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Lion Head Mesa all we have is somewhere to begin - Printable Version

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all we have is somewhere to begin - Cornelius - June 25, 2024

Upon completing his service to the Pharaoh while traveling, Cornelius found renewed determination upon seeing the palace again. With newfound energy, he headed towards the mesa and quickly made his way to the outdoor throne room, eager to see @Toula and recount his travels with her. 

He howled as he moved freely and with purpose through the grand Mesa Arch, announcing his presence to his Queen and the Fellahin who were surely nearby.

RE: all we have is somewhere to begin - Toula - June 25, 2024

she awaited the arrival in restful repose. fellahin attended her, one fanning her with a broad frond to keep her cooler while another carefully dipped her claws in a bowl of smashed berry. when wet, the work done was made useless—but Toula delighted in the temporary beauty, and the berries were used to bring in avian wildlife to put to work in some way or another. 
she wanted to be beautiful tonight, to surprise her husband with these ornate details he, like herself, would appreciate. since her announcement to him her strongest of cravings were for him—and then, surprisingly, for politics! third to that was plucked pheasant at present. 
Toula was eager to receive Cornelius, however. there was news to share with him, unfortunate though it was—and she wondered what matter of news he himself might bring! 
had he found @Treva?

RE: all we have is somewhere to begin - Cornelius - June 25, 2024

Upon his arrival, he discovered her looking remarkably beautiful and radiant, as usual, but there was a subtle change in her appearance that he couldn't quite pinpoint—perhaps it was the nail polish? 

His presence was announced as he entered the chamber, and he stopped and bowed deeply. Only after being instructed to do so did he rise, ready to follow her orders. Divine One, he greeted, rising once more. It's a pleasure to be in your presence again. 

I traveled for six moons and was unable to find the woman you sought, and for that I deeply apologize. I know we weren't sure if I would find her when I left, but I did my best. I spread word of your mercy, and of the news of the lifting of her banishment, he was sure that word would get to her some way or another.

RE: all we have is somewhere to begin - Toula - June 25, 2024

in knowing her mother had nothing to do with any nefarious plot, Toula had extended her palm out to her in amnesty. she prayed that she would come to hear it, and fear home no longer. the thought that her mother might be the last living family member she had left came to her more than once. it was Makono’s pyramid she worked tirelessly upon; nothing would have kept her sister from this place but death. 
and her brothers had likely found some other kingdom to rule, if not here. none of them had loved Akashingo in the same way she and Makono had. and while her love had always been softer, and sweeter, it had been thanks to Makono that it could be. while there was part of her that wondered—having only seen her father and the first Shabti in her dreams of the beyond—she then hoped that Makono, too, might find herself born again in the divine beings she created… or else, that she was entirely at peace. peace Makono had taken care to provide for her. Toula saw that now. 
and knew in the beyond, Makono would understand—now more than ever she needed what was left, the guiding voice of a woman who had not been born divine but had made herself such! 
her heart twisted in torment to know that he had not encountered her, but Toula knew that her mother did not mean to be found. if it were that easy, then any who wished to smite her would have—and she imagined her mother awaited this moment, where Toula could at last pardon her for things she had not partaken in. the conspiracy investigated, Toula was satisfied in the end result of her mothers innocence. 
you have done well, she said with a warm smile. furs were then lain out on the floor before her, and a meal placed in front of them. please, rest—and eat! I have some unfortunate news, Sphinx, that has truly broken my heart. your father… she breathed in, and then in her exhale she said, he is no longer of this world. her eyes watered as she spoke the words, and her voice broke to speak them to him. at once she rose and moved nearer to him, leaving pink marks where she stepped, to offer him a comforting embrace—as much for herself as it was for him, truly!