Wolf RPG
Duskfire Glacier Find What Makes You Scream - Printable Version

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Find What Makes You Scream - Sen - December 10, 2014

Intended to have Sen become a bit more social with the pack, but anyone can join. Can't guarantee any immediate friendliness. c:

Sauntering through the area, the raven lupine was becoming more familiar with it. With her want to be an Outrider having never left her mind since entering it, Sen hadn't spent too much time within the territory of her pack. Instead, she'd been out and about, traveling even so far as to reach the the Kintla Flatlands. There, she'd met an interesting she-wolf, but now she was back within the lands of her pack, unsure what to do with herself. Another trip out to see the all the surrounding areas seemed to be in order, but having just only gotten back, her legs wanted a short break; and short the break was. It didn't take long after arriving home for her to be up and moving about again, exploring her new home instead of traveling outside of the borders. Her paws carried her at a moderate pace, not wanting to go too fast and miss something, or go too slow and not see enough.

The air was frigid, blowing through her dark fur casually whenever it felt like it. With he sun hidden behind the clouds above, the temperate had further dropped, causing a chill to run up the female's spine. Despite having grown on a mountain range, up higher where the air was brisk more often than not, she had never been fond of the cold. The Winter months always brought the risk of a blizzard with them, as well as ice and avalanches depending on where you where. Sen was fond of these things, finding them to be beautiful in every way, but they were still dangerous and cold; much like the lupine herself. So, with the air chilling her slightly, the she-wolf continued on with her exploration, unsure of who all may lurk nearby.

RE: Find What Makes You Scream - RIP Njal - December 10, 2014

Hello! :)

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Up until the arrival of winter, Njal had secluded himself with his daughter. He had not seen much of Tuwawi since her return, likely because of his own self-imposed duties; he kept himself busy so he wouldn't have to face her, or what she had done in his absence. He only had to deal with Maera, to comfort her when memories of the good times rose up in her mind and withered her little heart, or keep a distant eye upon her while she wandered about during the day. Njal had relaxed considerably since returning home; he no longer kept Maera segregated from the pack nor did he watch over her every moment like a hawk. The girl was growing - she didn't need her father guarding her every second. As much as he'd like to.

It was early morning when he woke, and for a moment Njal was startled by the emptiness of the den. The pitter-patter of light rain as it fell through the trees. He lurched from the den entrance, carving a bit of the doorway away with one shoulder as he awkwardly angled himself - and was out of the den, tasting the chill in the air and feeling the rain's occasional tap. Sleep still clung to his faculties, and so, as the man walked, he gave a yawn and a small shake to rid the feeling from his mind. When he was stationed a few feet from the den mouth, he thought he saw... Something. A dark figure. In an instant he was striding closer, his fur spiking along his scruff - and he bayed a warning, in case this was someone who meant the pack ill.

RE: Find What Makes You Scream - Sen - December 10, 2014

Hiya! c:

As the sound of a warning reached the female's ears, she stopped in her tracks almost immediately. Her head rose up and, with her ears perked, she turned her head around in order to scan the direction it'd come from. Finding the motion to be uncomfortable, Sen caved in to her subconscious' wishes and turned her entire body around. At first, her amber orbs glided right over the man's form, before coming to a rest on him as she realized he had been the one to give the warning. Not daring move towards him, unsure of who he may be, she simply watched him closely. Her eyes pulled over each and every inch of him, searching for a hint of who he might be, but finding few. His posture implied he was apart of Duskfire, for why else would a lupine's fur spike if not to show that they wanted to protect their territory? In an attempt to lighten the mood, her body visibly relaxed and a grin spread across her maw.

"No need to get all worked up," Sen commented, her head tilting a bit to the left. "I mean no harm. It'd be a bit irrational, in my opinion." Not yet certain if her attempt had been successful, her paws stayed planted to the ground, not wishing to start any unnecessary troubles.