Wolf RPG
Dragoncrest Cliffs smoke pirate - Printable Version

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smoke pirate - Astera - July 09, 2024

bringing her back, after hiatus! aw for sapphique.

Astera returned. It was only meant to be a simple scouting excursion. She'd gone far south these pacific shores, further than ever before. She came back, satisfied of where she belonged. Sapphique. 

The pale girl was eager to see many. @Sobeille, who she had desperately missed, but the urge of wander had kept her away. @Chacal, who was surely wondering of her absence, she considered. @Mireille, whom she couldn't wait endow with news of her adventure. Val, and Chani, who she was eager to see. And the new pups who were surely mobile by now.

There were shadows, which would keep her from returning to those southern shores left behind.

RE: smoke pirate - Sobeille - July 09, 2024

astera! sobeille hailed her waylaid friend with more warmth in those golden eyes than had ever beheld anything else: you be back.

most wolves might hug or embrace their long-lost friends — but something kept sobeille’s body still. ’ow was de trip?

RE: smoke pirate - Astera - July 14, 2024

Oh, how her heart soared to see Sobeille. The pale girl had so much to say, so much that she simply was unable to respond with a sedate 'it was good', or 'i had fun'. Instead, she burst out, "There be pirates, a week south of the tide pools!" Didn't Sapphique have a history of piracy?

RE: smoke pirate - Sobeille - July 15, 2024

pirates? sobeille exclaimed, excitement rippling the fur along her ruff. she sniffed astera’s pelt as if the scent of them might still remain — how she wanted to become one, to live the rough and tumble salt-life of her storied ancestors.

what dey be like? did you live wit’ dem? her gaze cut from the sea back to astera, bright with goldcoin interest.