Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek Babble back, baby bird - Printable Version

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Babble back, baby bird - Suzu - August 20, 2024

I see the accounts getting made, so I figured I’d set up a thread for them :) They are two weeks old at this point! @Caliste @Saturin @Requin @Leonore packmates and brother welcome also!

Suzu hummed to her children- incorporating the melodies that her mother sang whenever she pronounced the names of those that she loved. The melody for Etienne, the melody for Theo, the melody for Mireille and Valravn and Chani and Sobeille…Wordlessly, she hummed these short fragments of melodies, often only one or two notes, combining them into a slightly disjunct but peaceful medley. 

Her children were two weeks old, now. Suzu stretched as she sat up, the tips of her ears brushing the entwined tamarack roots that formed the roof of the den. Sunlight filtered down through them, and she tilted her head back, enjoying the dappled warmth that spread across her back.

RE: Babble back, baby bird - Saturin - August 20, 2024

Saturin's eyes had opened the day prior, and he was still adjusting to the change. At first, it'd been overwhelming, and he'd cried until big crocodile tears formed in his newly-opened eyes. He'd been soothed soon after, and, eventually, after he was calmed, he was able to observe the world with wonderment instead of fear. Through this new lense he was able to make many discoveries and explore his immediate surroundings with enthusiasm. 

Today, he smiled as he looked around the sun-dappled den from his vantage point at Suzu's side. Unlike his siblings, who wriggled about like grubs, he opted to remain next to their mother, seeing no need to move around when his eyes were already doing all the work. 

When Suzu adjusted herself and sat up, Saturin looked up at her with a concerned growl and tipped his head to the side, as though silently asking, "Whatcha doing?"

RE: Babble back, baby bird - Suzu - August 20, 2024

With a tilt of his head, one of the boys looked up at Suzu, milky blue eyes watching her, shining like little moons. The largest of all the children, Saturin was easy to identify. 

P’tit Saturin, She crooned, tilting her head in turn at him as she gave him a smile. What you be t’inkin of dis world, sweetling? It be all made for you, I promise, She said. For to her, now, the only thing that mattered were her children- and if the earth belonged to anyone, it belonged to them.

RE: Babble back, baby bird - Saturin - August 20, 2024

Saturin tipped his head back and gave Suzu a large, gummy grin as his tail began to wag. Although he didn't know what she was saying, the sound of her voice was enough to elicit all the best feelings within him. He then wanted to feel more of these warm and fuzzy emotions, and the young child reached up to her with a wobbly arm, wishing to be held.

RE: Babble back, baby bird - Caliste - August 21, 2024

lil cameo!

caliste, enjoying a sweet mothersmilk nap, her belly full and warm from her mother’s body heat and the rise in fall of her siblings’ sides pressed against her. a sleepy, squeaky yawn pushes past her lips before she scoots slightly to the left, peeping her eyes open groggily before she blinks; heavy lidded and falls back to a milk drunk slumber.

RE: Babble back, baby bird - Etienne - August 21, 2024

Etienne did what he could. He was as present as he could be for his sister and his little neices and nephews.

He joined in with Suzu on occasion with the melodies she sang. He too remembered them well.

He'd babble at the babies in creole amd French and common. Just as their mother had done. And when he was too overwhelmed with heartache he would hunt.

He had learned quickly how to traverse these pack lands. And he was trying to pull his weight. Also when he traveled to hunt. It gave him a reason to search for anselm. Who he could not find. Even Druid had not visited him since that one day and he wondered.

But today, today was a joyous day for eyes were opening.

o bondye. bèl ti bebe

RE: Babble back, baby bird - Suzu - August 22, 2024

Suzu's eyes welled with happy tears to see her son's smile, complete with toothless gums that reminded her more of a fish than a wolf. His little paw- armed with the sharpest, prickliest little needle-claws she had ever seen in her life- reached up toward her, and she lowered her muzzle to touch it with her nose, before she nuzzled him closer against her side and blew a raspberry into his chubby side. 

His siblings murmured, moved, but did not cry out; for now, she could give her son all the attention he wanted. 

She grinned at Etienne, and gestured to Saturin with a nod of her head. "Look at 'im; 'ow 'is fur lightens, but 'is face stay dark...I t'ink little Sea Lion be gonna look like you." And therefore- adorable for life.

RE: Babble back, baby bird - Leonore - August 22, 2024

Popping in quick! Hello all <3

Squished between her siblings, Leonore let out a long cry in protest. Stretching out her short limbs she wiggled about until she was comfortable, paying no mind to the others around her and falling back asleep once she was done.

It seemed as though she had learned to use her voice - whenever her muzzle opened the noise she let out was sure to reach nearby ears.

RE: Babble back, baby bird - Saturin - August 23, 2024

[Image: yes-zootopia-sloth-smile-happy-sloth-gif-14916132.gif]

As Suzu blew raspberries, his smile widened significantly, reaching its peak before he burst into laughter and squirmed with delight, relishing the attention and hoping it would continue.