Wolf RPG
Otter Creek Chitter, chatter - Printable Version

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Chitter, chatter - Rodyn - June 19, 2024

Rodyn heard the chatter of nearby otters and he went towards them. He liked otter furs for trading. They weren't super small, but they weren't large either. They were usually waterproof and he could carry them easily and wolves seemed to like them. Their fangs made interesting jewely pieces and their meat was good.

He sniffed around, and found a small spot that overlooked. He was upwind and he could watch them without being seen. He counted at least a dozen playing. He would not go for that many of course, but it would be fun to hunt them. Respectfully of course.

Yellow eyes tracked their progress and he wondered if anyone was within range to help him out. He hoped soo. It was nicer to hunt with others than alone.

RE: Chitter, chatter - Faruzan - June 20, 2024

There were strange creatures here, creatures not of the desert.

Their squeaks were reminiscent of young jackrabbits but the similarities stopped there. With elongated bodies and small, rounded ears, Faruzan likened them more to weasels, though they were bigger and shinier and appeared to have an affinity for water.

Sunfire tail flicking, she watched them play from afar with raptured intrigue until her ruby eyes caught the lamp-like gaze of another across the water. Concealed in the brush, her small body froze for a moment before she slipped out of cover and began descending the rise. Friend or foe, she did not want to pass up the opportunity for a good meal.

RE: Chitter, chatter - Rodyn - June 23, 2024

Rodyn was watching to pick out a few chances to hunt. Otters were notorious for attacking back. So he tried to find those that were old or wounded. Though there were not many. He could get one himself, perhaps.

He was spared hunting alone when a glint of bright caught his attention and he turned towards teh blazing coat of a new wolf. He saw her coming and turned to meet and greet her.

He kept his body language neutral and when she was close enough within earshot he spoke quietly.

Hello. I'm Rodyn Ardeth. Fancy a hunt?

RE: Chitter, chatter - Faruzan - June 27, 2024

With all her attention focused on the weasel-like creatures, it startled her greatly when the voice of a wolf introduced himself as Rodyn. She easily spied the caller nearby - he appeared large in size, though his speech was well-mannered and friendly.

Shamelessly, her brow furrowed at the thought of hunting together with a wolf. There was no way he could out speed her, but perhaps with his strength they could catch enough to share. That logic was enough to make her reconsider until, reluctantly, she swivelled and came to a stop nearer to him.

"Faruzan," she replied stiffly in turn. "What are those things?" Her patience for idle chit-chat was waning, though theĀ sunchaser did not mind sharing a moment of conversation if it meant finding out something new.

RE: Chitter, chatter - Rodyn - June 28, 2024

Rodyn had wrongly thought this one was a wolf at first glance. Though he now saw it to be a coyote. Which made no never mind to him truly. They were a canine and fine hunters in their own right. He had hunted with a few.

Well met, Faruzan. They're otters. Sort of like river dogs I suppose is the easiest way to describe them. They have sharp claws and sharp teeth and those tails are strong too. So be wary. But their pelts are good and the meat isn't bad.

He looked at the other with a small smile. I was hoping for some company hunting. We can catch more between the two of us.