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Noctisardor Bypass Argentum {Joining} - Printable Version

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Argentum {Joining} - Silverfeather - December 08, 2014

Silver wandered through the wood. She could not denie it any longer. She was lonely. For days, she had skirted around territories, avoiding all scents of wolves. But now, she sat on the border of a pack, her posture nonthreatening, if not tense. Friendly, she hoped.

She lay down on the wet ground, looking up at the clouds overhead. The warm temperature coupled with those clouds would probably result in rain later.

A low, mourning howl rose from her throat into the frigid air. She hoped someone out there would answer it, and not want to kill her. Most of all, she wanted to be accepted.
(Sorry it is so short, is this an okay thread?)

RE: Argentum {Joining} - Flash - December 09, 2014

Hey, I had to reply cuz in case you didn't know Shadow is currently gone for the pack and will be back soon. But in the meantime me and @Crëyr are "in charge" of the pack

A mourning howl rose to the air. What was it again? Another wolf wanting to join. Winter had just arrived and without Shadow, the pack was empty and silent. The Noctisardor Bypass Territory itself was silent and empty. Empty of Shadow, the backbone;Empty of Farkas, his first friend; Empty of Tiberius, the hard-working one....and empty of Paarthurnax, the one who supported the backbone.

Mourning... seemed like the exact thing to do on a gloomy day. But Flash had responsibilities, and he couldn't neglect them. Sighing, he rose from the shelter he gained from the shade of a elm tree and started towards the border. Not surprisingly, A wolf was there, a young one nonetheless. But he wasn't so old himself was he?

The posture seemed friendly enough, but Flash kept weary. He padded closer, his head and tail high. Couldn't let the stranger think Noctisardor Bypass was weak, now could he?

"What is your business here. If it is trouble, scamper before I set my fangs on your pretty silver pelt." He didn't mean to sound so harsh, but stress was starting to wear him out, and it came out wrong.

RE: Argentum {Joining} - Crëyr - December 10, 2014

Days passed. The Noctisardor territory was empty of life— silent, occasionally tinged with an eerie chill. Crëyr sought company with Flash and sometimes the fish in her lake, though they didn't lean towards "good". Shadow was gone to see Paarthurnax and had both herself and Flash in his stead.

A howl rose through the air, slicing through the breath of morning. Immediately the ashen girl was padding towards the sound of the voice, each and every step alert to her surrounding. She wasn't surprised to see Flash there before her and stepped in to greet him as she went level in step with him.

A girl was almost at the edge of the territory, her posture not one to look for trouble. Crëyr fairly knew what she was going to say, though she wasn't arrogant enough to speak before she even said anything.

She nodded at Flash's words, which came out surprisingly harsh. She could understand, though, as the days of work had definitely been wearing both of them down and had him teeming with life and patience... not.

The Welsh female turned to the wolfess before her and nodded once more, a faint smile drifting across her features. "Please state your name and business."

RE: Argentum {Joining} - Silverfeather - December 10, 2014

Her rose to her feet, pelt bristling, but she resisted the urge to snarl at this wolf. A tiny growl escaped her though, too quiet for the two to hear, she hoped. She forced her fur to lie flat and reluctantly lowered herself to the ground. She studied the two wolves before speaking. They both seemed tired, which could explain the words of the male...but then again, perhaps they greeted all strangers like this. She knew nothing about a pack, except that a wolf must show submission to a stronger or higher ranking wolf.

"My name is Silverfeather, and I have traveled far and seen many things. I only wish now to join a pack."

She noticed her fore
paw shaken slightly, and she cursed herself for it. She lowered herself even more. She would remain respectful, but alert and strong.

RE: Argentum {Joining} - Flash - December 10, 2014

[ooc] sorry for Flash being an Ass, he's under stress (I become an ass when I'm under stress, so that probably why he's cranky)

.The silver wolf had almost growled, nearly making Flash leap forward and attack, but he held himself in place. Now with the comforting presence of Crëyr at his side, he felt slightly calmer, now he wasn't alone. The wolf had now went into a submissive posture, which he was perfectly okay about.

“Sorry for snapping, I'm just under a rather lot of stress." But that was where he stopped. This was still a stranger and he wasn't about to share the pack's secret with her. Apparently Her name was Silverfeather and she wished to join a pack, but that wasn't surprising.

“ What skill can you offer to the pack? Winter is approaching and we need everybody to hunt for the pack. Are you sure you are up for this? " He asked in a much more cheerful tone.

RE: Argentum {Joining} - Crëyr - December 10, 2014

She agreed that Flash had been a little harsher than necessary, though she knew she could not dump the full blame on him. Noctisardor numbers had been waning, and that was definitely not what she wanted over the course of the approaching harsh winter. With Shadow, Paarthurnax and the others gone, the Bypass was half of what it had been.

Perhaps even less.

But they would survive, Crëyr knew. She would not take no for an answer. They would strengthen up, gather numbers and once again become a fully healthy, firm pack. And right now, they would need anything and everything they could get.

"Perhaps this winter will be harsher than most, Silverfeather," The Welsh wolfess said thoughtfully. "You may receive a chance to prove yourself over the course of this season."

RE: Argentum {Joining} - Silverfeather - December 11, 2014

Silverfeather paused thoughtfully before speaking, looking up at the clouds before her gaze settled on the two wolves once more. "[b]I am a great hunter and tracker, as would be expected after so many nights alone. My greatest companion taught me to fight, and I have had to fight many wolves throught my travels. I am ready to swear my undying loyalty to a pack"

Silverfeather looked at he two wolves, a ball of ice in her stomach. Would they send her packing? She thought of life with others to support her, others to protect. Maybe she would settle down in this pack, find a mate....
The thought trailed off. She could think of matters like that after she was accepted into a pack, if any.

RE: Argentum {Joining} - Flash - December 12, 2014

. "I am a great hunter and tracker, as would be expected after so many nights alone. My greatest companion taught me to fight, and I have had to fight many wolves throught my travels. I am ready to swear my undying loyalty to a pack" Silverfeather said, in contrast to his question.

Flash nodded at the answer, it seemed like she was a good wolf. She was serious enough, but he noticed she was slightly nervous. Maybe just wondering about their answers. He looked to Creyr for her opinion. Just for her to see his, he nodded slightly, jutting his head in the direction of the wolf.

RE: Argentum {Joining} - Crëyr - December 12, 2014

Silverfeather looked very much intimidated. The grayscale girl had noticed that she had seemed nervous and pretty scared, her paw trembling, and that wasn't what Crëyr would want. She would want all her packmates to trust each other and fuse together as a family for once, though there was no telling what would happen if Silverfeather was accepted into the pack.

She smiled encouragingly at the girl, in an attempt to soften the harsh mood. She did not like harsh conditions in which a possible pack member would be dealt in and perhaps neither would Paarthurnax. The frigid aura surrounding the three wolves wouldn't be necessary with dealings like these.

"If it is true what you say, Silverfeather, you'll have to prove your words with your actions. But other than that, you are welcome in Noctisardor Bypass. Your hunting skills will be of a great use for the pack this oncoming winter. If you are as true to what you say, there will be a place in our ranks for you. You will have to work hard and stay vigilant this season." The grayscale girl nodded to Flash so both of them would have the final word with this, then they would somehow consult Shadow.

RE: Argentum {Joining} - Silverfeather - December 12, 2014

Silverfeather nodded to each wolf in turn. "Thank you for accepting me, I will prove myself to you, I promise." She straightened slightly, relieved. No, they would not throw her out. Her heart fluttered as she though of life within the pack. Finally, she had found comfort in a pack. She knew it would be a rough beginning, as she did not know all of the packs traditions and customs as of yet. But she swore that she would learn.

But then the nervousness settled in, and she worried about the other wolves in the pack. Would they accept her as well? "Were does the pack reside?" she asked, unable to keep the curiosity out of her voice. She had so many questions.

RE: Argentum {Joining} - Flash - December 14, 2014

sorry for kinda late reply, I was busy

."Thank you for accepting me, I will prove myself to you, I promise." Another wolf recruited, this wouldn't be so bad after all? He nodded his head to Creyr, showing his approval of the wolf. That is good, Winter is here. Nostisardor Bypass needs more wolves now more than ever. He said kindly to the wolf.

She was nervous, very obviously. But Flash could see the slightly shiver of excitement. A good choice to have his wolf in the pack. "Where does the pack reside?" The silver wolf continued to ask. Many places are still not named. All the woods and much much more belong to us.I currently reside in SIlva Stellarum. Roman for The forest of Stars.Oh, we forgot to mention, This is a roman pack. He answered.

Our leader is also currently...gone. He will return in a few weeks, then we will see what he thinks of you. For now, welcome to Noctisardor Bypass. Creyr? Any words? He said, nudging the grey-scale wolfess. If none, will you show Silver feather around?I want to go hunting.I also need to check the borders. He knew he was over-working himself. But he must do the best for the pack.

RE: Argentum {Joining} - Crëyr - December 15, 2014

one last post from silver? :)

"Welcome to Noctisardor Bypass, Silverfeather," Crëyr said softly, echoing Flash's words. "Though keep in mind that you are not yet an entirely full member of the pack until you have our Alpha's approval, like Flash said. He'll be back soon. Hopefully.

The grayscale girl nodded at Flash's request for her to take Silverfeather around Noctisardor, which she willingly accepted. After all, she could get to know the girl in that process. Nodding to her, she stepped aside to let her step foot into the territory. "Come, I'll show you around and introduce you to our customs. After that, you may rest. Welcome to your new home, or your temporary one. Let's hope for the best with the Alpha."

She genuinely hoped that this female would work herself up to what she said she would be, and she would find herself rising.

RE: Argentum {Joining} - Silverfeather - December 15, 2014

Silverfeather's eye's shone with happiness. She had been accepted. She was speechless, trusting that her eye's would show how she felt.
(Is this the end of the thread? Or is there something else...?"