Wolf RPG
Two Rivers Isle ≡ Just Around the River Bend - Printable Version

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≡ Just Around the River Bend - Collision - July 01, 2024

If he was going to stay here and try to be a part of something then he needed to get the lay of the land. He needed to be aware of all things. He had spent some time following the scents that he assumed marked the borders of their land. Their land. What an almost foreign thought after all this time.

Aiding in strengthening the odors that warded against others. He had familiarized himself with the kind of prey that frequented The Isle. Regarded the enclosing rivers...perhaps he needed to learn how to fish. He wondered if it were even possible for him to be good at it given his actual lacking aptitude for hunting anything that would remotely be described as fast.

Collision had finished making himself his own place to lie his head. Further from where it seemed others had, but close enough to be considered only a call away.

He was further impressed with the range of foliage that the region offered. He was no medic, but he wagered one would be most useful here.

He drew nearest the waters and stared down into the rush. Following the direction it moved with his eyes. He wasn't all that confident in water. He hadn't ever needed to be. He thought of Cambria and how easily he took on the water. Maybe he would've been the better addition...

Collision stepped into the rapids and felt the pull of the water. A paw slipped, not enough to undertake him, but certainly enough so that his body dropped into the water more abruptly than intended. A sigh withdrew from his lips, and he shook his head. He could do this.

RE: ≡ Just Around the River Bend - Argent - July 04, 2024

Eshe remained by far a more captivating host than he—her kindness emanated from her in a radiant glow, while his own icy outward demeanor tended to place apprehension among strangers—AKA, his resting bitch face did him no favors.

That didn’t mean he wasn’t keen on meeting the others she had invited to stay, and so the silver wolf made his rounds along the length of borders—easy in so many aspects, given the river that surrounded them—and yet he couldn’t help but wonder if it hindered them in certain ways.

Time would tell. But they had pups on the way—and he was certainly looking to ensure they would be well protected by the the time of their birth.

As he continued his pace, the brown form of their newest recruit came t view, and Argent found himself slowing his pace, frosted eyes studying the other. A gentle slip—hesitance.

He adjusted his direction, taking himself to the banks—muzzle lifting as he called out gently to the other: “Hope you don’t mind the company—trying to find your fishing legs?”

RE: ≡ Just Around the River Bend - Collision - July 07, 2024

After his misstep Collision more carefully waded the waters. His eyes watched closely at the moving waters. How ever was he supposed to see something worth the catch in these waters? They seemed to move fast. Hunting, fishing, it all seemed out of the question for him. Hopeful that fishing was at least something that could be taught.

The voice of another interupts the sound of the river and the life chirping around. He turns himself and studies the grey figure of Argent. He hadn't had a chance to speak to the male. Not that he seemed particularly interested. Collision didn't know what to think of him.

  Eshe, his new queen and mate to the one before him, was much more well-spoken and efficient at least at speaking to others. At recruiting. He wondered what strengths Argent held.

  "I don't mind," He offers him a brief, kind, smile and flicks his head towards the water, "I suppose I ought to figure out how to at least fish. It's a good and strong source of food given your chosen location." Though, if the rivers were indeed filled with fish. What other predators lurked to have their fill? The thought had only just occured to Collision.