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Lion Head Mesa Luxor - Printable Version

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Luxor - Rashepses - August 17, 2024

News came from Muat-riya. None could stifle Semer-wati’s joy. He poised beneath the redstone archway, watchful lion's eyes rising with the morning sun on the eastern horizon.

His four fledgling falcons would someday rule these skies.

RE: Luxor - Medusa - August 18, 2024

She knew she must make her way to Akashingo with gifts aplenty for Pharaoh and her King Consort and their children. The task was longe than anticipated for the latter two reasons, and Medusa was only disappointed she had missed the wedding to have objected so that she might have Pharaoh’s paw for herself.

But she’d been a girl then, and it’d been between Toula and Makono—it was just that Toula had stayed, and Medusa hadn’t really loved her except for all of the things the fellahin sang about her. She seemed like the nicest thing, and she probably really was in all of the places she had traveled. Medusa had yet to hear of anyone who led with such kindness, and also was truly kind themselves. 

If Medusa hadn’t known her herself, she’d think them liars. Everyone was out for something. Everything and everyone had a cost. 

Okay—maybe she was borderline still crushing on Pharaoh. But Medusa knew her place. She also knew that the rich such as Toula rarely had the opportunity to marry for love, which meant that her husband might fuck up and she might have a chance yet with her for her own sordid but sweet love affair. Now, if husband did in fact love wife—something Medusa had never seen, so didn’t believe could be—…she’d probably have to suck it up and support him.

Or poison him.

No, she couldn’t—not if Toula loved him too. See? She did care about those that had a sliver of her heart! 

Medusa arrived to Akashingo with gifts aplenty. Could Toula even see her at this point? How did giving birth work? She’d never know (jokes on her). A wave of nausea hit her at the thought. Yuuuuck.

She had to devise a way to test this new King Consort and his love. Rumor had it all men could be swayed by quite literally any woman, so… that was an option. The Hemet considered, calling for an escort of Akashingo. Behind her trailed fellahin other than the one that belonged to her family—…if she was gonna seduce the King Consort, he absolutely couldn’t see that. They carried an abundance of gifts for the royal and divine family. 

vague about things in MR!

RE: Luxor - Rashepses - August 22, 2024

ty for joining <33

It would be a farce to say that Rashepses was drawn to all women. He liked them fair; feminine and beautiful, with gentle gazes. So when he saw such a woman striding through the courtyard to their entryway, the riverking himself trailed through the passage and out onto the redstone stair to address her retinue.

He was gleaming and solid like honed obsidian as a fellahin spoke his titles into the air. The offerings and cortège meant this was a lady of status, but he ignored the abundance of gifts. His gilded look coursed only over the woman, dropping brazenly low along her curves before sweeping back up to be met by the softest sky-blue.

“You are welcomed to the land of Pharaoh and Semer-wati," his voice was considering. "Tell me your name, pale Lady.”

RE: Luxor - Medusa - August 22, 2024

But Medusa wasn’t really one who enjoyed the opposite sex beyond that one—okay, two—time(s), but Medusa also wasn’t blind. The one that came across her was more than easy on the eyes, and that was putting it lightly. While Medusa preferred blondes—strange, given her paramours—there was no disputing the arresting handsomeness that Rashepses had. 

Semer-wati, I presume? Medusa asked, bowing lowly to the earth in a way one of his grand title would appreciate. Only when granted leave to do so did Medusa rise. I am Medusa, Hemet—Pharaoh sent me to study among the priests and priestesses and I have returned to serve Her, and Her Semer-wati. I bring gifts for you both, and for your children… I have been gone long, but have never forgotten my loyalty, here she bowed again. The Gods have much love for you both. They led you to one another. They ensure you two remain upon the throne, and here, Medusa smiled pointedly. She had watched this song and dance many a time, and heard stories about it many more than that. 

I will be your prophet. I will keep you upon that throne. I will speak ill of your enemies, and sway the kingdom against them.

The power of priests and priestesses was learned within the court of Toula’s aunt. It had its limits, of course, but not when it sat alongside one in power. Which Medusa sought to do, since it could keep herself and her family safe. Her father could have himself a nice, cushy room—and she… could do something of meaning, and have some fun.

Toula was worthy of the throne, for her blood and her heart. And this was her husband… so, Medusa supposed she would believe in him too. He was a God, Toula a Goddess—and she just a being of prayer.

I am grateful to be welcomed home again, she said, that smile remaining.

RE: Luxor - Rashepses - August 31, 2024

Flattering words, perhaps only to curry favor with Pharaoh’s consort, but semer-wati was not cynical. He strode forward, dark hand gripping her own so he could press to it his kiss. In the light his eyes smoldered over her incandescent blue.

“It is my pleasure to welcome your return to Akashingo, hemet Medusa.” Two snaps of an ear and the fellahin were moving swiftly to gather up the many splendorous gifts and offerings in tow. Later, the father would delight in watching his children with their new presents.

“Come out from the heat and tell me more of your academic disciplines, hemet,” He prompted her through the mesa's grand entryway, regal steps taken close at her side.