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Qeya River moon, tell me if i could send my heart up to you? - Printable Version

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moon, tell me if i could send my heart up to you? - Wren - July 14, 2024

lil moving thread! :D we can keep this short/single reply only if y'all want, or we can write more! <333

the babes grew wildly, each of them wearing a proud wolven mask upon their sharpening features. nettles in the fur, voices glimmering with a blend of their ma's rough accent and the rosewater of their mama's native tongue; beautiful and dangerous, each of them! and the time to move had snuck so quickly up on the new family.
the river roars and monarchs blaze between the tall reeds of the bluevale. the rendezvous sat on the precipice of a shallow, rocky stretch of the qeya, fescue and wildflowers flourishing all around.
wren allowed @Sparrow to lead the way, little @Bryony resting upon her shoulders while @Silvertongue trailed with @Phoebe Aquilanera and @Rowyn. @Ash Star was, too, invited to bring her own young to the site if she so chose, if for no other reason than the fact that their children seemed to be befriending one another.
out of breath and soaking wet from the elbows down, the rendezvous is a welcome respite. each child is playfully shooed off with the encouragement of exploration and claiming this place as their own.

RE: moon, tell me if i could send my heart up to you? - RIP Ash Star - July 18, 2024

Ash moved forward with @Darrow and @Aerilyn following behind. SHe would not attempt to stop any friendships. Even if she didn't trust or like Wren. But she did love Silver greatly and would do her best to nurture that small friendship. Even if she didn't outwardly show that she cared. 

Come along little ones.

She sent a small prayer to both ATka and SOs that this outing would go swimmingly.

RE: moon, tell me if i could send my heart up to you? - Rowyn - July 18, 2024

Rowyn scampered after his mother and his siblings. Making as much noise as was possible while he did so. Grunting and growling. Chattering at his siblings. Running to one mother and the other. Kisses and occasionally chasing a bug along the ground. Grabbing a stick to toss and throw. 

He could not be still, would not be still.

RE: moon, tell me if i could send my heart up to you? - Ksura - July 19, 2024

Ksura was never too far off, and always willing to help with the children regardless of who it was they belonged to. Ash Star led the way with their two children in tow- and Ksura following so that both children remained in his line of view. 

He had no reservations about having both families enjoy a rendez-vous site together. Any tension between the women went completely over his head most days, and as a people-pleaser, he simply tried to treat them all fairly, with gifts of food for all three mothers and their children. 

Rowyn zoomed, and Ksura, easily caught up in the excitement of changed, laughed- and bounded after the young fellow, enticing the others to join in as they splashed about in the shallows.

RE: moon, tell me if i could send my heart up to you? - Bryony - July 21, 2024

Ever spoiled, Bryony happily rode atop Ma's broad shoulders. She admired her view of their riverland kingdom and often cast pitying glances down at the less fortunate children who were forced to walk. Poor things!

Though she perceived this moment as favoritism, the reality was that the journey was made much faster this way. Without all the hold-ups she would've caused along the way by constantly falling behind, they made good time.

While the others rushed off, Bryony dismounted with an oof and held back to inspect the land first. It was a large area with great visibility, perfect for running and digging and sniffing and everything! Her tail whirred; she was excited but entirely unsure of what she should do first.

She watched her brother and the dark-faced Ksura racing about. That looked like fun! Still, her impulse was to seek reassurance first, so she looked to her Ma, unsure. Can I?

RE: moon, tell me if i could send my heart up to you? - Sparrow - July 28, 2024

a bold and brutish thing, sparrow marched ahead the party with a high head and swaying tail. his nose was often left pressed to the ground when not scouting before him.

he would occasionally glance back to ensure his family had not gotten lost or fallen too far behind his eager steps. but the moment rowyn and ksura bounded off after one another, sparrow set off right on after them.