Wolf RPG
Emberwood Den Building - Printable Version

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Den Building - Scarlett - December 11, 2014

There you go! @Sen

Scarlett happened to stumble on these pleasant woods in the early dawn. Immediately the young white wolf felt at ease with the calm atmosphere that was present in these woods. By the slightly colored leaves on the ground stated that she had missed how beautiful these woods could be in autumn. No matter. The she-wolf had decided to stay in this area and with the pack she was now. She was curious how her life would be. The wolves of her pack she had met were actually really nice.

She remembered fondly of the day that she found Maera. Scarlett had gotten into her secret club and build a new club house with her. Because Scarlett missed a den of her own. Which was why the white wolf was now scouting for a den of her own. After being alone for quite awhile she realized that yes, she wanted to be in a pack but also that she liked to have some time for herself. Close to a small brook she found what might be the best spot ever to have her den. The female always had a thing for digging.

Her powerful but slim paws started digging in the mushy grounds until she hit the rougher earth. She was digging under a fallen log that had fallen on an incline of the ground. She pushed the dirt behind her. Already a good crease was seen under the log. Scarlett was pleased and dug on. Her mind was fully focussed on the job she had given herself.

RE: Den Building - Sen - December 11, 2014

The leaves of the aspen trees had turned bright with Autumn, and many had fallen as Winter came to visit. Some still clung to the branches, their fragile forms dancing along with each and every breeze that went by. The trees were all too familiar to her, having been born and grown near a small grove of aspen trees. They'd always held a strange beauty about them, one that seemed to never falter even as they were stripped of their leaves. With the lack of foliage overhead, no shadows were produced to engulf her agile form. This left her just walking, her head up high as she looked around at the baring trees, and listening to the occasional crunch of a leaf beneath her paws. It was, all in all, a peaceful trip for her, leaving the raven-coated woman with the opportunity to relax and not act so serious. Rare as the event was, she did enjoy times like this, finding it nice to be able to get away from her own arrogance and seriousness for a bit. Her peace was short lived, though, as her ears perked to catch a strange sound.

Sen sauntered towards the sound, her body still relaxed. Drawing closer, she saw what, to her, was a strange sight. There, in the dirt, was a pale lupine digging. It was a bit off, in her opinion, as she'd never actually seen a light coated wolf dirty their pristine furs. They always seemed to take care of it, and practically worship it in some cases. This wasn't the case for Scarlett, as the sooty female would later learn. "Have you lost something?" she inquired, staying a distance away in case the other wolf was of an aggressive nature. "Something like your mind, perhaps?"

RE: Den Building - Scarlett - December 11, 2014

I just realized your other wolf is Kove. Hi again! XD

A light rain began driving down through the naked trees. The grey clouds that had harvested before now let out their sadness in a light tickle. Scarlett wasn't bothered by it and her thick coat. The white female didn't even notice actually. Her previous white coat was now smudged with the dark brown of the dirt. She didn't really mind. Her paws were working feverishly to make her den. She was already that far that her butt was sticking out.

She banged her head when she heard someone talk. The she-wolf backed out of what was suppose to be her den and turned to the voice that had spoken. She tipped her head in an adorable manner for a moment. Her eyes curiously watching the she-wolf with complete opposite looks. Her nose caught a whiff of a familiar scent, realizing that the female was her pack mate. Scarlett's tail wagged. "Oh hello! No I haven't lost anything actually. I am making myself a den," she spoke proudly towards the dark female.

The dirty white wolf shook out her fur briefly as the rain was still drizzling down. Why would she say something like that? Scarlett wasn't sure what to think of her now. "I know you are in my pack since you smell of it. But I am afraid I don't know your name! I am Scarlett. Nice to meet you," she politely returned.

RE: Den Building - Sen - December 11, 2014

I was going to mention something about that in my last post, but ended up not. xD Hello, again! :3
Poor Scarlett... gets treated kindly by Kove, then meets Sen and her, uh, unpleasant way of speaking.

The space above her eyes knitted together for a second, giving off a slightly confused look. She had a tendency to forget that most wolves actually made their own dens, because she moved around too much for that. Her place of rest could range anywhere from a small cave to an abandoned den, but whatever the case, the things was there already. Sen had first believed this she-wolf to be a bit insane, just digging in the dirt for no reason, but now she didn't. Her mind recognized the snowy female's actions as being natural, rather than the antics of a deranged lupine. Even with that questioned answered, the darkened lady gave no other, kinder form of greeting.

When the time of introductions came around, she debated on whether or not she should answer. This albino, Scarlett, seemed to be kind enough, but the vibe Sen got off of her didn't invoke fondness. The air around her seemed to be nearly the complete opposite of the one that formed a cloak around herself. Kindness, romanticism, cheer... It was nearly enough to make the darker lupine gag, but she stopped herself. Despite the things she disliked, the pasty wolf did possess something that enticed her interests—those crimson eyes. If her appearance had lacked those orbs, Sen would have turned tail and left the second the other started to show a bit of niceness.

"Name's Sen," she answered, but only after wasting a minute or two in order to decide whether she really wanted to answer or not. "I'd be lying if I said the pleasure was all mine." She couldn't get through the second part without allowing her famous grin to spread across her maw. Her body still relaxed, holding no hostility, but that never stopped her from speaking to others the way in which she did.

RE: Den Building - Scarlett - December 11, 2014

Hahaha. No worries. Hai hai! <3 Oh yes poor baby. All she wants is a warm home and cuddles. xD

The pale female didn't wait around for the other to answer. She rather wanted her den finished so she could curl up after a hard day of work. Maybe she could expand it later when she had her perfect mate and cute pups. A dreamy sigh left her lips. One day. She would fight to get one. Pretty and little Scarlett looked all nice and fluffy but she had her moments when her bucket of tolerance just tilted over. She could only endure something for so long.

Just like what happened when she left her family. It was a reckless and uncontrolled move. She had been acting out on her emotions. Scarlett wouldn't turn aggressive but she could be very unpredictable at the times. Plus Scarlett was definitely sure that if someone would hurt her future mate and litter that she would turn into a murder machine. Often before dozing of to sleep she had these pictures in her mind. Images of her heroically saving her family and killing all the evil.

That sounded so much like a fairytale. Maybe she was a bit of a dreamer. She stopped digging when the female replied. "That is not a very nice thing to say," she pointed out with a frown. Because of the dirt her frown looked deeper than it was. "But I guess that there is nothing I can do about that...," she added. Her red eyes looked at the dark female across from her. "You know... One day...," she spoke thoughtfully. "One day you will need help and even though you might not like me or you haven't been nice to me at all. I would still help you if you like it or not. I grew up with wolves who hated me and I would still save their lives if I could."

Scarlett had a very good reason for that. A reason she kept for herself. Like nothing happened before her tail wagged gently again. She was back to being one ball of fluff and sunshine. "I'm going to work on my den now, okay? Then you won't be bothered by me." And I won't be bothered by you, she thought. Scarlett would never say that out loud. It wasn't that she was fearful of what the other might do. It was more that she didn't want to spread more negativity in this conversation.

RE: Den Building - Sen - December 12, 2014

When the albino stopped digging, the female's grin faltered for a second, but was soon spreading from ear to ear as she spoke. The she-wolf was much more like a cunning vixen than anything else, as could be seen in the way she acted. Why she spoke in the manner she did, not even she had a real answer for it. "No one ever said I was nice," Sen pointed out, her head bobbing in a small nod when the following words were spoken. She found wolves like Scarlett to be rather annoying and a pain, but on rare occasions, she thought them to be a bit interesting and amusing. She hadn't yet decided what she thought about the one before her, but her mind soon fell on an answer as more words continued to leave her maw.

"You sound so sure that I'll need your help someday, but how can you be so sure? Maybe you will be the one to need my help?" No emotions could be pulled from her words, leaving them sounding a bit dry. The raven wolf was pushing herself to play with the one whose coat matched a swan, but the game she was playing was far from one considered to be fun. Well, for others it wasn't, but it often left Sen laughing for days on end. She ignored the fact that the lupine clearly wanted to continue working on her den, and even pretended as if she hadn't heard that she was going to do just that. "If they hated you and ever needed help, why not just let them die?" It was clear in the way she said it that it was a question, but their wasn't the slightest hint of curiosity in her voice. "Be a lot easier than having to deal with whatever shit they put you through."

RE: Den Building - Scarlett - December 13, 2014

The albino looked at the black female once again. The digging stopped once more. "That is why I stated that there is nothing I can do about it,' she replied simply. Her head tipping a bit. Scarlett shook the dirt out of her fur. "You are in a pack for a reason. Otherwise you would be a lone wolf. I'm in your pack and packets are there for each other. Of course I expect you to help me if I am in need of help," The pale female retorted. Her tail made a bit of a sweep before she returned to her digging again. It looked a bit more aggressive, what kind of aggression housed in the female, which was close to none. She was getting annoyed. Scarlett acted all like she was sweet as pie and like she was pooping rainbows but nothing was less true. The female could only endure so much before she would snap. It didn't often happen. Sen was getting more and more on her nerves.

Scarlett stopped once more and then walked up the the bigger female. Not that was abnormal she was just small for her size. Her mother hadn't been keen on giving her milk. "Because then they will be in my debt," the pale female spoke. "If they die, they will be released from this world, given to the ground. But if they survive because of my being they will have to live with that guilt. Such thing is called sweet, sweet revenge," she explained, her red eyes staring into hers. Her ears fell back as she reminded her old family. She often thought about her being the one who saved them so they would feel guilt after all those years and be grateful to her.

RE: Den Building - Sen - December 13, 2014

A low chuckle made it's way out of the female's maw, amusement clear in her eyes. It wasn't everyday she had this much fun with another, and she was determined to make it last. To possibly push her over the edge even, if it came down to that. She wondered how the albino would react to something like that, but that only left her paws itching to find out. Images of possible outcomes flashed through her mind, some violent some not, but each ended with Sen walking away and cackling like a madman. "I'm sure I would never help you if you needed it, even if we are in the same pack." She'd never joined to help out other pack members in particular, but to more or less help herself. It was one of the reason she decided to travel away so often. Pack spirit was nowhere close to living within her body, but the idea of self-serving rituals was intertwined with her entire essence.

Scarlett's reasoning for why she'd help stuck a chord within the sooty female. "Now, that's sounds like a reason to like you," she stated. "Your idea of revenge is purely for yourself, making it the perfect kind." Another chuckle left her throat, amused by the idea of the smaller wolf having others in debt to her.

RE: Den Building - Scarlett - December 13, 2014

All expression fell of her face in that one moment. Scarlett was just baffled that this female would say that. The white wolf immediately considered her a bad pack mate. Why would she even be in a pack if she didn't want to help out. She knew the Glacier pack wasn't big but it seems like it was only Maera, Sen, Malachi and her. Oh wait she forgot Mae's father but she hadn't seen him yet. A very small pack indeed. Where there other pack members that hadn't shown their faces yet? She was curious now. The pale female hoped that they were nothing like Sen. Otherwise she was pack less again. Maybe she should join Kove's pack! Oh she could spend so much more time with him! The female got a bit happier with that thought. But Scarlett also didn't want to be annoying and follow Kove like a puppy. Hm.. Although she did kept it as an option in mind if things might go wrong. She wouldn't leave Mae that quickly.

Scarlett ignored the dark female because she couldn't even remotely care that she had showed a trait that was to the female's liking. She wasn't going to change herself for someone and wanting sweet revenge is something that she kept hidden away. She could prove herself in other ways than just like the misery of others. She was almost ashamed for wanting revenge. Her paws beat the earth away with each go, getting deeper and deeper into the ground.

Scarlett being 'mean'. I'm laughing.

RE: Den Building - Sen - December 13, 2014

Even Scarlett's way of being 'mean' is nice.
Sen better watch out though, or that hole that is meant to be a den might just become her grave.

Not liking being ignored, all signs of twisted humor dropped from her features. The amusement that had swirled in her amber pools was long gone, replaced only by a steady glare. Even as a little whelp, so small and full of an incurable disease of darkness, she'd despised being ignored. It was disrespectful, a sign that you saw no worth in what the other had to say, making the action seem like a crime to the borderline narcissist. A low growl started to build within her throat, her head lowering while her amber orbs seemed to be attached to the digging lupine. "Ignoring the words of another is such a discourteous thing to do," Sen stated, doing her best to keep her voice low, yet still calm. The growl had died out as quickly as it'd grown, not even sticking around long enough to accompany her words. Words that seemed hypocritical when coming from her mouth.

She'd always been so rude and cold, cocky and sarcastic, but ignoring someone entirely seemed far worse to her than how she came off to others. It was true, she'd admit, that she would often find herself ignoring certain things, but never the entirety of one's words. Doing that was unfathomable, even to her. What had come over the albino to make her do such a thing was unknown to the ebony lupine, who was one unable to see her own faults no matter how clear they were.

RE: Den Building - Scarlett - December 14, 2014

Scarlett would neverrrrr.. haha. XD

Scarlett was still ignoring the female. The pale wolf had now found what made the black one tick. At first the roles seemed reversed. Sen sounded like she wanted her to be riled up yet now moments later it was Sen who was getting more angered. A hint of a smile turned on her muzzle which the other couldn't see since she had her head in the ground. Scarlett backed out of the hole in the ground. "Oh sorry were you talking?," she spoke on her sweetest voice. Her tail let out an almost annoying friendly flicker.

"This den is already filtering out most of the noise plus adding my concentration I missed what you said," she added. Scarlett's red eyes had a bit of a flicker in them. "I'm going to continue now." The dirty white got back into her unfinished den. Her back legs kicking away more sand which, unfortunately for Scarlett, landed against Sen. The lighter female really didn't know, she was continuing her den as she said she would. The roots from all the small trees around them would hold her den perfectly!

RE: Den Building - Sen - December 15, 2014

Her maw had opened instantly, a retort to the albino's reasoning already trying to leave her throat, but was quickly cut off. Seeing the sand coming towards her, she quickly shut her mouth and went to move away, but had been too late. The messy substance hit her chest, some making it's way up to her throat. The words that had started to form where replaced by a low growl. She gave a quick shake of herself, attempting to rid her coat of as much sand as she could. Some continued to cling to her fur, making a scowl engrave itself into her features.

"Watch where you're tossing that shit!" Sen stated coldly, taking a single step towards Scarlett. Her jaws snapped shut threateningly, though she held no intentions of actually attacking—yet, anyways.

RE: Den Building - Scarlett - December 15, 2014

The lighter female really didn't had a clue she was hitting her packmate with dirt. Once she heard the growl and a hint of her words, she female inched back. Her red eyes fell onto Sen who was shaking out her fur. Scarlett's ears fell back. "Then don't stand behind a digging wolf," she spoke. You imbecile of a wolf, she added in thought and almost rolled her eyes. She looked at the female with long sigh. She didn't understand that if the she-wolf disliked her why she would stay around. Was there an underlining message that the dark wolf was lonely? Wanting someone to chat? Sen and her weren't going to be friends, she could tell everyone that. If only the girl could also leave her alone. "Don't you have someone else to bother?"

I have nothing more to add actually :3 So you can end it unless you still want to discuss something with these two.

RE: Den Building - Sen - December 17, 2014

I don't have anything that I think would work as a discussion between these two, so ending would be best. :3 In the end, Sen didn't end up buried away somewhere, so that's a plus, at least. xD

Blatantly ignoring the lupine's comment on standing behind a digging wolf, Sen didn't speak for a few seconds. Ignoring someone entirely was, strange enough, new to her. She wasn't so sure of it, but found the motion to be a bit delightful. Hearing the other's voice once more, Sen allowed a large breath of air to pass out through her nostrils, a minor defensive look weaseling it's way into her bright orbs. "I have plenty of others to bother," she started, lying right away. Truth be told, the obsidian female didn't know of anyone else she could bother, and then not end up having any flesh torn for it. It was like a curse; never able to settle in a single place for long, make friends, or make worthy enemies. It was a pain, to her, and rather aggravating. Still, she didn't let on to such emotions, having never been too keen on the idea of sharing 'feelings' and the likes of them. "Just thought it might be interesting to mess with an albino. You're the first one I've ever seen." The first half of her words may have been a lie, but the part of never seeing and albino was more than true.

"Best be on my way now," she continued, looking pass Scarlett and to a group of trees behind her. "Have to find someone else to bother, after all." All traces of her glare and scowl were gone, instead she held a grin within her features. It was scary, sometimes, how quickly the woman's emotions and expressions could change. Taking a few steps forward, grin seemingly out of place by the way she held herself, she only stopped once more when nearly right beside the albino and her den. "Wish I could say it was fun, but you ended up being similar to other lupines. Such a shame." She waited a few seconds, listening closely for any signs of a retort. Not giving anymore time for one to form, let alone leave the other's mouth, Sen was off. Her legs moved at a simple walk, leading away from the den and the pal creature digging it. "Hope we come across one another again sometime," she said, words dripping with sarcasm as she glanced over her shoulder to see the female one last time. A low, dry chuckle left form her maw, then she turned and continued on her way. Where she was heading next, only time would tell, as would any angry wolves she left in her wake.