at the earth to track things down. So far, he wasn't entirely disappointed. He had, initially gone back to gather some of the poppy he had gotten for himself and Nivis. That would be great to keep on hand. Obviously, for sleeping purposes. Though, he wanted something for Reyna. Something for the headaches she mentioned. Something lighter than the red decorated seeds.

  "Well, what have we here?"

Soleon's eyes brightened up as he found a cluster of fennel. Wonderful! His tail began to move happily as he laid beside it and carefully began picking apart pieces with his teeth. This, certainly, wouldn't be concluding his days work. This would be a great find for the whelps, should their be any issues, as well as their effectiveness on the fresh mothers.

RE: ≡Bawitaba - Paloma - June 17, 2024

Ahhh, it's the new healer I have heard of. Her light voice rang like a chime as the little figure came prancing into the other wolf's direction. @Reyna had eyes and ears everywhere even now, even in ther fledgling state. Paloma was those eyes and ears. 

La Criada circled round him, carefully so not to smash the herbs which he harvested. He was a much larger wolf then many of the thin, tall and spidery vampires which stalked the dark heights in the night. She also took note of some similarities in their colors. She white and vibrant ginger, he cream and softer auburn. Both had bits of black, though his markings lie uniquely as a dark mask on his features. 

I am la criada here. Handmaiden of Matriarca. She introduced herself, dipping her head low then and breathing in the herbs, all the while a pale lavender gaze locked on him.

RE: ≡Bawitaba - Soleon - June 18, 2024

Soleon worked away at the fennel until he was satisfied with his collection, and while he was prepared to move on, the voice of another had stopped him. His eyes turned upwards and he found himself staring into a svelte young girl. Beautiful auburn dressed her well. There was no denying that she was, simply put, a jewel.

"So I'm the news 'round here then?" He offered her a smile and his tail tapped against the ground happily.

  she walked around him. Examining him--he presumed. While he didn't move from where he was he did let her finish. Admittedly becoming concerned. What was she doing? Is this how they welcomed one another here? Should he circle her next?

  La Criada. Right. He needed to get a better understanding of their ranks. They were far from the normal things he had been taught, "Oh!" He recalled Reyna speaking so fondly of her, "Yes! Reyna mentioned you. Hey, she really appreciates you I think," As if Soleon needed to tell her that. He was sure the Queen was effective at handing out her own fawning.

    "My name is Soleon. I'm glad I'm getting referred to as a healer. I promised to do my best. I think they called me a...well a Sang Noove?" He really had to focus. Perhaps The delicate girl could be of great help to him.

RE: ≡Bawitaba - Paloma - June 20, 2024

For now. Paloma responds with a teasing grin, ever the charming and sweet little thing, as it so fit her. I'm Paloma.

Did she?? Paloma's black tipped ears lifted high, an excitement bursting into her pale lavender gaze. Whatever suave and sexy appeal she put on (honestly, she was good at it though) going right out the fucking window the moment he said Reyna was speaking highly of her

Isn't she incredible?? Paloma's heart skipped a beat! And before he could bother to answer - I owe my whole life to her and she still takes time to think of little ol' me. We are cousins, you know. She brags, rambling a bit as she did a spin around sighed a deep and happy breath. 

Then, Paloma giggles, facing back to the man in the mask once again. Sangrè Nueva. She corrects, speaking the words slowly. It means new blood. I'll have to give it a taste sometime. She jests. Except not really. I feel we may be working together, you and I. I am an herbalist myself. I've even begun to cultivate a number of things... However, if you'd like to take up the mantle of doing the actual patient work of it, I would be most pleased. My skills and attention are more or less to my Mistress, you see.

RE: ≡Bawitaba - Soleon - June 21, 2024

She is so nice! Soleon kept a pleasant smile against his face and his eyes happily drank in the words as she spoke them, "It's so nice to meet you," He rose from where he stood. She was quite the petite thing. He could see this before, but now--he was certain of it.

He grabbed the bit of fennel he had procured and moved to place it against a wall of rock. That would be a good place to store everything until it had all been collected and could be taken to storage whole.

Sage. He'd need to move on to locate it.

Paloma caught on to his little mention of Reyna and she seemed absolutely star-struck about it. Nivis and Paloma both seemed to gush about the queen. Soleon must've truly caught her on a bad day to have even a thought of that kind of light wavering. Though, she had ultimately taken him in and tasked him with an aspect of her well-being.

"Oh so you're royalty too? I can tell it--you're quite the looker," A compliment from Soleon was easy to come by and was usually stated matter-of-factly. He certainly didn't mean to be coming on to her.

He silently mouths the correction of his title that she provides him with. He would get it right next time. Surely...what did she say? Was she coming on to him? They had only just met! "I, uh, I don't think I'm into that...maybe...probably," Truthfully, Soleon didn't know what that meant. Didn't realize it wasn't innuendo at all--and just a fact.

"I'd quite like to see your garden. Know what's available? I do like people, and everyone here is so kind--How about if I take care of the patients, which includes you, if I need something then you take care of me?" He offers the warmest smile. An agreement. And then he begins to scan the area for a trail of sage.