Wolf RPG
Lion Head Mesa ninety-seventh - Printable Version

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ninety-seventh - Senmut - August 20, 2024

please allow @Nasima to post first! <3 aw!

now that tavina had returned to nurse @Eset, there was no need for senmut to remain where the sesh and the hemet qiao were quite apt. he would have retreated then back to the warm bower of @Nazli's healing-room, watching @Aiesha grow into an aspirant priestess, but summons came then from pharaoh and her Divine Consort. the naming-day of the children was at hand, and as High Priest, he must preside for a time.

it was bittersweet, to be parted at last from his beloved and their daughter. he charged @Medusa quite seriously with overseeing any spiritual questions which @Aiesha might ask both of the priestess and her mother. a sacredborn, she must have all thoughts nurtured.

his journey from the palace was unmarked by event, save for when he bedded down near a small oasis. it was there that he met a woman who might bring to mind another, had he ever met the first. soft-spoken and elegant, it was in their discussion that he was reminded of @Rashepses' desire for more.

for more.

he did not offer this to nasima, as he found her name to be; he told her instead of pharaoh's kind court and the riches therein, the softness of requirement, the protection of two lands.

it was agreed at very least she would meet pharaoh, and now they strode up the great red land, to the rough-hewn paths, where a servant welcomed them and called audience with royalty.

RE: ninety-seventh - Nasima - August 20, 2024

Nasima could not hide the shine of gratitude that radiated from her gaze as she cast stolen sideways glances to the man who led her. He was handsome! Particularly in a savior-like way, for the tiny waif had been swift to realize that the life of a lone wolf was certainly not suited to her.

Never having been a capable hunter not only because of her desire to never hurt another being, but also from her lack of experience, the girl had thrived only on remnants she had found along her journey, supplemented with berries.

Thinning dangerously, she had tried to maintain the pace he set, so eager to please—and far more eager to see the court of the lovely Pharaoh!

Her headache subsided as they grew closer—her aw rendering her to silence as another announced their presence.

Surely, they would hear her heart beating so wildly in her chest!

RE: ninety-seventh - Rashepses - August 21, 2024

It was only after the  procession of guardsmen and servants filed into court that Semer-wati made his entrance, striding through the assembly like obsidian silk to drape atop his gilded throne. A wave of paw dismissed all who were not high-ranked officials. His hooded gaze followed the shuffling of footsteps until the room was mostly cleared.

“Better,” the dark mouth twitched into a fanged grin, attention turning to his priest-prince. Em hotep, Erpa-ha. You have been missed in our halls." A subtle chiding, to relay Semer-wati's disfavor. A discussion for later.

"Who is this fair rose you have brought to us?” Golden eyes settled directly upon the face of the elegant stranger, then. Drinking in her beauty with a curling smile.

RE: ninety-seventh - Senmut - August 21, 2024

"i am humbled to return, Eminent semer-wati." 

pharaoh ruled akashingo, no matter how arrogant her consort or what of senmut he had already possessed. and pharaoh had dictated that he remain in muat-riya with the bride appointed him. 

predictably the man's ravenous eyes turned appreciate the desertine beauty of the small woman at his side. the scarlet prince favored her with a warm look. "nasima is her name. she has come to join the sweetened court of our pharaoh."

but when the greenstones met the pantherine purl of rashepses' gaze, the king from ta-senet would understand what a gift senmut offered on unflinching palm.

RE: ninety-seventh - Nasima - September 03, 2024

It was impossible to take everything in at once. They were whisked forward in what felt a whirlwind by not only guardsmen, but servants whom encompassed close by—Nasima’s pearlescent blue eyes blinking rapidly as her mind tried to catch up with the many new sights, the many new scents—

—and the dark and powerful shadow that strode toward them with such liquid movements that he was as graceful as sweeping water itself—and yet coiled within, he emanated the power of a waterfall—turbulent—purposeful.

She was struck.

Her eyes slanted back to Senmut before lowering—her knees shaking as she humbled herself closer to the ground—finding her throat dry, her nerves fraught. “If it would please you, Great One, I would be so grateful to serve the glorious Pharoah,” she murmured—dulcet tones lending a note of uncertainty that she even paid the proper tribute and respect through title and posture.

RE: ninety-seventh - Rashepses - September 08, 2024

He watched the way her eyes lowered, the way she went still and attentive in her kneel, voice soft and floating from the foot of his throne.

Beside her, the holy man’s gift was plain and semer-wati would prize him for it– later.

“Peace has held in Akashingo since our reign,” he praises of their illustrious kingdom which needed no elaborate coloring. “My wife grants a choice to her people. In what capacity will you fulfill your service, Nasima?”

Arching his head, the vivid yellow of the king’s irises traced freely down her narrow coy-features, though he was not averse. Canines glinted in a lazy grin.

RE: ninety-seventh - Senmut - September 08, 2024

sen can be skipped! <3

that handsome darkness fastened itself in exquisite poise to the delicate beauty of nasima. already she was ensorceled by him, though watching their interlude brought him to mind of pharaoh, laid now in childbed.

this was the way of things. even he had taken his own companions. would he have surrendered them, had the Divine Falcon chosen him to roost at her side?

my wife, rashepses said! not pharaoh! not her titles.

but the prince knew he could not have put any one of those faces aside.

and so senmut passed no more judgement; he backed noiselessly until he stood with spine to the far wall, scarlet skin melding with crimson stone. a piece of furniture, to be used, to be dismissed, to be —

mounted, the high priest supposed, face flaring to life with that same admix of shame and adoration he felt at these recollections.

RE: ninety-seventh - Nasima - September 08, 2024

She could scarcely look up—the moment truly dizzying as her nerves frayed. Was that appreciation that lingered in his eyes—or the imagination of a woman who was thin from malnourishment and placed within walls of indulgence her mind could not even fathom to create? Her father had taught her to remain demure in such moments, and so, she held back from seeking his gaze.

She could feel the presence and scent of Senmut linger further—felt the hesitant itch of fur at his sudden absence from her presence, but she trained herself still—tongue smoothing over her lips as she considered the gilded man’s words—honeyed with his pride and love for his wife.

“I am afraid I would be a disservice to you with any means of battle or hunt,” she began, swallowing the quaver that threatened her soft vocals. “I am apt at caring for others. In particularly, children—and am more than willing to learn of other aspects needed to maintain such a glorious kingdom, Great One.”

RE: ninety-seventh - Rashepses - September 16, 2024

ACK so sorry to hold this one up!

His eyes rested firmly on her downturned face, haughtiness dancing there.

“Rise, Nasima,” he bid, seeking the coolness of her topaz eyes, “you will be appointed as the governess to four Godlings. Two princes and two princesses. At one month old they are quite a pawful. Though given your expertise, it is a suitable match.” Another studying look, one that lingered on the pleasing softness between Nasima's thighs.

“The Erpa-ha will escort you to your quarters,” he motions for Senmut, praise growing upon Semer-wati’s face but which would also be formally commended that evening.