Wolf RPG
Two Eyes Cenote Rumor has it - Printable Version

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Rumor has it - Medusa - August 07, 2024


Daddy was home. 

She had hoped to have a little more time to explain herself before waltzing over to the red palace, but Gucci was much too doting of a father to leave more space than was already granted (…sure, by her own fleeing, but semantics shmemantics). 

With a groan, Medusa trailed the Neb @Gucci that same evening she heard the fellahin gossip about some precious, paunchy little creature. Who else could it be? Medusa had seen a million wolves in her lifetime now, but only ever one of her dear ol’ da—and that was for the best, because he was adorable (except for when he went bug-eyed when she or another incensed him) and honestly, in her cold dead heart there really could only be one. 

Dragging her feet, Medusa continued to skulk in his direction.