Wolf RPG
Qeya River and you taste like danger, but i feel so safe in your arms - Printable Version

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and you taste like danger, but i feel so safe in your arms - Wren - July 28, 2024

figured we could have a lil wifely qt thread bc i miss them <33

north of the falls which misted the central valley, a lake fed the glittering qeya. the trek to get there was no easy task — getting anywhere this side of the territory was like pulling teeth — but it was a rewarding one. picturesque snow-capped hills even in the dead of summer, a shallow, rocky beach where one could laze. meet me there at sundown, wren had said to @Silvertongue with a suggestive nip to her shoulder; we've got plans.
along the bank of the shore laid venison heart, fresh berries plucked from the meadow, and a rather unimpressive array of wildflowers in the loose shape of a bouquet. it was a display that would have probably been laughable to most, but it was earnest, and so wren waited with ever rising anticipation; a hopeful, excited look in her eyes that mirrored childlike wonder.

RE: and you taste like danger, but i feel so safe in your arms - Silvertongue - August 05, 2024


it felt, to silvertongue, as though she thought less of akavir and more of the rising sun valley. often she missed the velvet shadows and the spill of sunlight through the heavy green branches. but the qeya too, had grown in import and beauty. silvertongue knew only that she wished for some excitement or another, having lived such a life of it. sunset's glow found her nimble slither along the stones; she only slipped once! and then she was arriving upon the little beach, surprised and touched and deeply affected by the simple beauty of wren's adoration for her. overcome, she leapt forward with an embrace and a kiss, one that rolled them in soft laughter among the wildflowers.