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turning seasons within (joining) - Printable Version

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turning seasons within (joining) - Chakra - October 12, 2013

Late afternoon/early evening. Clear, cool weather.
Open to any leader or pack member of Bon Dye.
In this thread, I hope to gain IC acceptance into the pack. :)

She returned to the valley a changed wolf.

Much had happened during her time away from the lands that had elicited this change in the white she-wolf. A cold, starry night atop the jagged spires of the mountains that touched the clouds...a dream, a vision she could not explain, that touched her at the most basic, central core of who and what she was...an awakening, an opening of eyes, of senses...a changing of identities...a finding of purpose and meaning in life. Much had happened indeed, and now it was up to her to find others who could help her understand. Her dream had been nebulous and unclear, but the meaning of the spirit-thing that had come to her was not: there were others in the lands who could help her, could teach her, and she was to seek them out. She did not know exactly who it was she sought; she just knew that she would know it when she found them. All others, she figured, would presume her crazy and chase her off.

She had heard a number of mutterings about the strange new pack that had recently established itself in the rolling flatlands cradled amidst the peaks and forests. The pack called itself Bon Dye, and though she knew little about it, she knew that they worshiped a strange pantheon and there were rumors of bear gods. It was worth a try. She skulked about the outskirts of their boundaries, careful to remain safely beyond the reaches of their borders, where scent markings were sparse and scattered. When she was ready, she turned her nose up to the clear, crisp azure sky and poured a soft summoning howl into the autumn air. With any luck, she hoped, one of the locals would be willing to hear her out and offer her some guidance.

RE: turning seasons within (joining) - Kerberos - October 13, 2013

Kerberos had been in the process of patrolling the borders when the summoning call rose into the spiced air of the autumn, causing the sand colored Aok to pause in his paces. Triangular ears thrust forth, determining the creator of the summons’ location. For a few, hesitant seconds, Kerberos’ hermit shell -- which he felt sure had to have a tight rubber band around it, slamming it closed upon him any time he thought he had gained some progress -- slammed shut as he considered letting it up to Jinx; and then he stopped those thoughts, shook them away with a physical shake of his head. She had chosen him to be her Beta, to aid her, to be a leader beside her, to act as Atka’s Priest. Atka had encouraged him to take the offer. If he kept hiding someone would rise to challenge him, would question his worthiness of the heavy titles he bore. No. It was in his blood, and he was not the sullen, sulking child of his past. He had changed, and it had shown in the way that he did not cower in Lecter’s presence, despite how the Shaman had once tormented him (and despite the knowledge that said Shaman was his biological sperm donor). If he could stand up to Lecter and prove that he was no longer frightened of him, then learning how to speak in strangers’ presences and stepping up to the plate as Jinx’s Second in Command should, essentially, be a snap.

Without any further trepidation, Kerberos pushed himself in the direction of the summons, coming upon her standing near the borders, finding her with little trouble. Her pale coat did nothing to camouflage her against the brilliant colors of autumn, and his sea green eyes surveyed her as discreetly as he could. Kerberos’ head rose as he approached, his expression tentative of her, but not unkind. Her coat was not unlike Jinx’s or, probably (if one were to wash off the blood that stained it) Lecter’s. There was an awkward sort of moment when Kerberos considered that she, whoever she was, was beautiful. He could feel the nudging given by Atka’s presence, the encouragement to speak first. Hello, Kerberos broke the silence in a soft greeting. I am Kerberos Aok, Beta Male, Agwe'en Bokor of Bon Dye, He paused inhaling softly and letting out. How may I assist you? He inquired politely, kindly, wondering if there was such a thing as ‘too kind’ when dealing with strangers at the borders.

RE: turning seasons within (joining) - Chakra - October 13, 2013


Nervous had never been, in any way, an accurate descriptor for the Feralheart she-wolf. She was a living manifestation of bold courage and fearless savagery; many had lay dying upon the frigid earth, gasping in puddles of their own scarlet blood, for underestimating her based on her gender and her small stature.

And yet now, as she anticipated the arrival of whoever Fate would send to answer her call, she felt the uncomfortable tickle of anxiety fluttering, birdlike, in the bottom of her stomach. Would she be attacked? Taken captive? Laughed at? She knew not what to expect. She was surrounded by unknowns, questions swirling and whispering doubts in her ears like so many pestilent ghosts. As she waited, she felt as though she stood at a metaphorical crossroads. There were many paths that intersected here, each one leading to very different destinations, and she had not the faintest idea which one she would be led upon.

She heard a rustle, a soft footfall upon crisp leaves recently shed by nearby trees, and her heartbeat ticked up a notch. As a lupine figure came into view, she dropped quickly to the ground, crouching so her belly brushed the prickly grass beneath. Though her eyes were averted so as not to disrespect the other, she still saw that he was a handsome male cloaked in rich hues of sunlit sand and tide-kissed earth. The subtle, salty fragrance of ocean air clung to him, and he looked down upon her with a gaze that embodied the spirit of the storm-swept sea itself. She had but an instant to ponder how striking and beautiful he was before he spoke to her, introducing himself and inquiring as to how he could assist her.

"I am Chakra Feralheart," she answered, her never-before-used middle name feeling strange and alien on her tongue. "I...well, I hope you don't think I'm crazy, but...I am in search of someone who can help me understand a vision I had. I'm looking for the ones who follow the bears." Her eyes, which had lingered on Kerberos's tawny ankles, chanced a quick, apprehensive glance up toward her face, expecting to find scorn and amusement there, before they darted back down to the unoffensive safety of his feet again.