Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek Beyond Z - Printable Version

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Beyond Z - Suzu - July 29, 2024

The scent of fresh water was the first indication that they were headed in the right direction. Suzy could do little more than waddle, weathering the pain in her ankles and hips with a grimace that had lived on her features for so long, she’d begun to develop a headache. The scent of marked borders was welcomed with a sigh as she sat down, and took a moment to flex her swollen ankles.

The babies kicked and squirmed, causing her to wince. Under her breath she uttered a soft hiss, begging for them to settle and allow her a moment of peace now that she and @Etienne had reached their destination. 

Ahhhhhh, dey do not want rest but dey do not know ‘ow much I need it, She said, glancing down at her belly where little rolling hills moved- the squirming infants did not heed her pleas. Eti, can you call for someone, please? I can barely get in a full breat’ wid dem swimming under my ribs, She said.

RE: Beyond Z - Etienne - July 29, 2024

Water and forest it was all he smelled. And it was a welcome scent from the swamps they had just been too. His sister had him fretting and once she settled he putted and fussed over her like a mother hen.

His neices and nephews squirmed and moved about so much so he could see the little flutters now and again. It filled him with joy.

Dat jes mean dey be 'ealty.

I can.

He lifted his muzzle skyward and called out a lyrical request for @Akavir or another leader @Arlette .

RE: Beyond Z - Arlette - July 30, 2024

Arlette was at a stage that she could get away from her children more. Not that she wished to, but after the first month of them being born she had done little for the pack. She felt that she and her mate both had to chip in and sacrifice some time with their children. So when a howl came she decided that she would heed the call seeing she was already away from her children.

When she came to the borders she was not met with one wolf but two. One of them looked rather pregnant. Arlette was a little surprised by it since you didn't see females on the move while pregnant. Arlette stepped closer to them and lifted her head a little while she normally carried it lower. Hello, she greeted, glancing between the two. A couple? Arlette knew she had been in the same position as the female like two months ago. We are swiftcurrent pack. You called for leadership?

RE: Beyond Z - Suzu - July 30, 2024

Healthy as they were, they certainly made her life more difficult- and now their survival would depend on the mercy of wolves from a pack that she had only learned of recently. She had her doubts- and while she did believe that her brother’s talents in healing might be enough to barter for acceptance, she worried her children might never truly be accepted as they were. 

She had expected for the man named Akavir to greet them, but it was instead a nursing mother who approached. Suzy searched for some sign of empathy, and was relieved to find that at least there were no signs of disdain or disgust. 

She bowed her head. I be Berceuse, an’ dis be my brot’er, Etienne. She said, using her full name as if in hopes it might gain her some of her former elegance. Dere be no hidin’ what we need, at dis point, She said with a soft sigh, cringing lightly as her sides visibly bulged. We are in need of a safe ‘aven for bot’ us an my unborn pups. We were told by a man named Lestan dat we might seek refuge ‘ere, She said, looking to Etienne so he might speak for himself.

RE: Beyond Z - Etienne - July 30, 2024

Etienne didn't miss the way Suzu wasn't as happy as she had been. he chalked it up to her being tired, but he made sure to remind himself that once they were settled to check in with her more often. This was not an easy time for either of them, but for her it was probably scary and overwhelming and he would do what he could to make her feel secure and happy.

A she wolf came with the scent of puppies and also the scent of herbs. He was surprised to see it and blinked with a small smile.

'ello I be Etienne, dough most be callin' me Eti. I am an adept 'ealer, and 'unter, also pupsitter. I can 'elp w'ere i be needed.

I 'ave ranged pretty far. I also know many places to be getting 'erbs and can 'elp wit' any gardens if you 'ave or want one.

He dipped his head then and quite talking. He hoped his skills spoke for themselves. He imagined they already had a healer, most places did. But he could not say he was what he wasn't and he was no fighter. Though if the ends justified the means, he probably could be.

RE: Beyond Z - Arlette - August 04, 2024

Arlette was mildly shocked at first. Brother?! Wait-- No she decided to think the best of them and he was probably a kind brother taking care of his pregnant sister. At least, she hoped that that was the case. I'm not familiar with the man named Lestan, she admitted as she looked over them. Arlette did worry a little what it would mean for her little ones, more mouths to feed, however, they were already on meats so they would be bigger than the other pups if they were born here. However, I am sympathetic to your condition, she admitted to the woman.

Arlette was surprised to hear about the male and then nodded. I'm trained healer as well, and we have our own garden, she told him. It would be nice to have extra help in the pack. She looked over her shoulder to hear if Akavir made his presence known. But even he was not much of a brute to send away a pregnant female. Arlette looked over the two of them for a moment. First at the man, who was probably the winning ticket for the pregnant female to enter. He could help out and it would put less pressure on them. Plus this man might teach her something new about herbs. Alright. I will allow you in our pack, but you are on trail. If you betray our kindness I know that everyone in this pack won't be so forgiving, she warned. She knew that Muskrat would do anything on command of Akavir, and that Arric would also not be so sympathetic.

I would also wish for you to stay clear of my own den for the first few weeks, she stated as she didn't want the strangers close to her children just yet. She would let them know when they would be allowed such things. She howled to @Akavir and @Arric that she accepted two wolves, hopefully they wouldn't be too mad at her and if they really didn't agree then they could kick out the pregnant lady. Come I will show you were you can stay, she offered. I'm Arlette, Beta of Swiftcurrent.

RE: Beyond Z - Suzu - August 05, 2024

Suzu felt her complexion pale beneath her fur to learn that the name Lestan was not one well known. She shook her head gently. ’E be tellin’ us we could come ‘ere, an dat ‘is name be known by a man called Akavir, Suzu explained, hoping at least that one name might ring true. If not, she would have a much dreaded voyage to continue, and no reason to suspect that Lestan might ever give her message to Swordfish.

The thought brought tears to her eyes. She shifted uncomfortably as she tried to quell the rising flood of emotion that threatened to pour over- and while Arlette expressed her sympathies, she could not help but utter a stifled sniffle, and nod appreciatively. She held onto her breath fiercely, knowing at any moment she might burst into sobs- either from frustration or from relief.

Her brother’s skills earned them a temporary stay, and Suzu’s breath escaped her, seething past a tongue pressed to the roof of her mouth before she gasped for breath. T’ank h-h-h-you, She said, before clenching her teeth once more in an attempt to keep herself from full on sobs, for fear Arlette might turn them away because of hysteria. 

She knew her brother would worry- she lifted a paw before he could fret. I be fine, I be just- she drew in a shaky breath, an attempt to compose herself. Very tired. We will be mindful of your family’s space, of course, I cannot- She shook her head, and brushed her wetted muzzle against her shoulder to dash away the tears that had spilled forward, and continued to warm her cheeks. Cannot t’ank you enough.

She felt certain Arlette would question her circumstances- but hoped only that she had a merciful enough temperament to wait until Suzu had recovered.

RE: Beyond Z - Etienne - August 05, 2024

Etienne dippwd his head to Arlette and he did fret immediately. Unsure what to say or do. But he did know they were safe for now. Suzu's babies were safe for now.

A tilt of his downy head. Thank you.

He shifted and gave his sister what he could in terms of support and his hesrt did tighten and he wanted to fret, but he stilled his tongue.

RE: Beyond Z - Arlette - August 06, 2024

The woman was emotional. Arlette didn't blame her. She could imagine that things had been rather stressful for the female. Now it wasn't that uncommon for a male to be absent and perhaps her mate had died, but she had also seen females that had been on their own. At least she had her brother and now, Swiftcurrent to help her.

Arlette was glad to hear the howl of @Akavir with his approval of new members. He had been a little of a recluse lately. She had been busy with the pups but had smelled him around the den. She figured that the male was alright but clearly struggling with his daughter leaving. That settled the matter then.

Arlette walked them into the territory and brought them to an empty den. It was some ways close to the border but still well protected within their lands. This is a den you can use. You can of course pick your own place to give birth but perhaps it is good enough for the first few days to rest and get to know our territory. Arlette kind of wished to examine the female but she had said that she was tired. Perhaps another day when she was a little more settled.

Do you know when you are due? She asked curiously. That would keep the female busy for a few weeks, holed up in the ground. Still, they had accepted her so Arlette wasn't going to completely leave them to their own devices. Rest and recover. We will talk some more later. I will make sure my mate @Arric and our leader welcome you two as well.

PP is approved

RE: Beyond Z - Suzu - September 17, 2024

last reply for me! <3
She felt foolish, crying like a little child in front of Arlette- and yet, the woman's kind gaze reassured her that she might have understood what Suzu was going through. After all, she was a mother herself- and while all pregnancies were different, she suspected that many mothers became emotional, especially when they were this close to their due date. 

"Very soon," She said, choking on the words as if to utter an apology. They likely could have been born yesterday, and been absolutely fine- all that she knew was that her children were fully baked and ready to come into the world. 

She thanked Arlette again, before she gave her brother a weak, but hopeful smile. "Well, at least dey be born somewhere safe," She said. Anything else Swiftcurrent Creek had to offer would be a bonus- for now, she just needed to get to that den, and let nature take its course.