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Stavanger Bay breaking in - Printable Version

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breaking in - Levi - December 08, 2014

For @Scarlett, but any SB wolf welcome since Levi's only a pup.

Levi had found the river that dumped into the ocean and he was following it away from the pack, though he still smelled Ragnar, so he knew he was safe. His nose traveled over the rocks and pebbles and sticks that littered the river bank as he walked, cataloging the scents that registered and filing them away in his little brain. It was only when he reached a point when Ragnar's scent weakened that he stopped moving and lifted his head.

His grey-blue eyes, already turning teal, were bright as he gazed around him, wondering at the sights before him. He had rarely seen the world outside his den or even the area right around it, except for his few trips to the beach. The world was so big! With a soft thud, Levi's butt plopped right down where he stood, and he gaped at the world around him, his brain whirring at a million miles a minute.

RE: breaking in - Scarlett - December 08, 2014

Scarlett was really in an exploring mood the last few days. Mainly because she wanted to know about the other packs in this area. Just in case, make some alleys for when things went wrong. She had her past haunting her. Maybe the pack she joined now didn't like her either. Oh how she wished her family could have looked past her blood red eyes and white fur. She wasn't a monster. She was actually really sweet. The white wolf stopped when she caught a scent of a pack. She had learned her lesson with the alpha of Duskfire Glacier. She wouldn't dare to cross it. The young female walked next to the river, following it to the big water she heard about. It would be a good thing to explore this 'beach' thing further up.

The female followed the river till she spotted a pup. She tipped her head curiously. Her mother instincts immediately surfaced. She always liked pups. Scarlett loved to take care of them. Usually pups were not prejudiced enough to avoid her. They just wanted someone to play or feed them. She stepped towards the cub, correction adorable fat little cub, careful to not have a toe over the border. "Hello," she greeted in a friendly manner. She held her head a bit lower and wagged her white tail. Her red eyes focussed on the little man. "What a handsome and strong young man," she praised fondly. "Are you out on an adventure just like me?"

RE: breaking in - Levi - December 08, 2014

He wasn't alone for long. A white wolf approached and spoke to him, praising him for being handsome and strong. Levi watched her carefully, back-pedaling a few steps, but not seeming timid otherwise. She had the strangest eyes, but they weren't ugly or scary, just different. They were red. He had never seen red eyes before and they certainly intrigued him.

When she asked if he was out on an adventure, he nodded. Levi wasn't one for talking much, especially since his twin had gone missing, but he could answer in other ways. Nodding or shaking his head, prancing about, or using other body language was usually the way that Levi would answer direct questions, otherwise he would remain silent. Perhaps that would change soon, but for now his puppyish nods would have to suffice for "yes".

RE: breaking in - Scarlett - December 08, 2014

Scarlett looked at the little plump bundle of fluff. The pup looked adorable. The female laid down once the pup stepped back. She didn't want to make the little one uncomfortable. She wasn't that big for a wolf but still it would have her a bit on the same level. Scarlett licked her lips and placed her head on her paws. "Oh, such a big man already," she spoke on that same soft and friendly tone. She noticed that the pup was a quiet one. Sometimes you had pups that wouldn't shut up. Scarlett liked the quietness it reminded her a bit of herself when she was younger.

"I see you did quite the adventure already! You probably shouldn't go out of your pack's territory. Dangerous things out here." She found it strange to see that there was no mother wolf with the cub. "Or aren't you in a pack?" This mother was awfully trusting to leave her cub banter around like this without supervision. Scarlett briefly wondered if this pack didn't have any babysitters. She would love to be a babysitter and watch after all the small little balls of fur! Scarlett reminded herself that she couldn't just jump from pack to pack. She had to at least try and settle in the one she was now. "Is your mommy close by?"

RE: breaking in - Charon - December 09, 2014

hope you don't mind me butting in... not exactly adult supervision ^^;

Charon woke up, let out a long, drawn-out yawn and smacked his lips a few times as he looked around. His right ear twitched as sleepy eyes observed the den. It was quiet this morning. Not that Levi was really that noisy, as he had been a quiet and sad boy most of the time so he didn't take up much space, but...

Wait, where was Levi? Charon instantly rose and looked around. Nope, no Levi. He ran outside and sniffed around the clearing to try and find his brother, but the only scents he found were old.

His heart racing in his chest, Charon started to run around the area surrounding the clearing, while shouting "Levi!", but he didn't find his quiet brother. Charon knew that the smartest thing to do was get an adult, but he was afraid that Levi had been taken by whatever had taken Kevlyn and Liyaní, and the adults had done nothing to get them back, so maybe if he didn't act fast Levi would be far over the horizon too!

With that frightening thought in his mind, Charon started to run towards no man's land, figuring that someone evil who would take his brother would take him out of the pack. He just so happened to run in about the right direction, even though he was only half trying to follow Levi's scent and mostly just running far away from the den because surely that's where he would have been taken.

After a good while of running, the pup saw his brother come into view; with another wolf! Charon quickly ran to his brother's side and tried to look as menacing as he could (although, since he was still a pup, he probably didn't look half as angry and dangerous as he thought he did) as he bared his teeth at the adult that was casually chatting with Levi. "Go 'way!" hissed Charon venomously. "Leave Levi 'lone!" In Charon's mind, the adult wanted to take Levi away and the only way to protect his sibling was to chase off the intruder.

RE: breaking in - Levi - December 15, 2014

The white wolf laid down after he took a step back and that made him more comfortable. He nodded at her, just a little gesture, but didn't go any closer to her. She spoke to him, saying he was quite an adventurer (he knew that word!) and that there were dangerous things outside his pack. Levi looked over her shoulder, standing up on his tip toes to peek over her, and then plopped down onto his bottom as his brother streaked by, yelling for her to leave him alone.

Levi whined, but didn't move at first. She wasn't hurting him! She was actually being nice. Why was Charon being so mean? After Charon bared his teeth at the white woman, Levi pushed his brother and shook his head, trying to get his brother's attention. He looked at the woman and nodded, trying to get his brother to understand that she was nice! But somehow, even though he was upset that Charon was being mean, his voice still wouldn't work.

RE: breaking in - Scarlett - December 15, 2014

Clouds were settling over the skies making the world seem so much grayer. The red eyed female focussed on the silent cub in front of her. She smiled friendly and let out a soft sigh. Somehow she could totally picture herself with a batch of her own. Her dreamlike gaze lifted when another pup came into view. It looked more fierce than this fat bundle of silence. She chuckled in a fond matter as the grey dotted pup got closer. It was even more adorable that the first cub she met tried to stop his sibling. Or at least she thought the lighter pup was his sibling.

Scarlett didn't get up from her spot. She made her tail wag to show that she meant no harm. "Such a fierce young man. You are a great protector!" Instead of saying that the pup would be one day, she complimented the young one by telling he always was a good protector. And in fact he was. He had the curate to face an adult wolf. Impressive indeed. "But don't worry. I was doing the same. I was just chatting and telling your... brother.. that he shouldn't go over the pack's boundary line," she spoke in a warm and quiet voice. A gentle smile tugged on her face. "Will you bring him back to safety?" She would like to chat some more but she also didn't want to piss of their mom for hoarding her kids.

RE: breaking in - Charon - December 17, 2014

The female he was facing did not seem very taken aback by Charon's fearless assault. As a matter of fact, she looked more cheerful than anything else, which only fueled Charon's anger. He wanted her to leave the pack territories, and leave his poor brother be. Charon bared his teeth at the female, but was distracted when Levi pushed him. Caught off-guard by the movement from his brother's side, Charon nearly lost his balance and toppled over. He glared at his brother, who looked at him imploringly, and then looked back at the female as she talked to him as though he was a baby. He was pretty sure that adults didn't just compliment each other when they were being intimidated; they'd actually be intimidated instead.

Realising that his show of strength hadn't intimidated the female at all, Charon straightened his posture dominantly but stopped with the teeth-baring and fur-bristling. "'m strong!" he objected when she told him he was a good protector, as though giving one last ditch effort to try and make her see that he was dangerous enough to fear repercussions from if she wouldn't do as he said.

Levi remained silent as always through all of it. Charon looked at his brother when the female had stopped talking. Then he looked at the female and said, "No I won't, he can go where he wants! Stop tellin'm what to do!" It wasn't true, of course, but Charon wasn't about to let a stranger who didn't smell like any wolf he had smelled before come over here and tell him or his brother what to do. Charon stretched out his neck to sniff the female's fur and wrinkled his nose. "You smell funny," he commented, because he hadn't met a wolf that didn't smell like Stavanger Bay and Ragnar or Thistle before.

RE: breaking in - Levi - January 06, 2015

Sorry about the delay here! We can get this wrapped up in the next few posts! :)

Levi watched the pair carefully, his attention bouncing between the female and Charon, glad that his brother had stopped harassing her long enough to realize she didn't mean them any harm. That wasn't to say that his older brother still didn't protect him, though, because he shouted at her to stop telling Levi what to do, and the boy in question simply blinked and stared at them.

What was all the fuss about? They were only talking! Levi had been sniffing along the river and found someone nice. Charon was just overprotective, that was all. He didn't want Levi getting hurt or stolen or lost, like the rest of their family, so he kept a closer eye on him than he normally would as pups. Levi was grateful for his brother's help, but felt that sometimes he needed to stretch his legs a bit. However, it seemed today wasn't the day for that.

RE: breaking in - Scarlett - January 06, 2015

The white lady was almost charmed by the defiant young man. It was adorable to see him quibble like that. She had to hold in her laugh otherwise Scarlett was sure that she had some small pierced wounds in her paw or somewhere else. He was just so cute. "Oh no doubt about that. You look really strong," the female returned in all seriousness. The female got on all fours and looked over the two brothers. Apparently her advise wasn't accepted by the spotted one. Her brows raised a bit. Scarlett could argue with this young man all she wants but that would end no where. The white female knew better than to argue with a child. "Excuse me," she then apologized.

Scarlett licked her lips. "Well I smell like this because I am in another pack. You smell funny to me too," she returned. Her red eyed glance turned to the silent one and casted him a smile. "We had a nice chat young man. Maybe I will see you around. I think I will let your brother here take care of you now," she spoke fondly. Her fond gaze then turned back to the fierce one. She was certain he would do a good job. "You protected your brother well for now it is time for me to continue my travels,' she returned. "I do advise to stay on your pack's lands not all wolves are as nice as me." She had no idea the cubs did had experience with that.

RE: breaking in - Charon - January 08, 2015

my last post :)

Charon couldn’t really tell if the female accepted what he had said or if she was messing with him again, but he left the matter as it were for now. He just wanted to make sure that Levi was okay, but it seemed he was fine; the female didn’t seem all that threatening, anyway. He was glad when she apologised to him, and looked at Levi. He was about to ask Levi if he wanted to stay longer or go home now when the female spoke again.

Since she was the one who had come to their borders, Charon thought it was silly she said that they smelled funny to her, too. They smelled perfectly like the borders did, except with a little bit more wolf mixed in, so she could’ve predicated what they would smell like.

Then she decided to depart again and parted with advise for the boys to stay on the pack territories. Charon was pretty sure that as long as he was with Levi, it would be fine because then he could protect his brother, but he didn’t say so. He just said, “Okay, bye,” and nudged Levi’s shoulder. “C’mon Levi,” he said to his brother with a much nicer tone. After making sure that the female wouldn’t linger around their pack’s territories after they’d depart, or go further into the territories, Charon turned around and left, making sure that Levi followed him (or, if he would not, Charon’d follow Levi instead).