Wolf RPG
Sea Lion Shores shades of cool - Printable Version

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shades of cool - Eily - December 10, 2014

not a joining thread whatsoever, just a what i call an "orientation thread" for eily. feel free to respond! :)

Eily Sheridan leapt across the edge of the water, skirting the shore with her plush pale paws. She had dipped one limb into the ocean, testing the surface and its temperature, and had came to the conclusion that it was icy cold and that she would possibly catch hypothermia if she ever tried cannonballing into it.

The snow fae padded along the shore, her mind occasionally (and absentmindedly) wandering over to Renee. She thought of what she would be doing at this time of day— chasing a hare, perhaps, then licking her paws before placing it before Eily for them both to eat. The sisters were once inseparable— though that was now considered the sisters' past.

She knew her body would not adapt well under such harsh conditions— she would have to prepare for the winter. Eily knew the solutions were to either train her body with a tight schedule and actually be able to find prey— or to join a pack and hunt for everybody else as one. A strong, tight, hardship she would be able to work for and to rely on whenever.

It didn't sound unappealing to the petite girl. In fact, she longed for friendship and some proper company. She did not wish to be accompanied by only the puffs of her breath all the time.

RE: shades of cool - Godfrey - December 12, 2014

OOC: figured I might as well. Godfrey's gotta do some exploring.

The man had only just joined yet he cast far from home. His paws had always been restless ones and had always enjoyed a good run. The man had loped most of the morning, his stride eating the ground in huge gulps. Now, as his paws slowed, the edge of the world appeared. Water as far as the eye could see and as dark as twilight. He slowed and stopped. Haunches fell earthward and he sat to admire the view.

Now wasn't that pretty?

A flicker of movement caught his attention. Sea green orbs flicked over and found a wolf the same color as the foam which danced on the surface of the waves. Eyes, not unlike his own, peered from her face. Hello there.

Well hello there if he could bring himself to bring attention to himself. Which, honestly, he didn't wish to. He would be content to sit and watch unless she chose to talk to him. Then, likely, he would make a fool of himself with his nerves. Maybe she would take pity on him and befriend him. If he were lucky.

RE: shades of cool - Eily - December 13, 2014

hi! :D

It wasn't long before she scented the two-toned male that seemed to be spectating her, a measurable distance away, sat back on his haunches. His eyes were a deep sea-green, his orbs flickering from the snow-pelted female to the ocean.

Fascinating, was the large bed of water.

The snow fae stopped flopping around in the water like an overly energetic pup and padded out of the shore. She wasn't sure if he wanted any company, but decided to take her chances. Eily let a large, jovial smile slip across her features before proceeding towards the male, though she kept her distance. She was well aware that half of her body (or the end of her paws, at least) were drenched in icy water, but she would have to deal with that later.

The petite girl came to sit on the creamy sand, close enough for speaking distance. "Gorgeous, isn't it? The ocean reminds me of my, well, my sister's eyes." She wasn't sure if that was a little too weird to be spoken as a "greeting" of some sort, but hey, Eily was slightly too open for a wolfess like her.