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Boartusk Heights sangrosa - Printable Version

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sangrosa - Reyna - July 17, 2024

backdated july 14; atttn @Vincent @Valeria @Nymphora @Candela (for reference) ; weaning time!

reyna had set @Paloma to work on serving perfectly equal portions of lamb meat, one for each of her children. she knew for now they would not understand the sanctity of today, but some day they would.

she'd ordered @Nivis to fetch a lamb, and for once he came back with decent results. the queen would've sent basilio or klara had it not been for warnings of a rat lingering near the borders. but broken clock is right twice a day, and her king has managed to meet her expectations.

the pale matriarch now sits with her children, meticulously placed in order of their hierarchy. crimson eyes scrutinize them — though just as rare as nivis being competent — a smile reaches their mother's eyes.

RE: sangrosa - Nymphora - July 29, 2024

One moment, she'd been scrounging around the caverns of the royal palace, eating beetles and the likes, the next, she was rounded up by their handmaiden and assembled together in a line. Candela on one side and Valeria on the other. Her ash-tipped tail flicked from side to side at an unparalleled pace, thwapping against her sisters. She wasn't sure what they were here for, but she was always happy to see mama. Mama smiled, and Nymphora beamed with excitement.

lookatme lookatme lookatme! 

She wanted their eyes, the others in attendance as well.

This excitement only furthered as Paloma dragged out a slab of meat, setting portioned pieces afront each of the pichon. There was some uncertainty at first, as if she was trying to decipher if this was some test. She wanted to impress them. Still, hesitance took shape in the shifty glances she gave to her siblings, waiting for one of them to go first. Waiting for instruction, when none came, she slowly nibbled at the piece of flesh in front of her. 

It tasted smooth, fine, and it left behind a gentle sanguine hue across her freckled muzzle. She did not make the correlation that this meant she would not be getting anymore milk from her mother, and was simply engorged in the task at hand. 

It was the first blood on her tongue, and it left behind its imprint.

RE: sangrosa - Vincent - July 31, 2024

If he hadn’t been in a mood before, he certainly was now. Vincent had been roused from his nap by the handmaiden as she collected each of Reyna’s fledglings, and then was marched to where the Matriarca sat, waiting.

The boy moved to where he was instructed, indignant, though his displeasure was quick to dissipate as a curious metallic scent hit his nose as Paloma worked to serve each pup a portion of lamb meat. As each child sniffed at their piece curiously, Vincent stared down at his, nose wrinkling – not in disgust, but as a way of wordlessly asking those around him: what is this? His gaze swung to look down the line at his sisters, scrutinising each and looking to see what they made of all this.

He exchanged an uncertain glance with Nymphora, then watched as she delicately nipped at her portion, which finally prompted the boy to conduct his own taste-test. First a peck, then a hesitant gnaw on a corner, before Vincent slowly realised what a delicious gift mother had bestowed upon them.

Mismatched toes held down his piece as the prince began to tear into it feverishly. In time, he would come to savour the pleasant flavour but for now, he was overcome with the base desire to simply consume.

RE: sangrosa - Valeria - August 08, 2024

vomit mention

She sits and stares. And she stares for long before taking some action. Her eyes scan the piece of meat on the plate in front of her, and then they roam the room, looking for some solace in her siblings. It’s that she doesn’t very like the smell or look of the meat, and so seeing her siblings stare in disgust too could perhaps convince her mother or servant shove the food off and bring a sweet soft teat to drink warm from.

None of that happens though.

Her siblings seem to eat their portions, at least Nymphora and Vincent. Her eyes cannot catch the glimpse of Candela; she does seem to be on the side and out of Valeria’s glance’s reach.

So then the noble gives her mother one stare too, but finds nothing but cold redded eyes observing and demanding. No, Valeria won’t find anything positive there either. And her father; he seems to be not doing much. He had always been like that.

And so she lowers her head, keeping the eye contact w her mother steady as her nostrils inhale the metalic taste. Her stomach twists, but before any vomit comes out, the bloody thigh of a lamb blocks it.

Valeria did not chew, but swallow the bit. Ew. A choking cry escapes her and then when her eyes reconnect with Reyna, nothing happens still. To gain her admiration, she forces another bite inside her. This time though, she tries to carve it.

RE: sangrosa - Reyna - August 27, 2024

her smile widens, for just a moment, in delight as vincent and nymphora's little world expands at their first taste of sangre.
but the queen forgets that a mother's happiness is fleeting. little could she indulge in her pride as quickly it was dashed by the sounds of gagging.

valeria. reyna huffs sharply. eat more carefully. a lady does not eat like a boar. that's why you are struggling. with the roll of her eyes and the flick of a wrist she ushers la criada to pat against her daughter's back before returning to the children who weren't choking on their mother's gift. well?