Wolf RPG
Otatso Wetlands mmm, make it right. - Printable Version

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mmm, make it right. - Qiao - June 27, 2024

a series of soft owl-calls penetrated the rising dusk. qiao listened, placing the boy on the ground and pinning his shoulder. another series tittered over the fluttering leaves; this time followed by unnatural silence. 

the boy was sullen. any time he cried, he was met with the sharp pinch of qiao’s teeth.  he became withdrawn and gaunt in short order, stifling the quiet cries that rose in his chest. 

qiao cut him a look that brooked no quarter, ears stiffening as the crunch of leaves underfoot reached her. her eyes flashed, teeth bared and ready — but it was only @Stormchaser, his captive in tow. 

this one is a mutant. qiao gestured to rowdy, her murkwater eyes alight with dark emotion. what of yours?

RE: mmm, make it right. - Stormchaser - June 27, 2024

Stormchaser had run until his legs quivered from the effort of it. All the while, his mouth held the fragile little body of the pup. At first the child had seemed weightless, as though the yearling could race into oblivion and never feel the difference in his body and the speed he gained. As the miles stretched and he began to seek out Qiao, the child had grown heavy and Stormchaser’s jaw had become cramped with the effort it took not to sink his teeth into the pup.

When he met the crone, his bloody leg had crusted over. The marking of fangs against his shoulder itched and burned. The familiar dropped @Riot on the ground, nudging his small head with a huff through his nose.

He did fine. Squirmed more than I wanted.

RE: mmm, make it right. - Riot - June 27, 2024

Being carried was immeasurably tiring.
He is dropped with a soft thud. Sore, but all in one piece.
All other qualms leave his mind when he sees the form of his brother.
Riot wriggles forth to Rowdy’s side.

RE: mmm, make it right. - Qiao - July 01, 2024

qiao’s gaze apprised her familiar. he was wounded but alive; blood trickled his leg. everything she saw pointed to non-fatal.

come, she whisked away the mutant boy, who was joined by his wriggling brother. 

she motioned for stormchaser to sit, drawing from her thin furskin a tired sea sponge still damp with salt water. this she pressed to his cuts, inspecting it with a keen eye before setting her tools aside. superficial. go stand in the river for five minutes each morning. qiao growled, turning back to the duo of children. 

qiao’s long fingers jabbed at riot’s flank. give me your name, child. and then to rowdy: and yours, too.