Wolf RPG
The Sunspire Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Printable Version

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Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Seronda - December 10, 2014

The borders where obvios, but the young she wolf didn't seem to care. She loped across the wet ground, ears pricked and stance wary. She spotted a hare, and sprinted after it happily. Splashing through a small puddle, she sighed in disappointment when the hare vanished down a hole. She continued to wander aimlessly through the territory, pausing here and there to sniff at seemingly random points. She yipped cheerfully, and paused at a small stream to drink.
( I heard that you had to make a joining thread, so here it is. Hope it is okay :)

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Summer Ostrega - December 11, 2014

Why hello there! Forgive Summer, he does not like trespassers x:

Summer was poised upon a ridge that overlooked their southeastern borders. He hadn't been expecting anything out of the ordinary, which is why he was surprised and intrigued to spy a little red figure darting straight past the borders. From the distance, it appeared to be a coyote. His hackles raised and he pulled himself onto all fours, eyeing it as it began to roam their territory. A soft growl escaped his throat as he turned to lumber down the slope and hunt down the interloper.

The soft growl turned into a throaty snarl as a while later, he was approaching what he'd just discovered was actually a wolf, traipsing about the Sunspire as though she belonged there. He stalked boldly up to her, head and tail lifted high with dominance as he barked sharply to grab her attention. "What do you think you're doing here?" he snarled dangerously at the foolish wolf.

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Seronda - December 11, 2014

Seronda took a wary step back, eying the wolf. He was obviously from within the borders she had ignored, and now she would pay the price.
"Umm...I was walking?" she offered weakly. Her light frame shook slightly as wolf took a dominant stance. She knew she out the grovel in front of this male, but couldn't bring her proud self to do it.
She knew the wolf would easily win a fight, and she doubted she could outrun the older male. Her gaze fell, and she mumbled "I hate being alone."
The only time she had run with another creature was at a young age, a coyote named Cody. His foot had caught in a trap, and he had been shot upon discovery. she had been alone since then, occasionally coming in contact with the odd pack wolf, and they had always drove her away.
She expected the same here, but could not stop a small flame of hope from bursting out. Maybe, just maybe...

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Summer Ostrega - December 11, 2014

The girl gave a pathetic excuse, causing Summer's temper to flare even further. She didn't seem like much of a threat, so he was convinced that she hadn't trespassed with the intention of harming any of his pack. But sneaking in to steal from their caches or to hunt their prey was harm enough to warrant punishment. And though Summer was still young, he would not hesitate to do what he had to for his pack.


The large black beast hesitated when she muttered about her hatred for being alone. Summer canted his dark head, relaxing ever so slightly before reminding himself that she was a trespasser and needed to be taught how to respect authority, something she clearly was having trouble doing considering her posture had barely flinched upon his display of dominance. "Your distaste for loneliness does not give you any right to trespass," Summer snarled, stepping defiantly towards her, "Nor the right disrespect authority, now get on your knees before I drag you out by the scruff of your neck."

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Seronda - December 11, 2014

Seronda flinched at the males harsh words, and it took her a minute to comprehend all he had said. She bowed her head, defeated, before sinking to her knees and shoving her face into the damp earth. She looked up at him, her gaze resting just below his eyes, for she knew that to look a wolf in the eyes was considered a threat. "I am Seronda, and truly ashamed and sorry to have trespassed onto your territory" She said softly, but only half heartedly. "It was not the best way to try and gain acceptance into ones pack" she said in a slightly louder voice, hope in her eyes. For now she knew what she truly wanted, and that was to live life in a pack, and never be a Lone wolf again.

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Summer Ostrega - December 11, 2014

The girl finally bowed her head and showed the respect required to save her life, and Summer felt himself stand even taller with pride. He enjoyed the feeling of being bowed too, a little too much for he failed to notice the half-hearted way in which she admitted her shame. He did however notice when she mentioned trying to gain acceptance in their pack. At that, he canted his head and gave her a surprised grimace.

"No, that's a terrible way to try and gain acceptance into a pack," Summer replied bluntly, almost indignantly. He was at a loss then for what to do, for while instinct told him to drive her off and let her find some other pack to take her in--likely one full of wolves who were just as dumb to pack etiquette as she--he also knew it was not really his place to decide what to do with her.

"You're seriously trying to join our ranks?" he inquired cautiously. He wasn't about to call Ame away from her business to decide what to do with this fool if she wasn't at least serious about becoming one of them, as much as Summer disliked that notion.

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Seronda - December 11, 2014

Seronda decided to ignore the first remark, but said, her eyes aglow. "Yes, I do wish to join you're ranks. I can learn, I can change!" She said feverishly, rising slightly. Noticing her mistake, she lowered herself again, determimd to learn about the pack, and she would start by doing exactly what this wolf told her to do.
Super sorry it is so short, I am on this very slow and glitchy tablet :-[

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Summer Ostrega - December 12, 2014

The girl insisted that she truly did wish to join them, and so Summer began to inspect her shrewdly. She wasn't the smallest wolf he'd ever seen, though certainly thin and a little rough around the edges--trademarks every lone wolf carried upon them. He bit his lip thoughtfully, still struggling inwardly with what to do with her. In the end, he reminded himself again that it was not his decision to make, and thus he lifted his head and sent a call out to @Amekaze to join him on the borders and cast judgement upon her.

Knowing it would likely take her a few minutes to join them, Summer turned back to the red wolf with a mild frown. "Our alpha, Amekaze, will be on her way shortly I'm sure," he said slowly, "In the Sunspire, proper respect and posturing is extremely important, so you be sure to keep in line." The faltering of her submissive pose had not gone unnoticed, but she had corrected it quickly enough that he hadn't felt the need to reprimand her. "I hope you don't make a habit out of trespassing... If Ame does accept you, it would not reflect well on us if you got yourself killed by one of our neighbors for foolishly crossing into their territory," he added sternly after a moment.

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Seronda - December 13, 2014

"Of course" said Seronda hastily. She bent even lower, her face in the dirt. Her pelt was smeared with mud, and she risked a few quick moments to rid herself of it. She shifted her weight, peeking behind the male to see if she could see "Amekaze".

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Amekaze - December 14, 2014

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

She had been occupying a different stretch of the mountain's base, wholly unaware of the red wolf's trespass and then Summer's interception. But when the howl rose up, she was quick to answer. For the bulk of the trip she loped, then slowed to a loose jog when she spied them on her familiar landscape. Seeing the unknown wolf into the territory like this did set her on edge, so in accordance, her already pronounced hackles did stiffen.

She approached smoothly and raised up her muzzle and tail to let it lash up over her back. She did not know the circumstance here, nor what all had been exchanged between them, but Summer's summon of her led her to guess her judgement was required for something. An intent stare indicated, unspoken, explain, as she settled her eyes on the loner to wait to hear it.

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Summer Ostrega - December 15, 2014

Feel free to skip me after this if you'd like since Summer probably will just stand there and look stern until Ame decides what to do one way or the other :)

The red wolf agreed to behave herself, and thus Summer fell silent, feeling no need to continue speaking to her until Amekaze joined them. It was not a long wait before the black she-wolf appeared, weaving her way artfully towards them and then pausing, her eyes asking for an explanation. He held back his greeting to her, this potential new packmate being of a different situation than the last newcomer they'd brought in together. This situation was more serious, and far more fallible considering all that had transpired thus far.

"I caught her trespassing on our territory," Summer informed her shortly, "She has asked for a place in our pack." With that, he fell perfectly quiet. The situation was in Ame's hands now. His part was to do no more or less than give her the facts so that she could begin.

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Seronda - December 15, 2014

[size=xx-small]Voice quavering slightly, Seronda begun the speech she had prepared moment before. "I am Seronda, and am deeply ashamed and sorry to have trespassed on your territory. My actions were stupid and hasty, and hope now only for forgiveness and perhaps a place in your ranks." She stopped, feeling slightly pleased. Her posture was one of utter submission, and her speech sounded quite good she thought. Her breath caught as she waited for the Alpha to pass judgment.[/size]

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Amekaze - December 16, 2014

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

With vague frustration written across her features and a slightly wrinkled muzzle to accompany it, she regarded the loner critically. Her posture was meant to placate, and indeed, it kept the dark alpha from acting uglier. At the very least, she was submissive and seemed to have it known that she had made a mistake that could have been much more costly in striding into pack terrain. I see, she said, inwardly praising Summer for a successful interception. But, he was not the focus here, although his company was a welcome reinforcement. Seronda. What could you offer? For this forgiveness, what may we receive? Certainly, your nose will know to be wiser from here on out. Their boundaries were clear and well-maintained; she found it hard to believe that they could simply be ignored.

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Seronda - December 19, 2014

Seronda looked up at the Alpha, who seemed not to impressed with her. Her answer to the Alpha's question was slightly shaky and rushed in respones. "I know a lot about plants and herbs" she went on to explain. "I can run fast and am a good hunter."

"I will pay more attention to borders, and respect them." She promised earnstly. Her gaze was full of hope, her eyes sparkling.

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Amekaze - December 21, 2014

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

Her ears flicked, interested to hear of her knowledge of plants and herbs. Do you know anything about healing or just what.. types of plants are useful? she quipped immediately, remembering the pale-coated male she had met in the wetlands once. In either case, this did interest Amekaze more than she liked to show outright. Admittedly, they could benefit from anything on that front.

And at least she was a decent hunter. So she said, anyway, and Ame could believe she was fast. One look at her said that much. You will have to prove yourself, no doubt, and will start from the bottom. If I hear word of you disrespecting any boundaries, it will not be pretty. But she felt she had beaten that point home well, and the red wolf did say she would mind them from here on out. Ame hoped that she could trust her in full. You are welcome here on my watch, but a wrong move can change that. Any questions?

RE: Seronda~The leaves keep on falling. ( joining) - Summer Ostrega - December 24, 2014

Summer waited quietly as Amekaze questioned the newcomer. There was no need for him to interrupt, nor would it have been his place to do so, and thus he fell silent and merely observed the alpha in action. His gaze drifted back and forth between the two as they took turns speaking. The red wolf confessed to a knowledge of plants and he too found himself wondering if she had any ability with healing to go with it. It seemed Mallaidh had run off on them and so they were once again without a healer. It was a void that needed to be filled since it seemed their members were doomed to fall victims to the areas mountain lions.

Amekaze went on to accept the girl in their ranks, something Summer approved of even though she didn't really need him to. His initial desire had been to run her off, but he now saw the wisdom in giving her a chance, especially if she proved to actually have skills in the healing arts. In either case, Winter was upon them and they could use all the help with hunting they could get. Still saying nothing, Summer turned his gaze upon the red wolf, waiting to see if there was anything she would ask of her new packmates. When no question was asked, Summer gave her a gentle warning, some brief encouragement for her to explore her new home, and a nod of farewell before he too disappeared back into the Wilds.