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Duskfire Glacier fragonard - Printable Version

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fragonard - La Reine - July 13, 2024

monsieur @Imeut! the queen purred, strewn across her pelts in the deepest chamber of the Feumont, where summer heat couldn't touch her.

do you 'ave news from ma neighbor londs? ee trust none 'ave breached ma borderz.

RE: fragonard - Imeut - July 13, 2024

phone post so forgive the unusual formatting and shortness :>

Prince of Pearl and Shadow appeared as swiftly as the wind. None quite knew why, none that had known him in the life before. I walk your border as often as I can, your highness. As far as I am aware, none have breached your border. he feared invasion, in his diplomatic head.

RE: fragonard - La Reine - July 13, 2024

mm, yet iet must be... lonely, for you.

on her back, she pressed on the pink of one palm, seeking imperfections in the sharpness of her weapons. the aristocrate wasn't spared another glance once his presence was confirmed.

zhink it may benefit you, to travel farzher - boot, that comes after.

the queen shifted onto her side, propping her chin on the inspected hand.

tell me, does toi know anyzhing of zee... ah, was zee word, not clo'der...

lash of tail, snap of fingers.

pack! yes, one by zee river, down beneeth us.

RE: fragonard - Imeut - July 17, 2024

it doesn't smell of anything unusual. i suspect it merely a pair and their young, plus whatever others they've gotten to help them raise and mark territory. pop up all the time, packs do. they often don't last long, especially if there's no blood relation among the adults. his voice was almost monotone on this moment, neither here nor there. the closeness of his own species pained him, but La Reyne was the only aristocrat he knew. 
their chosen location is concerning, nonetheless. they were a cougar and a lone wolf. a wolf who could not fight off a whole pack and a cougar who would be attacked on sight for existing. their odds of sending a message that stuck would be... slim, without special care being taken.

RE: fragonard - La Reine - July 17, 2024

ee'd like you to approche zhem with offer.

she twirled a whisker around a claw.

tell zhem... tell zhem la Reine du Feumont is a good friend to 'ave, zhat she offer peace, protession, good 'unting to allie'... a sly grin. more to subject, of course. she hope to start friendship with neighbor wolf, if zhat please zhem.

zhat please you, ma corbeau messager? she cooed.

RE: fragonard - Imeut - July 17, 2024

indeed. but a fair question is this: what happens if they deny your offer of allyship? her mind was brilliant. it intrigued him with each conversation. 

but what would be her plan should the river-wolves choose war?

RE: fragonard - La Reine - July 18, 2024

her laugh; rising, crystal clear.

oh, you wohrry too much, mon ami! she dismissed with a flick of her wrist. if zhey are, truly, with children, a' you say, zhey won't risk moi.

boot, ee also know zhey won't thrust ma own word. ee don't send you out of lazeeness, imeut, boot because ee know you a' sharming et gentlemanly.

earn zheir good will, do as you zhink is clever, zhen come to me.

a glint.

zhat please ma perle noire?

RE: fragonard - Imeut - August 15, 2024

the black pearl of the cougar queen dipped his head in understanding.

consider it done, your highness.

RE: fragonard - La Reine - August 15, 2024

zhen 'ave it done.

and she smiled.