Wolf RPG
Home Away From Home - Printable Version

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Home Away From Home - Smoke K-A - October 12, 2013

fifteen steps

It had been a hard journey and the young wolf was exhausted. He had been resting for over twelve hours now and his poor paws still ached from the walk. It was the pain in his heart that was crippling however. He still had not decided how he was going to be able to carry on without his parents and brother at his side. The famine had hit the pack hard and Smoke was now the only one left, or at least, given his brother, Flames, choice to stay at the valley, he could only presume he was the only one left. For it was a decision that surely would have lead to his brothers death. Yet he admired his courage and loyalty and hoped to one day have the same resolve, but his survival instinct was too strong, he had to leave, whilst he still had the strength to.

He had found a nice quiet small corner in Neverwinter Forest, shaded by the trees mostly but a small spot of the winter sun's warmth in the form of a small wolf-sized gap in the trees. And here he sat curled up with his tail shielding his nose from the cold wind basking. A small pile of bones lay next to him, the remains of a small rabbit that he had picked every last morsel from to satisfy his hunger. He had given silent thanks to the forget, grateful for it's bounty and was dozing in the afternoon. It had been a long morning, with his acceptance.

He had shown much submission, presenting his unprotected stomach before the packs border patrol before asking to join their ranks. It was only days before that he had come to the realization that he could no longer wander alone. His father had warned him of the dangers a Lone Wolf faces, and he did not wish to end up mauled for trespassing or hungry once again for lack of prey density in non-pack lands. There was a reason a wolf pack chose to settle where it did and usually it was close to the best hunting spots.

Letting out a depressed sigh to himself he allowed himself the pleasure of drifting off, but his dreams were far from peaceful and filled with dark memories of recent events and it is for that reason he started to thrash about, running, but on his side, letting out the occasional whine before waking with a start, silver eyes filled with fear.

then a sheer drop.

RE: Home Away From Home - Rowtag - October 12, 2013

Once more Rowtag found herself alone. Warboy had abandoned her in her sleep and rather than wait for his return she had gone away from their den as well. In a way she had intended it as a punishment. Surely a frown would come upon his face when he came home to regale her with an account of his day, only to discover that she was not there. But the part that really mattered was her personal motive. She just couldn't lay there by herself thinking about them. At least when she and War were together they could debate over the morals of their former friends and sit in shared silence over the unspeakable fact of their sister's death. No, alone nothing made sense.

Traveling in some random direction, Row paid close attention to the queues of the impending season. For selfish reasons she hoped that it was an especially brutal one. Tilting her dark head upwards she watched a singular leaf loose its precarious balance upon a branch and fall. When it came to rest a little ways off to her left she pounced on it and made confetti. Sometimes she was truly grateful for what she recognized as the dog side of her brain -the one which was effortlessly distracted.

Moving away from the place when she felt ready to do so, Row only managed to get so far before she encountered an unknown wolf. Expressive ears fell back instinctively and so to did her tail cease to tick and in fact curl over her back.

RE: Home Away From Home - Smoke K-A - October 12, 2013

fifteen steps

Finally his eyes were not as wide and he panted with the exhaustion of his nightmare. He remembered it well. He had been running for his life but not from something, it was toward caribou. Lightning had cracked across the sky and traveled to ground missing him by inches. He leap up but kept on running, but his goal was just out of his reach. It was always out of his reach. His stomach had growled and mouth clogged with saliva at the thought of finally sinking his teeth into one of the beasts. Then finally he fell, tripping, but the strange was that he kept on falling stuck in a dark void until he had awoken with a start.

His eyes finally adjusted to the light and he took in his surroundings. It took him a while to notice the wolf in front of him and his first recollection was the forest and the unfamiliar scent of his new pack. Then he remembered the sounds the wind in the trees, birds high above and rivers in the distance. He swallowed focus his eyes to what was closer to him and that was when he saw her. Her ears flat to her skull and tail raised to the sky. Smoke responded almost instantly, jumping to his feet and tucking his tail between his legs showing he meant no harm and that his previous thrashing had been from his own distress.

Hello there Miss, sorry if I startled you, just a bad dream is all. I'm new here, my name is Smoke, Smoke Kehman. In his own way of saying hello he bowed his head, his equivalent of a human handshake and there he paused to allow the dark female to introduce herself if she wished.

then a sheer drop.

RE: Home Away From Home - Rowtag - October 13, 2013

Her boldness was rewarded with exact submission and for this Rowtag was grateful. She wouldn't reminisce on the last time that she had dominated a wolf other than Warboy, but as she preformed her subsequent actions she exercised with special care. Diminishing the space between them in a few short steps, she interrupted the male's personal space with an unspoken air of rank. It was a courageous move for such a newcomer, but Row was a wolf whose very bones were strengthened by vigor. It was only a matter of time before she launched an official campaign towards the top of the pack's hierarchy, he was just the first step.

Finally taking a seat once her carnal desires were satisfied, Row chose to stare just above the male's head as she listened to his near apologetic words. However, she was far from disliking the male. In fact his general likeness to War automatically made her somewhat sweet on him.

"Well as long as you're alright Smoke...," while others might've pestered the wolf for the details of his dream Row ignored the obvious lead. She wasn't one for breaking into the hearts of others for fear that some would attempt to return the favor. "My name is Rowtag, and I was only enjoying a stroll through the woods when I came upon you. But would you like to join me?" Her request was entirely genuine, for a facsimile of her brother seemed as good as the real thing,

RE: Home Away From Home - Smoke K-A - October 13, 2013

fifteen steps

The female calmed and her position shifted slightly when she was happy with Smoke's level of submission. Not that he was not able to stand up from himself, far from it, however he was new here, yet to be ranked and as a result it was his duty to respect the existing pack members that came before him. Yes, this female was new, he could small that the minute she approached, but she was here before him and as such commanded his respect.

She was also female and Smoke was always hideously chivalrous and polite to members of the opposite sex. In his eyes they were not just stay-at-the-den mothers, they were life givers. They risk death to produce the latest additions to the pack thereby securing it's future. He found it hard to not be in awe and admire this and this female was no exception. She greeted him as an equal proclaiming her name as Rowtag and was astute enough to not ask Smoke about his dream

This he was grateful for, he had traveled a long way to move on and deal with his past and he did not wish to be dragging it back up to the surface. Not that he would ever forget, the memories, good and bad, would stay with him, forever. Rowtag also inquired if Smoke was up for a walk in the woods. With a smile he reciprocated. My dear Rowtag, it would be my honor with walk with you this afternoon.

He stood up and shook his fur causing all the small jagged ends to become smooth as silk and caused particles of dust to fly out from his under pelt. He licked the odd patch here and there to keep it firmly planted to his body. Then he was ready to go and joined Rowtag at her side. Please Miss, lead the way.

then a sheer drop.

RE: Home Away From Home - Rowtag - October 15, 2013

Honor, the word struck a nerve with the former military brat -as it always did. It wasn't the sort of term that she used casually in her dialog. In fact, the last time she had seen fit to actually speak it was in a retelling of her mother's heroic death. Unintentionally, Row tended to assume an equal respect out of others. So when the male spoke the word she did not doubt his sincerity. Regardless as to her own inability to realise what he found so particularly grand about her. They were still mostly strangers after all.

Still, his eloquence had charmed her into a good mood and it showed as her tail swayed briskly. So too did the corner of her lips tremor upwards, but only for a moment. Rowtag wasn't one for outright smiling. "Then an honor it shall be...," Her womanly alto was like a breeze in the night -calm and dark.

Taking a single step to indicate the intended direction of their procession Row paused there. Shifting her darker ears, she listened to all of the nothing that was going on around them. However, she was hardly upset to think that theirs would be a serene procession. Turning her whole head back to see Smoke dress himself for the occasion she made a sound of amusement before joking, "Well, if I had known you were going to get all spiffy I would've tried to look the part as well."

Instead of waiting for his response Row began walking at a pace that was hardly so. Knowing that they were still probably equally from their travels to Neverwinter, she doubted that the wolf would mind.

RE: Home Away From Home - Smoke K-A - October 17, 2013

fifteen steps

After a moment Smoke stopped his prunning and followed Rowtag off into the forest. The direction the pair were traveling was irrelevant to him. The only part of the forest he had seen so far was the on in which was sleeping and the small proportion he had passed through to get there. It wa nice to see the variation in the land and the smell the prey on offer and other wolves that lived here. He did not know any of the other scents but he was sure he woud soon learn.

Rowtag joked with the male around the condition of his pride and joy, his pelt. Chuckling back casually as they walked he explained. Ah, I am afraid you caught me endulging in a small vice of mine, which I believe is one of the seven deadly sins. Vanity. He stopped for a moment and shook the dust from his coat showin it off in all it's best light. I like to stay in shape and there's nothing more frustrating than a strand out of place.

He continued along their paths allowing his paws to lead him smiling as he went. It was not something that embarrased him, but more a pride that he'd been caught making himself look good. Was it wolf like though? He was not sure, he knew he was the only wolf in his pack to take such pride in his appearance but he had no more to compare it to.

Glancing over at Rowtag his chuckles subsiding he enquired about her life here in Neverwinter. So, Rowtag, how long have you lived in this fine forest? From your scent I'm guessing you arrived not long before I. Not a probing question just gentle conversation between new aquaintances.

then a sheer drop.