Wolf RPG
Dragoncrest Cliffs And I will walk 1000 Miles - Printable Version

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And I will walk 1000 Miles - Rodyn - July 25, 2024

@Chacal @Mireille @Val

Rodyn had found himself upon the coast. Having put more items to be stored. He was pleased with the way the trade was shaping up. He was losing a lot of his stock, but also gaining more besides. And he was able to hunt. This was always a plus.

Today he had a small fawn hide, upon his back. The spots still visible, and the softer feel besides. He found himself upon the shores of where the ocean queens lived and though he wished Heph was here with him, she was not. And it would not do well to not offer an invitation to the she wolves of the cliffss.

So he stood at a respectful distance away and lifted his nose to howl out for them. He had a trade for them and an invitation.

RE: And I will walk 1000 Miles - Val - July 25, 2024

summons from the southern side of sapphique drew val in; he saw the man from a distance, recognizing the scent as belonging to the moon-tribe inland.

as val understood it, sobeille had spent some time with them -- so his bearing was one of warmth as he swept towards the man enshrouded in the delicate pelt of spring fawn.

RE: And I will walk 1000 Miles - Rodyn - July 25, 2024

A small dip of his head when he was met with man rather than women. A small easing of his chest. He respect the women of the cliffs, but he also knew he must tread carefully with them.

He dipped his nose down. Greetings I'm Rodyn Ardeth of Moontide. I had promised trade with the queens of Sapphique and I also bring an invitation to join a group hunt in the fall. There will be many packs. I hope.

RE: And I will walk 1000 Miles - Val - August 03, 2024

it was the first val heard of being promised trade, but he supposed that was no slight -- the women often had their own affairs to handle, and these days val was somewhat of a homebody.

his tail swayed easily between his hocks. a yearly tradition at this point, eh? he recalled the hunt last fall -- and how full each of their stomachs had been. he looked forward to seeing this year's crop of children consort with those of the plains -- it must be so exciting meeting new lives and cultures. well met, rodyn. i'm val - aventurine of sapphique. what is it you wish to trade?

RE: And I will walk 1000 Miles - Rodyn - August 09, 2024

Rodyn laughed. That is the goal. This will only be our second one. But the first one did well. I believe you were in attendance. Or at least some of your wolves were. I unfortunately didn't get to meet everyone.

He curled his tail and then weaved it out as he was thinking. Today I bring a fawn fur to trade with you. It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Val.

A brightening of the yellow eyes and he waited. Quietly.

RE: And I will walk 1000 Miles - Val - August 15, 2024

i was. the children enjoyed last year. and the adults had been well fed.

val had nothing to offer this sunny man that brightened sapphique’s gloomy doorstep. he looked down at the soft tawny fur, expertly pulled from the life it’d once enshrouded. what is custom to trade for such a thing?

RE: And I will walk 1000 Miles - Rodyn - August 19, 2024

Rodyn nodded his head. Many of the children of the moon villages enjoyed it as well. I wish I had managed to make the aquaintance of more than I had.

He looked down at the fawn pelt thinking. I will take herbs or plants that would help in healing that I may not have, or certain shells and gems, or a hunt for a hunt, a fur for a fur?

It was hard to choose exactly what this was worth. It had taken very little effort. So he didn't wish to oversell it. But he also must have something for it. Trade was after all essential.

RE: And I will walk 1000 Miles - Val - August 23, 2024

val took in rodyn’s words in silence. sapphique was not culturally trade-heavy: the women prided themselves in being self-sufficient. other than fish, which they stockpiled plenty of, they did not keep much.

an idea came to him. i might have something - if you don’t mind waiting. he motioned for rodyn to stay there and turned back to glintwater.

at length he returned with a few things held ungainly in his jaws. these things he’d collected with Astara and sobeille when they had been younger (and actually enjoyed spending time with him).

a large conch, the edges sharp and tapered in brilliant peach.
several small pearls in an assortment of opaque colors.
and a long, thin branch of coral resembling a proud buck’s great antlers.

RE: And I will walk 1000 Miles - Rodyn - August 23, 2024

Rodyn nodded and waited calmly. Enjoying the sea salt wind and the sounds. Coast life was indeed beautiful.

A small pain in his chest. And he wanted to whimper. Eyes zeroing in on the shell. A soft sound in his throat and wet eyes.

That shell. It is almost the color of my late wife. It is beautiful.

A soft husky note to his voice, the lump in his throat ever growing. He pressed the fawn fur forward and nodded

Unable to speak for a moment

RE: And I will walk 1000 Miles - Val - September 04, 2024

it is yours. val pushed the offerings to rodyn with a restrained smile. i’m sorry for your loss.

he wondered what she must have been like to inspire such heartfelt change in the reader. val did not judge him his emotion - they were meant to be felt and had, and he was strong for carrying the love he had for his wife so plainly.

RE: And I will walk 1000 Miles - Rodyn - September 05, 2024

A clearing of his throat and Rodyn gave another nod and pushed past the lump hiding therein.

Thank you. I have two children and family to remember her by. Sometimes her memory catches me off guard.

Rodyn loved Samani more than anything. He was slowly coming to terms with her death. She would have wanted him happy and he would come to realize that in time.